Looking around her, she could see his family enjoying the party. His cousins were getting increasingly drunk as the evening went on. Some hid it better than others, especially around Hiashi. Tenten didn't have that luck. She'd never been able to hold it together. And tonight she couldn't afford not to.

Not with Neji watching her every move, just waiting to prove her infidelity. But their friends couldn't see any of that. Every time Neji and Tenten laughed glanced at each other, they would smile like it was the most adorable thing in the world.


She looked up at Lee standing beside her. He seemed tired, the exuberance from an hour before washed out into airy melancholy. She noticed him at the punch bowl earlier, and he was fine then. Then it hit her. Taking a gander at what had possibly transpired, she sniffed the air.

"Lee?" she asked him timidly, as if it were a question of guilt. "You're drunk?"

Without missing a beat, "I think so."

Tenten wanted to kiss him. Right here, right in front of her boyfriend, for everybody to see.

She wanted to ram her tounge down his throat, and take his hand and run away with him forever to the ends of the earth until they fell off completely.

Then she wanted to come back and tell Neji he was right, if only to make him tear his hair out.

"I'm going to get some punch."