Okay, I just decided that OOC will also be used for making fun of other Inuyasha fanfics, mwahahha! And I'm planning an OOC series for other abused animes like Naruto, FMA, Kingdom Hearts...etc...so...I'll start that next chapter, for now more Inuyasha craziness!!!


"That was mean, Kagome!!!" Inuyasha wailed, crying a waterfall of tears. Sesshomaru sat next to his brother...er...sister, nodding his head. They both had large bumps on their head.

Kagome twitched angrily, an angry anime vein pulsing on her head. "Why can't you act like you normally do, you fools!!!"

"Because the author obviously wants us to act Out of Character as a humorous parody of the Inuyasha fanfiction section." Sesshomaru and Inuyasha both recited with matching million dollar smiles. The fangirls of the world all went "KYAAAH!!!!" especially at Sesshy-sama, because he rarely smiles.

"That...aw, screw it!!!" Kagome grabbed Inuyasha's Tetseiga (probably spelled wrong) and pulled it from its old sheath, somehow making it transform. Inuyasha's eyes widened as she held it up in the air in triumph. "Ah! My sword!!!"

"Fight each other, now! Or else!" She threatened with an evil glare. The two dog demons squeaked in the same shrill voice and leapt to their feet, facing each other in unsure battle stances.

"Prepare to...uh...be...defeated! Yeah..." Inuyasha yelled unsurely, stealing a glance at the Inuyasha script. "Oh, and uh...Feh!"

"Ha, as if I'll be beaten by half demon scum." Sesshomaru replied smugly. "No offense." He added hastily as Inuyasha started crying again. "It's still very offensive!!!!" Inuyasha cried.

"Dammit, you guys!!!!" Kagome shrieked angrily.

"R-right!" Sesshomaru snapped to attention and bared his claws. "Let's fight!"

"Indubitaly!!" Inuyasha charged up to Sesshomaru, flashing out his manicured purple claws, "Iron Reaver, Soul Stealer!"

"Baka." Lord Fluffy stepped to the side. Inuyasha tripped over a rock and was sent face forward into the ground. The both of them blinked and sweatdrop as Inuyasha sat up, his eyes watering as he held his throbbing nose. "Waaaaaaah!!!!" Inuyasha bawled.

"Oh! Dammit, I'm sorry, Inu-chan!!!" Sesshomaru quickly said, rushing to Inuyasha's side. He knelt next to her...him and pulled his hands away from his face. "Where does it hurt?"

"M-m-ma noooose!!!!" Inuyasha continued to wail. Sesshomaru gently kissed Inuyasha's nose and cuddled with his younger brother. "All better?"

Inuyasha sniffled, mustering up a small, adorable smile. "A wittle..."

"How come I don't get any love?!?!" Kagome suddenly wailed, crying the Niagra. "It's not fair, no one ever pays attention to me, and I'm the main character!!" She stomped her foot and ran away crying.

"Wait! Kagome!" Inuyasha yelled, reaching out to her. She continued running away, dissapearing into the forest. "You think she'll be alright?" He asked his older brother.

Sesshy-sama shrugged. "Who knows?" The sounds of a massacre came from the forest, along with angry shrieks that could only be from Kagome. The both of them sweatdropped. "Scary..."

Miroku suddenly popped into the scene, with an unconsious Sango slung over his shoulder. He fixed his tie and stared at the two. "Did we miss anything?" He wondered aloud.

"Only like, one and a half chapters." Inuyasha answered with a smirk.



