A/N-I haven't really seen the animae, just read the manga so I may miss some of the finer points, but enjoy anyway!

Kish stared miserably at his hands. So here was Earth again. He'd returned. Returned over three years later.

Every night Ichigo had haunted his dreams. He suspected that Tart had his own reasons for insisting on joining Kish on the trip, reasons names 'Pudding.' He regretted letting Tart come. Kish just wanted to sink into his thoughts, but the little brat was annoying him too much for that to happen.

"Well are you going to halt the ship or what? I don't want to teleport to the wrong place or anything. Imagine, ending up in say Africa, or on the moon, or—"

"Shut up midget," Kish snapped. "We're not close enough to the planet to stop. And why are you so anxious to get there? I thought you only hitchhiked along for the candy."

Tart blinked. "But it's very good candy," the younger alien explained, as though that made all the sense in the world.

Kish growled a curse under his breath and turned back to the view screen. "Oh crap it, fu-" he halted the ship dangerously close to the planet, then turned back to his annoying underling of a companion. "Fears of landing off target is it? How sad. You're twelve you idiot, you've been teleporting for years. You're too old to materialize off target in any circumstances."

If Tart replied Kish didn't hear, for he had teleported down to Earth.