Chapter: Epilogue

Note: This drabble is in no way affiliated with any of its prior.


Daisuke shoved the door open, storming out of the apartment and into the hallway. From there, he strode down the flight of stairs and out of the complex, where he was immediately drenched in the sorrows of the sky.

The rain at first pelted at his skin so murderously that it hurt. But then it had him numb with its coldness.

It was oddly comforting.

With dull eyes, the redhead walked along the sidewalk, not even bothering to take cover or pull on his hood. He just really didn't care anymore.

He didn't care about anything.

He didn't care that it was raining and that he was cold.

And he certainly didn't care that he and Satoshi had just broken it off after eight months of a relationship.

Because, obviously, why would that matter to him?

He didn't care. Really.

It meant nothing to him.

Satoshi meant nothing to him.


Satoshi didn't even bother to stop Daisuke from storming out of his living room. In fact, in his moment of heat, he had even told the redhead to shut the door on his way out.

Because he was sick of it all.

Neither of them had really been able to function correctly together. They had fought and it had all hurt and it never really ever stopped hurting, to be frank.

It was horrible.

And then came the day, when both had grown fed up. They had had another shouting match.

And the words had slipped out.

It didn't matter who uttered the words that suggested they break up, because the other had readily agreed to the idea at an instant.

Then Daisuke had left in rage, leaving Satoshi to himself. Said blunette watched the windows rather than the door. He knew Daisuke wouldn't come back.

Hell, he wouldn't if he had been the one to leave the room.


Outside, the rain slowed to a faint drizzle.

With Satoshi staring out the window from the warmth of his apartment, and with Daisuke walking out in the light shower, both had a good view of the rainbow that had started to form across the sky.

Neither cared.


Okay. Yeah. I'm done. Hope you enjoyed the 7 colors, plus this epilogue… I managed to finish this like a minute before midnight. Hahaha.

Happy birthday to me. Wh00t. /cough/ Whatever…… xDDD