Okay this is the sequel to Yin & Yang


Her pale eyes watched the liquid flames of hot water lick wildly across the bottom of the cool bathtub. She sighed as her thoughts trailed to the dark figure that she believed to not exist. "I can't believe I was asleep so many times...all with dreams about him..."she made small circles with her cold fingers in the now cooling water, "But Sakura-san said he really did exist, they all said that... Okay, I'll keep my decision that he never existed." She bent over and turned the water off. She sighed as she let the silk robe drop down her shoulders; she tested the water with her small foot. She naturally withdrew but slipped into the steaming water anyways.

tap tap tap


"Hinata-sama, I'm going out for food...you want anything?"


"Well what do you want?"

"Surprise me."

Neji made a noise like a frustrated growl. "Well what did you eat with Sasuke, when he was around?"


"Come on Hinata, he was real." he heard her shift in the water.

"No, he doesn't and besides the guy that was in my dreams never had a name...and now I don't want any food." Neji sighed as he left saying something similar to fine.


Hinata wondered what was taking Neji so long...the water was now noticeably cooler. Hinata let her face slip below the water;she watched the blurry world above. She thought she heard someone enter so she sat up, "Neji-san?"



"You know Sasuke-kun misses you."

"What...w-who are you?"

"He talks about you everyday, he said how pretty you were. Now I see he was right." Hinata realizing what he was talking about quickly covered herself.

"Don't worry I didn't look, but hurry up and put a towel on. You're coming with me. You'll be a...a present to Sasuke-kun. Oh and my name is Kabuto."

" I-I'm not coming."

"Oh really," Hinata felt a kunai against her throat, "well I could just bring you to Sasuke-kun dead..."

"O-okay, I-I'll come."

"Good girl." he removed the kunai. Hinata stood up wraped a towel around herself. She slowly followed him out.


Hinata walked behind the man who called himself Kabuto. She jumped to attention when he spoke,"We'll be there in a sec,yeah" Hinata thought about what was going on. And she came to a conculsion: it was a trap. She decided that she would run whenever he went to open the door. They came up on a large mansion. "This is where Lord Oeochimaru-sama resides." She nodded.

She watched as he slowly reached for the door...he made contact with the door; she started running. Much to her dismay Kabuto already had a hold of her wrist. "Well, well planing to run are we." Kabuto tightened his grip on her arm. He began dragging her though the erie and dark hallways. He was beginning to get irritated, because through fighting to make him let go of her, she had rubbed her wrist and his hand raw.

He was getting ready to hit her but they came before Orochimaru's door. Kabuto pulled Hinata in the door, "Orochimaru-sama this Sasuke-kun's...present."

Orochimaru nodded, " Very well then, she is quite pretty. Take her to Sasuke's room, he should be getting there now." Kabuto nodded as he began dragging Hinata through the hallways once more.


They stopped in front of a door that said: One hell of a security device enclosed. Hinata giggled as the message and then began hitting Kabuto's arm again.

tap tap tap



"I have a," CHOMP, "AHHH!!!"

Sasuke quirked an eyebrow up, "Kabuto why are you yelling"

After shaking his hand madly in the air replied, " I have you a present...apparentaly one that bites.

"Present? Kabuto you had better not have got me a puupy."

Kabuto sighed, "No, you should like this better than a puppy." Kabuto opened the door and shoved Hinata in.

Sasuke turned around, "H-H-Hinata-chan..."


Okay so I really hope you liked this Chapter,. PLEASE LEAVE REVIEWS!!!!!!!!!