Barbie Dolls and Strawberry Jam

"You can be Ken," said Pansy as she pointed to a vapidly smiling doll on the lawn of the miniature house.

"Pansy," said Lucius sternly. "I will not play dolls with you."

"But Uncle Lucius, someone needs to be Ken! And Draco is not here, so it has to be you!"

"Narcissa will return momentarily," Lucius replied, "and she will play with you then."

Pansy's lip wibbled, and she took a deep breath as though ready to cry out. Lucius reconsidered, as he had no desire to deal with a crying girl. He forced himself the play nicely with Pansy, who held "Barbie" in her hand. After a while, Pansy grew bored, and Lucius started to curse Narcissa taking so long. She had taken Pansy for the week while the Parkinsons were on holiday, but had not made sure her schedule was entirely clear. This left Lucius and the house elves to watch Pansy. After the first few days the elves would not go near the girl (no matter how much he threatened them), so today he was in charge of playtime.

If only his father could see him now, playing dolls with a little girl. Correction, they were no longer playing dolls, they were organising a tea party. Apparently Pansy had tired of dolls. He conjured a standard tea arrangement and dutifully served the increasingly temperamental child.

"This tea is divine," said Pansy, and Lucius was amused that she managed to sound so much like her mother in one sentence.

"It is," agreed Lucius, hiding his smile as he drank. Pansy picked up a random pastry and bit into it. A second later, she spat it back out.

"What is this?" she yelled, throwing the pastry away from her. Unfortunately, away from her meant toward Lucius, and his surprise at the girl's sudden nasty temper prevented him from moving away in time. With pastry crumbs in his formerly immaculate hair, he demanded an explanation.

Fearfully, Pansy explained that, "it's just—it had strawberry jam on it, Uncle Lucius. I like blueberry."

"Blueberry," repeated Lucius, trying not to curse the child who was now, of course, crying. Just then Narcissa walked into the room, looking freshly manicured and immensely curious. Pansy, still upset, ran to her. Narcissa took one look at the scene—Lucius' stained hair, the upset tea service, the dolls scattered about the room—and burst into laughter.

A/N: This was written for pigwidgeon37 as part of the Cat's Birthday HP Drabblethon IV. My prompt was "Lucius Malfoy and Pansy Parkinson, Barbie dolls and strawberry jam."