An: Hope you enjoy it! I'm really, really, really, really, sorry I haven't updated in a while but schools have been switched in the middle of the year and I'm kinda failing math and barely passing English. Gah! I'm drowning in the move! Ever since we came here I've been overwhelmed…but who wants to hear about that? Enjoy!

Joralie growled at Arya and Eragon, his unseeing eyes watching them. Cyril laughed at them and pulled Joralie's head away from them.

"Relax." She said out loud. "They're my friends."

"For you, hatchling."
"Don't be so cruel!"

"You are a hatchling…to me."


"There are dragons in the sky. They are suspicious."

"Relax. They are his and his." Cyril explained, pointing in their general direction. Joralie snorted and moved making room for the other two to land. They nodded to each other and kept a respective distance.

"So…shall we go?" Eragon asked. Keeping a close eye on Joralie.

"Please." Cyril answered. "Trust him…you trust me."

"That's different. You're human."

"Oh please! Let's not dwell on this! Murtagh's dying if you hadn't noticed! I'd like to fix that!"

"Don't fight you two. Let's go." Arya muttered. Cyril spurred Tornac, suddenly leaving them behind. Joralie and Thorn took off after them but Eragon lingered behind.

"If she wants a race than so be it!" Eragon spurred Snowfire and raced forward.


The changer paced from the wall and back again. Now that the group had three dragons they were dead. He changed forms constantly, confusing his mind. He didn't want to be a changer. His lord had forcefully changed him. He punched the wall with his Urgal fist and the wall splintered. He growled as he turned his hand over and saw the blood drip down his knuckles…He punched the wall repeatedly till his hand was numb. He took his original human form and walked to the throne. As he opened the door he saw his lord sneer at him. His skin was pail and stretched thin across his face.

"My…lord? Are you okay?"

"Do I look okay?!" The lord yelled.


"Lyvin…Go and bring me…food…pain."

"Yes my lord."

"An elf…please…A human at the least…"

"Yes my lord…" Lyvin said, bowing as he shut the door.


Cyril laid Murtagh out on the ground and put her ear to his chest. His heart beat was still there, but his breathing was pained and struggled. Eragon walked into the clearing with an armful of wood and laid it out for a fire. Saphira ambled closer to him and blew fire onto the sticks. Thorn and Joralie returned and with claws full of fresh meat for dinner.

"Joralie seems to have adapted to the other dragons presence's well." Eragon mused.

"He doesn't like them much…He's only doing it for me." Cyril told him. Murtagh stirred and coughed. Although his eyelids were closed his eyes danced beneath them.


The dark blanket choked the breath out of him. His breath came in short, pain gasps. He took a shallow breath and embraced the inedible. He cried inside as he thought of leaving Cyril, but living was too painful. Suddenly the heaviness was gone and he sucked in the deepest breath he ever had in his life. He sighed and cried harder.


Eragon walked into the small room and smiled softly. His eyelids dropped and there were large circles under his eyes. The doctor walked in and looked worriedly at Eragon.

"From the looks of you I'd say your beat. You can rest here…if you desire." The doctor whispered.

"Nah. I can handle it." Eragon yawned. "But what you're about to see must remain a secret. No matter the circumstance."

"Of course." The doctor smiled. Eragon muttered under his breath and Cyril suddenly stood and walked out of the room. Eragon smiled and walked after her. Lyvin shed his uncomfortable disguise. He grinned and walked out of the hut. He knew where they were.


Cyril groaned woke up to a nasty smell. She blinked around and shot up. The dingy room smelled deeply of rotten eggs and the walls were cover in black splotches. She looked towards the grimy window and heard breathing. She got up and found her way to the door. She had to go see Murtagh. She kept her hand firmly placed along the wall as she walked to the front desk. She halted when she heard raspy breath coming from the door.

"Ah…A woman. Just what I want!' The drunken man laughed slurring his words. Cyril kept her relaxed form and simply stood a distance away. "Come here my lovely. I will attend to you in a few minutes…"

"No thanks." Cyril calmly. Taking a deep breath. "Can you tell me how to get to the nearby clinic?"

"You look healthy…hick…Why you go there?"

"It's my friend. I need to check on him."

"Please…hick…Don't play games with me!" He growled as he came out from behind the table. Cyril tensed when she heard his footsteps come closer. He stopped in front of her and reached his hand out. Cyril lashed out at him and his hand was flung away.

"Don't you dare!" Cyril growled, Her eyes shooting flames. The man advanced again and she growled. "Don't you dare!"

"You're a woman! You have no say!"

"I will kill you!" Cyril yelled. There was a rush of wind and the roof collapsed. Joralie landed and swept her into his claws and took off.

"Hey!" Cyril yelled a Joralie. "Put me down! I could've finished that myself!"

"I'm sure you could've, but there is a plot!" Joralie yelled back. Cyril cringed and tried to swing onto Joralie's back. He clenched his claws tighter and flew away from the town.

"Joralie! What's going on?!"

"Plot…plot to kill…"

"JORALIE! What the hell is going on!"

"I took him. Eragon has the fake…I took him…I have him… had to rescue you."

"What fake?" Cyril asked, as Joralie landed.

"Lyvin, the changer. Has taken Murtagh's form I have taken the real one."

"Is he okay? Where is he?"

"He is here. He's been restless." Joralie answered, the panic in his voice leaving.

Cyril stood up and brushed her legs off. She walked over to Murtagh's body. He rolled over and……


Eragon beat down the hall to the loud crash and watched Joralie fly away with Cyril in his claws. Eragon swore under his breath and looked at the damage. He grabbed Arya and raced out to the street. They turned a sharp corner and raced into the doctor's office. He swooped up Murtagh and raced to the gate. The gate men glowered at their desperate need to get out so early in the morning. The raised the gate and they raced out. Snow fire and Tornac raced away.

"Little one!" Saphira cried, panic thick in her voice. "What has happened!"

"Joralie has taken Cyril and demolished the inn! Where is he?"

"I don't know. He left early this morning…Said something was wrong. We haven't seen him since."

"We have to find them!"

Arya twisted in Snowfire's saddle to look at Eragon. She sighed and turned around, noticing the blank stare in his eyes.

"Eragon…What has happened?" Arya asked as Eragon slowed the horses.

"Joralie took Cyril. Saphira said that he was saying something about terrible things were happening. I don't really know." Eragon sighed and he veered the horses to stop behind a small wooded area. Saphira and Thorn landed and hunkered down. Eragon swung Murtagh off the back of Tornac and laid him on the ground. He was pleased to see that Murtagh's eyes no longer danced about und his eyelids. His breathing was normal and he seemed un harmed. Eragon tapped him and shook him, praying he'd wake up. Murtagh groaned and his eyes opened.

"Wh…whats going on?" Murtagh asked trying to sit up. Eragon pushed him back down.

"Joralie has taken Cyril. We don't know where they went."

"Huh? Who Are you?" Murtagh asked his look blank. "Speaking of that…who am I? You seem to know me."

"Eragon…" Arya asked her eyes diverted from Murtagh. "I think we have problem…


Lyvin tossed Cyril into his lord's chamber. His lord snorted and growled. His disapproval evident.

"You bring me her?!"

"I had no choice. The elf and rider are smarter than I expected…But you'll never guess…"
"Guess what?" The lord growled, growing more angry.

"She's a rider."

"Then they will come after her. Get the troops ready!"


Cyril held in her tears as Lyvin tied her hands behind her back. She sobbed and a tear trickled down her cheek. Lyvin looked up from his work, his expression softened.

"Don't cry." Lyvin sighed, brushing away the tear.

"What is going on?"

"All will be revealed in due time, Cyril. I promise." Lyvin said, finishing the knot. He gagged her and walked out of the room. The door gave a click and Cyril was alone once more.

An: Hope you liked all the suspense. Accepting ideas.