The Holy Smirk.
By Zess

Summery: Roxas and Axel have been flittering through people's minds for over three centuries now, stuck in a sort of warped immortality, searching for each other. If they find one another again, they can be together, but only if their host body's kiss. The clocks ticking down though, because every time they jump from host to host, they lose just a little bit of life, so this is their last chance. But the miracle of all miracles happens and they find each other! . . . Only to have their host bodies absolutely hate one another!

Other Stuff: Yaoi, AU, AkuRoku, Riora, Rated M for appearances, Language, I'm sure there will be angst in here some where. Maybe some other pairings if requested. And I don't own any rights to anything but this story.

Time: Why not today?
Place: South-Outland Bastion Institute. Not to be confused with North-Outland Oblivion Boys Seminary. I.e. - COLLEGE!

- the class sweetheart and school hero (at North-Outland Oblivion Boys Seminary) Known for his all-star swimming abilities, and over-reactive nature, and obvious hate for Riku.
Riku- school badass though class hero (at South-Outland Bastion Institute) He is also known for his swimming abilities. Basically, The badass Jock and all of the stereotypes that go with. He is best known for pulling pranks, and his rivalry with Sora.
Axel- demented pyro who is looking for his long lost love, Roxas, so that they can live together as people again. Known for his catch phrases, obsession with fire, obsession with Roxas, and his chakram abilities.
Roxas- sarcastic punk who is also searching for his long lost love, Axel, so that they can live (yadda yadda yadda.) Known for his temper, his sarcasm, and his blunt nature. Plus he kicks ass.
- One of Riku's minions. Enjoys making small things suffer, and (besides Riku) hates the opposite sex. With a passion. Enjoys tormenting Sora almost as much as Riku does, and very rarely says anything more than a few syllables.
Hayner- Sora's best friend and confidant. Also attends North-Outland Oblivion Boys Seminary. Is currently dating Selphie.
Selphie- Hayner's girlfriend and a well known Riku fan-girl, who (unbeknownst to Riku) supplies Hayner and therefore Sora on Riku whereabouts and secrets. Attends South-Outland Bastion Institute.
Olette- Selphie's best friend and confidant and they are only seen apart when Selphie is with Hayner. Because of this, she has also become a Riku undercover agent. She is very quick with math, and loves English. Attends South-Outland Bastion Institute.
Pence- A computer genius, Pence has a major crush on Olette. Even though they attend different schools, Pence always finds a way to follow her around. Attends North-Outland Oblivion Boys Seminary.
Larxene- Dean of SOB Institute, currently sleeping with Riku's dad.
Xemnas- Riku's father and currently sleeping with Larxene. Loves terrorizing small things, and wants his son to be recognized as the best, no matter the cost.
Axel's best friend, boyfriend to Zexion. Part of the Castle XIII Guard Squads. Fights with a sitar shaped battle axe.
Zexion- One of Axel/Roxas's friends, boyfriend to Demyx. Part of the Castle XIII Guard Squads. Is in charge of battle strategy.
Marluxia- Another of Axel/Roxas's friend. Part of the Castle XIII Guard. Messenger.
Saïx- Captain of the Castle XIII Guard Defense squad. Fights with an odd shaped tri-sword.
Xigbar- Captain of the Castle XIII Guard Offense squad Fights with a sniper sword.
Xaldin- Captain of the Castle XIII Guard Recovery squad. Fights with multiple lances
Luxord- Chief Commander of the Castle XIII Guard. Controls Time.


This is normal font
This is thinking font
'This is Roxas/Axel speaking font'
"This is Riku mind-speaking font" notice the TWO quotation marks.
"This is everyone else speaking font"

A/N: Okay, so I'm going to give huge awesome bonus points to all of my reviewers of chapter 6/7 because I didn't do it last chapter. This chapter is dedicated to you guys!

Problems Beyond Issues,
Setsuna Kurosaki,
L'ange D'air,
Chaos Harbor,

You guys rock, along with all my other readers and reviewers!! Don't forget; feel free to ask for a one shot of any kind!

As for this chapter. . . It's happy! Yay! For the past two chapters it's been all angst ridden and dramatic. This will have that too but then . . . well you'll see!! The format is the same is always, so nothing new or spectacular there. More people added to the character list, which should be a big spoiler XD.

Hm, lots of AkuRoku in this chapter, because this story is really all about them, so woot!

Uh, also, the reason this took me so long to update is because instead of three more short VERY chapters, I've combined everything into one very awesome long chapter. So this is it folks. I hope that this chapter answers any or all questions that you might have had throughout the story. Please enjoy.

Chapter Eight-

Dear Diary: I Think I've Found The One



I called for him for what must have been the twentieth time, but once more there was no reply. He had had silent spells before, but this was . . . different. I couldn't feel him; that slight tingling in the back of my mind telling me that he was there. That, reassuring warmth that had become a part of me. Had he really left? I just couldn't believe it.

'You have no idea what's it's like to be this alone, and having your one chance ripped away from you by someone who's too worried about their own stuff to give a shit.'

"But I do care . . . you just don't understand. . ."

I sighed. I don't really know who or what I was talking to. Maybe I was just talking to convince myself that Roxas was still here, and was just pouting somewhere in the back of my mind.

'Be a fucking selfish child, I'm leaving.'

Is that what I really am? Just a selfish child? Have I been just fooling myself this whole time?

"Sora, please, let me kiss you."

Shivers erupted all over my body at just the memory of his hot eyes and his soft touch. When I looked into his eyes at that moment, he wasn't some cheater to me. He wasn't a liar or someone to hate, he was the guy who . . . had my heart?

"Gah!" I cried out and collapsed onto my bed, holding my head in my hands. Why does love have to be so complicated? I want nothing more then to go about my life as a normal kid, and never have to feel this gut wrenching pain ever again. I love him, I accept that now, but that doesn't mean I have to like him!

He may. . . Riku may have the ability to turn me into Jell-o with just one look but that doesn't mean I'll ever be able to forgive him. I don't think I'll ever be able to forget the pain that he caused me. Why did this have to happen? I was going along just fine before without all of these stupid emotions confusing me all the time. . .

"Com'on Roxas, stop playing games," I muttered, wanting to talk to somebody, anybody other then to think these thoughts. But Roxas wasn't here, or he wasn't answering, and all I could do was think.

No. No. . . . I can't keep lying to myself this way. I'm not happy with the way things are. I want to have someone to love, and I want someone to love me, and I want that someone to be Riku, but how? I'll never be able to get over what he did. . .

I really didn't give him a chance did I? Was that what Roxas meant? Was I really the one to blame?

No! He was the one that cheated; he was the one that lied to me! All I did was love him!

But. . . Did I really? Was that all I did? That night at the gym I had never really given him the chance to explain, I hadn't really wanted him to. If he explained it all away, that would mean that I would have to unwrap myself from my security blanket and maybe, actually try and love someone for real. I would have to trust someone else, and put my heart on the line.

Had I really loved him as completely as I said? No, I don't think I had. I mean, my heart had loved him completely, but I had never put any faith in him. I had always kept that opinion of middle-school Riku, who was always just going to torment me and use me in some way.

But it happened, so why am I not justified?!

Maybe. . . Maybe if I had trusted him more, and told him how I felt more often things would have gone the right way. Had he thought that I wasn't really into the relationship? I had always been worried about how he thought about me that I had never really given consideration on how he was feeling.

Was this all just some horrible mistake?

If it was, then these past years alone have all been for nothing. If it was, then I. . . Then I. . . Then I can love Riku again. I jumped off my bed and pulled on some clothes, not really caring which. I grabbed my keys off of my dresser and paused before exiting the room.

"Roxas?" But still there was no answer. Maybe, maybe when I saw Riku he'd come back from where-ever inside my mind he is, and talk to me again. I wasn't going to apologize to him. Not yet. First I needed answers, from Riku. I need to know what really happened that night at the dance, or I'm never going to be able to move on with my life.

Riku. . .Some insane part of me just wanted all of this to end.


Dear Mental Diary, I think this is the end for me. Am I a quitter for not being able to live life this way anymore? Please don't think that about me. All I want is to love, and to live my life with the one I love. Since I can no longer have the one I love, there really isn't a reason for me to live. Axel. . . Please forgive me for just giving up, but I can't go on knowing we were . . . we were so close, and you're gone from me again. I just can' handle losing you twice. I really hope that you understand. I want nothing more then to see your face again, to be in your arms again, but it's just not going to happen, and I have to accept that. Maybe one day, we'll find each other somewhere new, and we can start all over again. If that happens, I hope you'll remember me, and I hope you'll love me the same way that I love you now. I became somebody through loving you, a real person, and now that you're gone for good, what reason do I have to stay?

I can't really hold on to this pitiful existence anymore. I look through his eyes, and it's so beautiful it makes me want to cry, but then I realize that it will never be within my grasp. All I can do is sit and look through some one else's eyes and I'll never be whole again. I am not a quitter, but I refuse to be some ghost anymore. I have loved, as few people will ever love, and I have lost. For me, it's better to remember the good things, and just let go.

I'm sorry Axel, but. . . Goodbye.


Roxas. Roxas was gone? He was just here; he was! Where is Roxas? Why . . . why aren't we together now? Wasn't, wasn't that the deal? He was here and I was here and we kissed, so we should be together now right? Right!? No, it's not right, because we never kissed. I felt him in my arms, I felt him. I was alive for a few moments, and then it was ripped from me. Why? Why, why, why?!

'You asshole! Why didn't you kiss him!?' I shouted to Riku. He had been here, Roxas had been here, and now he was gone!

I could contain my rage no longer. I was fed up with life, fed up with the world always working against me. And whether or not it was actually Riku's fault, I would blame him, because I needed a scapegoat, I needed someone to pin this on. So once more I plugged into his mind, and electrified for all that I was worth.

He howled in pain, but didn't double over. I felt all of his muscles tighten. He was digging bloody holes into his palms because his hands were clenched so.

"I've told you I couldn't just kiss him!" He retorted through gritted teeth.

And I guess I wasn't the only one that had had enough of this mess, because in the next moment he was pummeling himself in the stomach, hard. Since I was plugged into his nerves I felt its full force and if I had breath it would have been knocked out of me.

'You could have just kissed him! There's no law anywhere that says stealing a kiss is illegal!' I shouted back at him. My mind was getting cloudy in a mix of anger and pain. I was not about to give up so easy. I wasn't about to let anyone get away with this.


"Like I give a shit about the law. You don't understand he hates me!"


'I wouldn't care if he thought you were the worst person on the face of this planet, it was. . . It was Roxas. Roxas.'

His face flashed into my mind harsh and unforgiving. His blonde spikes were blowing slightly in the wind, his beautiful lips hidden behind his hand, his eyes crinkled at the sides as he smiled in that mysterious way of his. Those eyes had held me captive so many times before, had burned with passion and love. Would I never be able to see those eyes again?

"Roxas. . ." I whispered harshly. 'ROXAS!'


I collapsed onto my dorm room floor, and covered my face with my hands. Teardrops made there way through my slightly parted fingers. If I could say they were not my own I would, but that was not the case. Perhaps some of the fat teardrops were Axels, but I could not be sure. My limbs hurt, my nerves shot, and my head was pounding, but none of it compared to the ache in my chest. I could hear Axel's own sobs echoing inside my mind, as I cried.

"Do you, do you think you're the only one that's hurting?" I managed. "Do you think you're the only one who wishes with every single cell in their body that things had turned out different? Well your not! Sora. . . Sora's always been the one I've loved, no matter what I've done or said, it's always been him. But no matter what I do now, he'll never forgive me for the past. He never even gave me a chance. . ."

There was nothing really more to say, and the air was only filled with our sobs as they died down to hiccups, and then soft sniffles. I have no idea how Axel could cry, or what he had to sniffle, but perhaps crying isn't just to action, and maybe his pain was just that great.

I grabbed a nearby dirty shirt and dried my face on it. Lying on the floor, I cuddled into the carpet, as if it could give me some sort of comfort.

"I'm sorry," I whispered to him, and I meant it. "I'd do anything I could to kiss Sora, I really would, but I don't ever think I could force that on him. My heart just . . . just wouldn't let me. I know it will never happen in a million years but, in my dreams, I want it to be because he wants to, not because I've surprised him or whatever."

As the old shag carpeting tickled my nose I gave a cold, emotionless smile.

"Love sucks."


I gave a long drawn out sigh.


I wasn't really mad at Riku, because he was going through the same thing I was, if not quite the same circumstances. He just wanted to be with Sora, and to love him. I could understand that. What I couldn't understand was why the couple was apart? I had seen them both together yesterday, the way they had both responded to each other's touch. It didn't seem like unrequited love to me.

'Why, why aren't you guys together?'

He laughed humorlessly, and I stared up at the stucco ceiling as he rolled onto his back.

"I cheated on him."

I nodded, in my own ghostly way, and sighed again. Just because I wasn't mad at Riku didn't mean it felt like my heart was breaking any less. I still had this horrible pain in the place where my chest would be. It really felt like the world was crumbling around me, but I wasn't going to give up. Not after being so close. Roxas. . .

'I know that,' I replied. 'But why aren't you guys together now?'

He sighed, and closed his once again watery eyes. His hand moved, to rub the spot on his chest right above his heart as if it hurt as mine did.

"I-I don't really know," he whispered. "He won't forgive me, and I never have any chance to explain."

I did the best I could to be sympathetic, I really did, but my hopes and dreams were riding on this, and I had never been good at handling these types of situations.

'So you boned some girl and now you're afraid to talk to him about it 'because you don't want to be rejected again?'

His whole body stiffened in offense. "I am not afraid! Besides, he rejected me yesterday, and I haven't fallen to pieces."

'You cried.' I pointed out quietly.

His body stiffened even more, to the point where I was worried he was going to sprain something. I could hear his teeth grinding against each other and his eyes had almost crossed. Then suddenly all of the strength and resilience just left his body in a whoosh. He lay motionless for a few moments and I was kind of worried when he opened his eyes again, and I once more stared at the ceiling.

"Is that really it? Have I just been scared?"

I shrugged my ghostlike shoulders. 'I don't know, I'm not your conscience, but isn't that why you cheated on him in the first place?'

He blew one stray hair out of his face and then patted it back into place with his fingers.

"Yeah. . ."

We lay in silence after I tried my very best not to think of anything. Because when I thought, I thought about Roxas. And when I thought about Roxas it hurt way more then anything had ever hurt in a long time.


I stopped halfway to SOB Institute, and stood under a shop awning. I had made up my mind, and no matter what, no matter what happened between Riku and me, I would put it behind me, and find a way to fix this animosity between the two of us. I wouldn't let things keep going on this way, whether he loved me or not. If nothing else, we could at least be friends.

It had been steadily drizzling since I had left my dorm, and I was a little cold. But that wasn't really the issue, what was wrong was this desolate emptiness that was filling my mind.

"Roxas?" I whispered, but still there was no answer.

I was beginning to become afraid. He had said that he was leaving, but I hadn't really taken him seriously. I mean, if he leaves my body without kissing Axel, that means he'll die right? He wouldn't do that would he? My arms began to shake, and it wasn't because I was cold. He wouldn't leave, he wouldn't give up, that isn't the Roxas that I had come to know.

"Roxas?" I asked a little more desperate this time.

But once again there was no answer. Had he really left? My heart was filled with dread and I started walking again towards Riku's school.

"Roxas answer me!" I screamed as I increased my pace, but still no reply. "Roxas please answer me!"

There was nothing. Had I done this? Had I left my own stupid emotions get in the way of not only seeing the truth, but helping a friend? If Roxas had . . . if he. . .

I broke out into a dead run.


"What should I do?" I asked softly, breaking the silence.

I felt the wiggling in my head that I had come to define as being Axel's way of shrugging.

'Why don't you just talk to him?'

I snorted. "He'll never listen to me."

'Then if you say the wrong thing, no one's any worse.' He chuckled, though it was kind of pathetic. Boy, he was really hurting. I don't think I could ever understand that kind of pain, because the situation is so far out of my reality that nothing in my life could ever compare. I had to talk to Sora, if for no one else's sake but for Axel's. I wasn't going to give up, not until I knew with all absolute certainty, that I had done everything I possibly could.

I jumped up from the floor and stuffed myself into a hoodie saying "SOB" in bright green letters.

"Okay, let's go! I'm not going to quit this easy!"

I could hear the hope in his voice when he shouted 'YEAH!' and I swore right there that I wouldn't let him down. I flung the door open and flew out of my dorm and outside into the rain.


The rain had picked up, and I ran as hard as I have ever run in my life. Everything was a blur as I passed it, smeared out by the dark rain and by my own helpless tears. I passed by a hooded person, almost crashing into them, but I had no time to apologize. Roxas. . . Roxas where are you? Please answer me!

I flung the doors to the dorms open and ran inside, my wet sneakers making loud squeaking noises against the old linoleum. I hoped that this school didn't have an ugly cop too, because I'd be damned if I had to wait outside to dry off. Standing out in the rain to get dry because I was too wet to come inside, yeah that would be just peachy.

Doubling over to catch my breath I pounded frantically on Riku's door, my arms stretched above my head.

"RIKU!" I shouted to the thick white door, the quaint number nailed down swinging back and forth with each of my forceful knocks. "Riku open the door! Riku!"

I slid down to my knees, my forehead resting against the door, large tears dripping down my face. "Riku. . ." I whispered, but there was no sound around me. This was all my fault. Had I managed to lose the man that I love and a friend I cared about who depended on me? Please . . . this can't be happening. I closed my mind, and willed all of this awful stuff to just go away, but when I opened my eyes I was still kneeling on the disgusting fake tile with my head pressed against a door.

"Riku," I whispered again. "Roxas. . ." but no one answered me.


I pulled my hood up to cover myself from the rain when I was almost knocked over by a brunette blur. A hot insult was quick to my lips when my eyes caught sight of the retreating backside. Hey! It's not my fault I've memorized the sight of Sora's butt.

'Was that…?'


And he was running for my dorm? Hope sprung in my chest and I tried to calm myself down as I made my way quickly back into the dorm building. I didn't want to get my hopes up too high. All I wanted to was to explain things, and maybe. . .

I saw Sora almost lying in front of my room, his head pressed against the door. His shoulders were shaking in erratic movements though his hair covered my view of his eyes. Was he, crying?

"Sora?" I called out, unable to keep the touch of concern from entering my voice. What was he doing here anyways?

His head jerked up and our eyes clashed, his stark and pained, as my own wide and shocked.

"Ri . . . ku?" he whispered and I jerked my head in an up and down motion that I tried to pass off as a nod. What was he doing here?

"Riku!" He cried, and before I knew what was going on he had jumped up and ran at me . . . straight into my arms.

"Sora?" I choked out, my arms hanging limply at my sides. I was in complete and total shock. Was this for real? What was going on here?

Sora wrapped his arms around my waist and held me tight, and I felt him tremble against me. I couldn't help but pull him closer, wrapping my arms around his small shoulders, and lay my cheek against the top of his head. Was this really happening? Was Sora really in my arms of his own will?

"Sora?" I tried again. "Sora, what's going on?"


Things looked like they were looking up for the two embracing lovers, and I was happy, but something wasn't right here. Where was. . . Roxas. Terror raced through my faux body. Where was Roxas, and why couldn't I feel him this time? Why couldn't I sense him with our hosts this close? What had happened to Roxas?!

'Riku! What has he done to Roxas?!'


When I saw Riku, it felt like salvation. All of the memories were forgotten in the feel of his arms, the comfort and security. None of the past mattered anymore, because I knew, I really knew and believed that as long as I had Riku, we could make it through anything.

But he hurt you. . . That little devastating voice said in the back of my mind. But this time, it had no power over me. I believed in our love now, and was willing to completely trust him. Please oh God don't let it be too late!


'Riku! What has he done with Roxas?!'

I jerked my head back from Sora's, back into reality, at the absolute fear I heard in Axel's voice. I shook the soft brunette I held in my arms.

"Sora? Axel wants to know where Roxas is."

Sora looked up at me in his big expressive blue eyes and broke into another round of tears.

"Roxas! He, he got so angry at me from yesterday when I-I couldn't kiss you and he said so many mean things, but it was all true, and he just. . . He said that he was leaving Riku! He said that he was going away and I haven't been able to talk to him all day, and it feels so empty inside Riku, I don't know where he is or what to do, Riku please. . ."

The plea held such compassion and so much need, and yet there was nothing I could do. I had no ideas; I really knew nothing about this sort of thing. I could feel Axel trembling inside my mind, and Sora had once again buried his head into my chest. As much as I loved knowing that somehow, all of the past was behind us, I still felt an imposing dread. What could I do? Axel was making strange whimpering noises, and he was offering no advice. I had to do something but what could I. . .

"Kiss me!" I shouted suddenly, and Sora looked up at me startled.

"Kiss me," I repeated again. "Come on Sora I-"

But I was silenced by soft innocent lips. Sora had leaned up on his toes, his hands braced on my shoulders. There were so many emotions that rushed through my body in that tiny chaste kiss. Love, relief, adoration, anxiety. I wrapped my arms around Sora again and lifted him against me, my lips claiming his for my own. I slipped my tongue along his lower lip, teasing and relishing in his sweet taste. When his lips parted slowly I groaned deep in my throat and pulled us tighter together, melding our bodies as one. He began rubbing his small hands against the back of my neck, and it made me shiver.

Was this working? Was this what Axel had needed to find his love again? Would this really find Roxas? Was this even real? How. . . How was Sora mine again?

I moaned softly as Sora bit my lower lip gently. This was torture. I had so many questions, but this felt too much like heaven to stop this incredible kiss. And then suddenly I felt a strange tingling spreading through my body in electric waves. Sora pulled back eyes wide, and I knew he was feeling this too.

'Thank you. . .'

Axel's voice sounded far away, and calm. I looked away from Sora's eyes at a soft flash of light, and for a moment I saw a shape of a tall lithe form, outlined in shimmering light. He had a quirky grin and his eyes held an excited mischief. His long fingers raised and he waved back at Sora and me before running after a retreating back of a shorter spiky haired male. After only another split second more, and they were both gone.

"Goodbye. . . Axel."

Sora looked up at me, and I felt my heart clench. Was he only here for Roxas's sake?


There was an apprehension running through my blood that I hadn't felt before as I looked up into Riku's amazing green eyes. This had to be perfect, this-

"I love you!" I blurted out, totally not the way I had planned, and I clapped my hands over my big mouth. If I hadn't known that Roxas was already gone I would have been sure I had been his doing.

Riku's eyes went wide, and I was scared out of my mind. This wasn't what he wanted . . . he was only kissing me for Axel's benefit, or perhaps Roxas's. He didn't really-

"I love you too Sora, I always have. I was just too scared to admit it." He whispered, looking deep into my eyes.

With that look, I knew that he wasn't lying. There was an intense passion burning in those eyes that I loved most, and I knew then that it was a passion only for me. He loved me, and I loved him, and suddenly everything just became so simple. The past didn't matter anymore, now was all that mattered. I had him, and explanations could come later.

"Kiss me," I whispered. Not waiting for a response I rose on my toes and stole my arms around his neck, pressing my lips roughly to his. This time I claimed him, my tongue pushing its way into his mouth and curling around his own. I ran my fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck and tugged gently, basking in his soft groan.

"Sora. . ." He whispered against my lips. He tried to pull away, and I knew he wanted to talk, but I needed this. I needed to feel the passion that we both shared, I needed a reassurance that this was all real, that I wasn't just dreaming.

"Riku, please." I didn't know exactly what I was asking for, or perhaps I didn't know the boundaries of where my plea ended, but he seemed to understand anyways. With one fast movement he swept me up into his arms and made his way back towards his dorm room. A quick fiddling with the lock and he shoved the door open with his foot. Instead of being set down on my feet on the floor as I was expecting, he lay me down upon his soft comforter on the bed, and rested himself above me on his elbows.

Our lips met once more, and now the passion had turned more desperate. I was clumsy with my shaking hands, and he seemed nervous too, but no matter what he did it was incredible, and judging by his moans I wasn't too far off the mark either. In the darkness of his dorm room I shouted his name, and together we were able to find perfection.


"Sora?" I whispered into the calm silence. I rolled onto my side to cup his face in my hands. His eyes fluttered open and I felt that clenching in my chest that I always felt whenever he looked deep into my eyes like that. It felt like he was melding our souls together.

"I've always loved you Riku," he confessed softly.

My eyes turned watery and I blinked rapidly to keep them from spilling onto the face beneath mine. "I've loved you too Sora. Everything that happened before, it was all because I was so afraid that you would leave. I was too scared that I would never be good enough for you that I found myself just giving up. And when I had finally figured out the truth, it was already too late. I'm sorry. . . So sorry."

He reached up and smiled at me. It wasn't any smile either; it was one of Sora's smiles. They're the kind of smiles that can light up a whole room, and turn my insides to butter.

"I forgive you. Besides, from the beginning I didn't trust you. If I had, and if I had told you that I did, maybe things would have turned out better." He leaned up and placed a butterfly kiss to my bare chest and I bit my lip to stifle a shiver. "Besides, we have each other now, and that's all that matters."

It was that complete honesty that our relationship had lacked before. This time, it would be different. Now, we understood each other, and we both knew exactly how devastating it was to live apart. I lay down next to him again, and pulled him into my arms. We laid like that for a long time, and I would have been content to stay this way forever.

"Do you think they're okay?" Sora asked suddenly.

I didn't have to bother asking, I knew exactly who he was talking about, Axel and Roxas. Placing a soft kiss on his forehead I settled us more comfortably in my bed, and pulled a coverlet over us.

"Yeah," I whispered back, looking at the sleepy brunette in my arms. "They've got each other."


I don't know what happened, one moment I'm taking a breath and about to die by final transposing, and then next I'm being thrust into this dark tunnel like place, and I just know that something is chasing after me. I run and run and run, towards what I hope is the opening at the other end, and then suddenly I'm just. . .


He pulled back after a moment, and I found myself staring into the bright green eyes of Axel, who was breathing heavy. "Rox, I love you. No matter what happens out there, I'll never leave you. I promise."

"A-Axel?" My voice sounded rusty and harsh, as if I hadn't used it in a while.

"Of course it's me, who-"

And then his eyes lost focus, his whole body becoming limp. This was Axel's body, this exact scene the same as before we had both died, down to the very last link in our hastily created chain mail. I struggled to hold him up and then suddenly, he righted himself. I looked up to meet the same green eyes as only a moment before, though these eyes held a sort of hopelessly lost look that I recognized all too well. When his gaze locked onto my own his eyes got wide.

"R-R-Roxas?" He stuttered over his own misused tongue, and had to clear his throat. "Is it really. . .?"

"Did we really. . .?"


I was crushed in a tight embrace that I had been missing for so long. I wrapped my arms tightly around his waist, and buried my head in his chest. Oh God, if this is a dream, I don't ever want to wake up. Please, don't let this be some kind of cruel joke.

"Axel, I love you," I gasped out against his chest, my tears drenching his shirt. His long fingers that I adored found their way under my chin and tilted my head up to meet one of his sweet kisses. In that soft kiss I found that which no words could ever describe completely. Love, passion, adoration, trust, and an undying bond between us. This was real, and I had Axel back, for good this time.

When our kiss had ended I pulled back slightly, looking up into his smiling face. "How…?"

He scratched his head in a sort of confused fashion, and I had to smile. He was just way too cute not to in that pose.

"I don't really know," He replied honestly. "One moment I was inside Riku, and the next I was here."

"I thought-I thought that they had to kiss?"

My anger at Sora resurfaced, and now that I had hands I wanted to strangle the little brunette for almost costing me this, for taking away the only thing I ever really wanted in life. Axel. . .

"Sora did it. He was worried about you Rox, and he kissed Riku. I think that everything is going to be okay between those two."

So many things crossed through my mind. I wanted to tear the little brat to shreds, and yet I wanted to hug him and see his smile again and have him laugh and tell me all about one of his ridiculous plans. Oh, pah! I was supposed to be hating him, but. . . had he really gone after Riku for me? Well, of course it had been for him too but, he had tried? I couldn't be mad at him if he really had. And the fact that Axel and I were together was proof of it.

"I'm going to miss them. . ." I confessed softly.

Axel nodded and pulled me close again, nuzzling his cheek against the top of my head. "Yeah, me too. Rox, I'm so glad. . . I've missed you so much you don't even know."

I laughed softly, "Oh I know. And I missed you too."

He leaned down, and I leaned up, and our lips were just about to touch when. . .

"Oh dear, I hope I'm not interrupting."


Dear Diary,

We're back! We're back and we're together, and alive. I have my own body back! I can feel and touch and taste and move on my own again! This is amazing! And above all of that, I have Roxas again.

I pulled him to me and rested my cheek against his soft hair, relishing in each touch, his soft scent, the very sound of his breathing. "Rox. . . I'm so glad, I've missed you so much you don't even know."

He laughed, and it was the sweetest sound that I have ever heard. "Oh I know. And I missed you too."

We were so close, and we were together, and I needed to kiss him. I needed to seal that everlasting bond that we had together. It was only natural that I lean down, gathering him into my arms, our lips so close. I tilted my head and was about to kiss him when. . .

"Oh dear, I hope I'm not interrupting."

We both turned in shock to stare at none other than Luxord, the Chief Commander of the Castle XIII Guard. He was standing on the side of the small room opposite the door. I may be a bit rusty from being stuck in someone else's body for a few centuries, but I knew my reflexes and observational skills weren't bad enough to allow someone into the room without noticing. Just because Roxas was now mine again, didn't mean I was about to lose him to some surprise attack. And what was worse was this was the Chief Commander, the big wig, the leader of all of the Guard Squads. What was he doing here? Roxas I guess had the same question because he stepped out boldly and asked it straight out.

"What are you doing here?"

There was an edge to his voice, and I quickly pulled him back next to me. Luxord was reputed to have a short fuse, and I would not lose Roxas again, not to something this stupid. When my hands found his shoulders, I realized that my small blonde counterpart was shaking. I see, so he smelled that awful fishy smell that I did too. He was right to be upset, something was going on here that it wasn't meant to.

Luxord just chuckled at Roxas's question, and I moved slowly into a fighter's stance. If I had to protect Roxas, I better be prepared. Roxas seemed to get the hint and moved, his hands finding the hilts of his two key shaped blades, belted to each side of his narrow hips. The tall almost white haired man had moved to occupy the only chair in the room. He took much time in settling himself comfortably. I noticed that he didn't have a weapon on him anywhere that I could see. What was going on. And then he looked directly into my eyes, and seemed to grip my mind with a force unseen.

"I hope you lads enjoyed your trip."

I couldn't move under his gaze, could barely breathe. What was going on here? And then he released me from his invisible hold, and actually smiled. That smile was both warm and chilling at the same time. Wait, trip?

"What trip? We haven't gone anywhere!" I spat at him. I knew he was the Chief Commander, and I was in no position to speak to him in such a way, but something just wasn't right here! Roxas grabbed my hand and gave it a little reassuring squeeze. That soft touch put all of my anxieties at ease. We had made it through worse, we could make it through whatever game this man was playing.

"The trip into the future of course. I'm surprised really, I never expected you two to actually find each other."

We both froze. He. . . he knew? How could he know? None of this was making any sense. But Roxas looked white as a sheet and he raised a shaky hand to point directly at Luxord's chest.

"It was you! It was your voice I heard. You-You did this? Why, why would you do that to anyone? Why did you do that to us?!"

He was shouting, and I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him flush against me. Whether it was to restrain him, or because I needed the comfort, I'll never know. I was seriously contemplating bolting out the door with Roxas in my arms, but Luxord gave a long drawn out sigh.

"I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt you-"

"Well it did!" Roxas shouted, and I felt his anger. Were we just some kind of ridiculous experiment to this guy? What right did he have to go messing with people's lives like this? "You have no idea what we've been through!"

The Chief Commander actually hung his head. "Again, I'm sorry, but it was needed."

"Needed? How dare-"

But I clamped a hand over Roxas's mouth to silence him. I wanted some answered and I wanted them now. Rox shot daggers in my direction with his eyes and I smiled apologetically. I needed to know what was going on. He slumped his shoulders and closed his mouth. Is it bad that I was getting hard under such a dire circumstance just from feeling his mouth on my fingers? Of course not, right? Totally natural.

"Why?" I asked softly. "Why did you do this?"

Luxord looked into my eyes again, but this time there was no pressure, no control behind his gaze, only remorse.

"Because we are all going to die otherwise."


"Because we are all going to die otherwise."

Even though I had silently agreed to keep, well, silent, I stepped forward in a huff. "Don't give us that bullshit! I want to know why!"

This time Axel didn't silence me, only squeezed my shoulder. I had no idea how much I had missed those small touches that we shared between us. There was so much about him that I had forgotten, and I never wanted to do that ever again. To lose Axel was to lose everything.

Luxord looked me in the eye and I felt a shiver run down my spine. As much as his appearance was in a sort of unthreatening stance, in that look I realized the immenseness of his powers, and why everyone allowed this guy to be Chief Commander. He was scary.

"You two were really the only option I had left. You see, I have an ability to control time to an extent, there are many limitations and rules that I must follow, but this is not the place for idle conversation. I knew when those heartless lowlifes attacked the Castle that we stood no chance. They had taken us completely by surprise, though we didn't tell you subordinates. You were the only ones with wills strong enough to keep going throughout time, where others would have given up. Essentially, you two are our last hope."

I tried to digest this information when something sunk in. "Wait. . . we are? As in present tense?"

"Look around you Roxas, don't you know where you are?" Asked Axel suddenly. "This is right before Marluxia came and told us about Zex and Dem."

It was true that I had noticed our surroundings, and our dress, but I hadn't known exactly when this was. My eyes got wide. "You want us to do something on such a short time? What do you expect us to do!?"

Luxord ignored my question. "Zexion has been feeding information to the heartless for some time now, in return for Demyx's continued safety, but as you know, any moment now Demyx will be captured, and Zexion will go after him. But with Zexion's information our enemy knows all of our ins and outs. We need a plan that they will never see coming, and that is why I sent you. You two must come up with something, or history will repeat itself, and we will all end up just as it was before."

The image of Axel standing in front of me, a giant mace sunk deep into his skin flashed into my mind. I would not allow that to happen again. I would not have gone through the hell of the past years, just to have it happen again. I would not lose Axel!

But really. . . what could I do? I had been trained to fight here, all of the battle strategies that I knew came from Zexion, and so those heartless pricks would know them too. Were we doomed to let history repeat itself?

Wait. . . There is. . .

I met Axel's gaze, and an almost electric charge passed between us. So he had been thinking the same thing huh? Maybe, just maybe this could work.

"Luxord, we've got a pl-"

But Luxord was gone. The door flew open and Marluxia thrust himself into the room.

"They already breached the front walls Roxas!"


So this was how it was going to go down? One last fight to see if we could really keep this happiness that we had just been recently given. I'd be damned if I'd ever lose Roxas again. This had better work. . . otherwise. . . I wouldn't dare think of the otherwise. It was going to work, there would be no way that the enemy could know anything about this kind of attack.

Marluxia turned to face me, his eyes pained. "They took Demyx hostage, and Zexion after him. No one has heard from them since. Axel you've got to do something, you know Zexion isn't that great of a fighter. Please, you two, save them. I'm not supposed to tell you this stuff but they are our friends! We have to do something."

I looked at Roxas, and he grabbed my hand. We nodded in sync. Right.

I grabbed a quill and a long piece of parchment from the small table, scribbling on it as I spoke quickly. "Marluxia, we need these things, please, find as many as you can and get as many people as you can. We're going to go talk to the captains."

Roxas was already at the door, his blades in his hands. "Come on, lets go."

I thrust the parchment into Marluxia's hands and he looked at me in confusion. "What is all of this?"

"Just get it! We don't have any time left for talk," commanded Roxas, and out the door he ran.

Damn, he was hot giving orders. I put that thought in the back of my mind, and ran after my counterpart's retreating form. We wove through the intricate maze of the castle, up and down in misdirecting hallways.

"If I remember right, it must have taken us at least an hour to work our way through all of those heartless drones last time. We better not waste much more time then that, or who knows what they'll do to Dem and Zexion." Roxas panted out to me as we ran, and I nodded.

"Okay. Let's do this!"

We made it to the inner sanctum in no time, and stopped in front of the large steel double doors that were the entrance to The Hall of Empty Melodies, the Captain's hall. Two guards stepped to bar our path.

"I don't have time for nobodies like you!" Roxas shouted, and made quick work out of them. Seriously, rawr, he was damn sexy.

"Kiss me!" I screamed in girlish plea, and tried to pin him against a wall.

"Weirdo, no time!" He said fiercely, but he still placed a quick chaste kiss on my lips.

I grabbed his hand, and he squeezed my fingers as we pushed in the two metal doors, stepping into the quiet hall.


I wasted no time, though there were a few indignant squawks from the few captains occupying the room.

"What are you twerps doing here?!"

"Quiet!" I shouted in complete bravado. In reality I was shaking in my boots. It would be far too easy for them to just cut me down, but I had to do this. We needed their help. I felt Axel's reassuring presence next to me, and my nerves calmed a little.

"What the hell is-"

"I said quiet! We have a plan, and if you all want to make it out of here alive, you better listen up!" I shouted again.

A mountain of a man bearing an eye-patch threw back his chair as he stood, and it took all of my willpower not to back up a few steps. I recognized him as Xigbar, Captain of the Castle XIII Offensive Squad.

"Why you little-"

"Quiet." The one word stopped Xigbar in his tracks. It was softly spoken, but deadly in intent. It clearly said "If you disobey me, I will rip out your heart and shove it up your ass." I turned to see Luxord sitting at the very back of the room, in a tall chair that was almost kingly, if it wasn't made out of chipped wood. With that one word he commanded attention from all in the room. His eyes sparkled, and I thought I saw a hint of a smile, when he met my gaze. But the smile was gone the moment he turned to look at the three captains seated in the room.

"I think we should listen to the boys." Though the statement sounded like an opinion, it was most definitely a command. Xigbar huffed, but didn't dare go against the Chief Commander. He stalked back to his chair and I tightened my hold on Axel's hand. This may be our plan, but I was out of bravado. I couldn't talk without stuttering now, and we couldn't show any weakness here. He nodded, and cleared his throat.

"This is our plan. . ."


"My God, those heatless scum will never suspect this!" Shouted Xigbar. It had taken only moments into my explanation until he had sunk his teeth into our meaty plan.

"It certainly is unique." A hint of laughter accompanied the breathy voice belonging to Saïx, the Captain of Castle XIII Defensive Squad.

"What say you, Xaldin?" murmured Luxord to the until now silent third captain. Xaldin, Captain of Castle XIII Recovery Squad.

"We go."

Well gee, I was expecting much more of a fight then this. Not like we didn't have a huge battle up ahead, but I had expected more. . resistance? Oh well, better not to look a gift horse in the mouth, or so they say. The three captains, once receiving a nod from Luxord, rose and left, leaving scurrying subordinates in their wake. I smiled down at Roxas, and he smiled back at me.

"We did it," I whispered.

"Together." He replied, the love shining in my eyes reflected from his own.

We were about to leave the large room to head to the rendezvous point when Luxord stood, commanding our attention.

"Thank you." He said solemnly.

Roxas looked equally somber. "Don't thank us yet."


We were running to the rendezvous point, just outside the camp where everything had fallen apart before. This was getting a little too similar before for my liking. Would our outlandish plan really work?

"Axel?" I whispered, looking to the sprinting male next to me. His hair was flying back behind him, over the Sitar that was slung over his back for Demyx, and I vowed then and there that, if we lived, the first thing I would do was to bury my fingers in that hair. God, two centuries is hard on a guys libido.

"Yeah?" He slowed a little to look over at me, though we were still running.

"Do you think this is going to work?"

"Yes," he replied instantly and I was shocked by his absolute sureness. "Because I will not lose you again."

I nodded feeling much more certain now. This had to work, I would make it work, because I would never spend any more time away from Axel. I had gone through hell and back and I would never let anything get between us again.

We skidded to a halt when we met the sight of an army. Before it had been just Axel and myself fighting the heartless assholes, but now. . . It looked like everyone that had not been previously injured was here from the Castle XIII Guards. It hit me then, the real extent of this mission. If it failed, all of these people, along with Axel and I, would die. This wasn't just some stupid dream, or something that we had to wrap up in order to move on, this was a fight for our lives. For all of our lives. This was no joke, it was life or death.

Marluxia ran over when he caught sight of us, and he looked worn down.

"Is everything ready?" I asked softly, the severity of the situation weighing me down.

"Everything and everyone, exactly as you said." He too was quiet, his eyes bloodshot and hazed.

Axel rested his hand on Marluxia's shoulders. "They'll be fine Marx. We're going to get them out."

I left the scene to find Luxord and the three Captains. "Everything's ready for your command," I announced when I came upon the scene.

Luxord raised his white eyebrows at me. "This is your plan Roxas, yours and Axel's, it's up to you two." The three captains nodded in agreement.

I gulped. Was this for real? They were expecting me to be able to pull this off by myself? I wasn't a leader, I'm not someone who can handle all of this. I just. . .

"We can do this." Axel whispered softly into my ear, wrapping his arms around me. How did he always know exactly what I needed to hear? How did he always know when I needed him the most?

"Together?" I asked quietly, for his ears only.

"Together." He agreed.

I took a deep breath, and then thrust my chin out stubbornly. I had already said I would never lose Axel. If this is what it would take, then I was going to do it.

"LOAD THE CATAPULTS!" I shouted out.


This was it. The one moment that my entire future rested on, as well as Roxas's, and everyone else's. Like before, Roxas and I would run into the trap as bait, calling out all of the heartless we knew were hidden somewhere around their campsite, and the. . . all hell would break lose. I took a deep breath and looked over at Roxas. He looked back at me with a fierce determination, and I found my strength in him. He was the reason I would fight, to be with him the reason I would win. We shared one torrid kiss, and then ran blindly into battle.

Just as before, there was no one around, only Demyx and Zexion laying in the middle of the camp. I ran to Demyx and began to untie him, just as I had before.

"Are you alright? Roxas, go bandage up Zexion and try to get him awake. Hold still Dem, we're going to get you two out of here." The words came easily to me, practiced and rehearsed. It was almost humorous, watching this all play out again. But not quite.

Roxas moved over to Zexion's unconscious body and it was just about that time that Demyx was freed of his gag.

"Run you fools it's a trap!"

But this time we were ready. I tossed Demyx his Sitar and shouted "Fight!" He needed no other words before he to was swinging his instrumental weapon around in large arcs, chopping down his foes. I turned to see the large man with the mace approaching Roxas quietly from behind. This was just like before, Roxas. . . Roxas was going to get hurt!

"Rox-!" I choked back the word as Roxas spun expertly on his heels. His two key shaped blades sliced into his enemies skin, chopping him to pieces. "For Axel!" He shouted as he brought the blades down in a finishing blow.

More and more heartless were swarming on the scene, just a little while longer. Just a few more. I dodged an attack quickly and spun my chakras around in my hand, throwing one to slice down my opponent. Just a few more. . . The place was now crawling with our enemies, and I knew that Demyx, Roxas, and I could hold them back no longer. I looked to Roxas and he nodded.

"NOW!" We shouted in sync.

There were many screamed battle cries as soldier after soldier fell upon unsuspecting heartless, trying to hack them into small pieces. But, they still knew all about or attack patterns, and the charge was quickly stopped, everyone become engaged in battle. Suddenly, someone from the far right sounding decidedly like Xigbar shouted "FIRE!" And Roxas and I both ducked for cover, grabbing Demyx and dragging the still unconscious Zexion along with us.

The catapults were released as thousands upon thousands of gallons of raw eggs flew through the air, along with gallons of paint like substances, drowning the heartless bastards in the sticky substance. There was no chance for our poor foe as the eggs kept flying. Soon, the whole area was covered in jizz-look alike. The soldiers that had fallen back at the beginning of the catapult assault came back with a vengeance, exterminating all the remaining heartless that were stuck in place by the mass amounts of egg. I stood, as did Roxas, and we looked at one another.

Finally, it was just too much for me to bear and I let out a great whoop of laughter, holding my sides. Roxas bit his lip hard, but I could see his shoulders shaking, and his eyes watering with held in mirth.

"Oh my god, it worked!"

I grabbed the now laughing Roxas and twirled him around as the dazed looking Demyx took Zexion to the injuries tent. Roxas ran his fingers into the mass that was my hair, and pulled my lips to his, kissing me passionately. I of course, returned with fervor.

"Ahem." A soft voice said.

We broke apart, and I put Roxas back down on the floor, quickly straightening my rumpled clothes.

"Luxord," Roxas said a little guiltily at being caught kissing for a second time.

The white haired man just chuckled, and smiled widely, the first time I had seen him smile. Really, it was just plain creepy. Egh.

"Boys, you have saved the day, as I knew you would. But, is there anything that I can do for you?"

Roxas looked at me, and I looked at him. I knew what I wanted but I had to be sure that Roxas wanted it too.

"Roxas do-"

He smiled at me impishly as he covered my mouth with a finger. "Yeah, I do." He whispered in agreement. I grinned, and we both turned towards Luxord.

"Well," I said advancing on the Chief Commander.

"There is one thing," Roxas continued, following after me.

Needless to say, Luxord looked a little worried.


I toyed with Sora's hair, as he rambled on about something I was only half paying attention to. Something about cabbage, or whatever.

"And then the cabbage attacked the. . ." See, cabbage.

All of a sudden, a loud knocking sound came from the other side of my dorm room door. Well really, of course it would come from the other side, no one would be knocking for entry from the inside of my door, but that's besides the point. Sora sat up along with myself, and looked confused.

"Riku?" He asked.

I shrugged my shoulders as I pulled a shirt over my bare chest. "I don't know either." I replied honestly. I made my way to the door, and waited until Sora was suitably dressed before opening it. Jiggling the knob, I pulled the door open, and found myself looking up at a wickedly grinning face lined with a bright red mane of hair. He looked like Sonic the Hedgehog turned human. His face looked vaguely familiar but I was sure I would have recognized him by his outlandish hair style, and facial tattoos.

"Uh, do I know you?"

"Awe, Rikie-poo, you don't remember me?"

Wait. . . Rikie. . .poo?

Someone else must have had the same question because a voice laced with a tinge of humor said "Rikie-poo? My gosh, what happened between you two that I was unaware of?" A blonde that looked almost exactly like Sora stepped from behind the tall strangers back, a smile playing on his lips.

Sora came up behind me, and rested his hand on my shoulder. I was completely confused at this point. Rikie-poo? I knew I had heard it before, but from where? Who the hell would I let live after calling me Rikie-poo? And what did he mean, "happened"?

"Riku, who are these. . ." And then he gasped, and I turned to face him, worried.

"Sora, are you-"

But I never had a chance to finish because Sora had flung himself at the blonde haired boy, squealing in glee.

"ROXAS!" Sora shouted, clamping himself onto the blonde, who laughed and hugged Sora with almost as much enthusiasm. I say almost as much because no one can ever match Sora for enthusiasm. Never.

Wait. . .R-Roxas? This had to be some kind of joke, or some weird trick. How could Roxas be here? And if that was Roxas, then the string bean looking guy had to be. . .

"Axel?" I asked, shocked.

The maniacal grin that I had only ever heard in his voice and never seen lit up the strangers face, and he waved slightly. That's right, Axel was the only one who had ever called me Rikie-poo, and he had only been allowed to survive because I could never really hit him. Well, that was different now.

Sora gasped, and Roxas stared at me dumbfounded as I landed a solid punch to Axel's jaw. Axel himself was the only one who seemed unfazed, and just quirked an eyebrow at me.

"What was that for?"

"For all the times you zapped me."

For a moment he just looked at me blankly, and then he threw back his head and laughed. After a while I joined in, and then we both hesitantly gave each other the "man hug," which consisted of much back slapping and manly grunts.

"So, uh, how is this possible?" I asked finally.

Roxas and Axel just traded looks, and then smiled an equally warm smile.

"Love." They said simply, and I guess, as I pulled Sora into my arms, when all the cards were down, Love was all that really mattered.

A/n: Welp, that's all folks. Please review, because it would make me happy.

Hope you enjoyed the story.