Disclaimer: I don't own Doctor Who, Torchwood or Buffy.

Dawn fidgeted, staring around at the daleks surrounding her.

"You are a prisoner of the daleks," one said. Dawn tried (unsuccessfully) to resist the urge to roll her eyes and toss her hair as the dalek repeated its earlier tirade. "Do not move. Do not move. Do not move. Do not move. Do not move…"

Eventually Dawn could take it no longer.

"Do not move. Do not -"

"When my sister gets here, she's going to kill you," Dawn interrupted.

"Silence, human," was the dalek's response. It whirred around so that it was facing another dalek. "What is it talking about?"

"My sister is the slayer," Dawn said proudly. "And when she gets here, she's going to -"

"There is no requirement for repetition," said the dalek that had spoken before.

"Hypocrite," Dawn muttered.

"Its sister appears to be the current companion of the Doctor," the second dalek explained. "Dalek 456's final report noted unusual strength for a human female, but its lack of suitable technology renders it a mere level four point two threat."

"Hang on," Dawn said. "'The current companion of the Doctor'? I mean, he's better than Spike – he hasn't killed anyone yet and he's better-looking – but is my sister going through some kind of non-human-with-an-English-accent phase or something."

"Silence human," repeated the first dalek. "Your words are of no use to us. Your role is that of hostage, speaking is not required. Your presence is the only necessity, permitting us to control the Doctor through his companion."

"Why am I always the hostage?" Dawn complained.

"You are easy to capture," the second dalek said.

"Thanks," Dawn said sarcastically, rolling her eyes.

Suddenly a wheezing, groaning machine noise filled the Bronze. The daleks started whirring off in different directions, eventually ending up in their original positions. Dawn almost laughed at how 'it's the boss/teacher, quick, look busy' it all was. Then she saw who was getting out of the blue box that had appeared in the middle of the room and all sense of hilarity left her.

"Oh, you have got to be kidding me!" she complained at Spike as he shut the TARDIS door behind him.

"You are not the Doctor," one of the daleks said, sounding as annoyed as is possible for an emotionless machine.

"You noticed," Spike said, pressing a button on Tosh's device. "Come on, Willow," he muttered.

"Return into the TARDIS and send out the Doctor," another dalek ordered. "Or his companion's sister will die."

"Oi! She's my 'companion'!" Spike shouted. A second later the lights went out. Dawn uttered a Dawn Scream that left Spike wincing in the darkness.

"Hey, vampires have eardrums too. Besides, lights out means all the bad guys are dead, and I saw that you weren't tied up, so you can start making your way over here. Ow, I think you just busted my eardrum."

"Oh, did that hurt?"

"Uh, yes. Obviously."

"Good." She screamed again. Louder.

The door of the TARDIS opened, all of the Scoobies and Torchwood teams piling out, bearing torches. The Scoobies rushed over to Dawn, while the Torchwood-ers and the Doctor stayed to help Spike stand up after his auditory ordeal.

"So…" Xander said. "It worked?"

"It had better have done," Willow said. "I chanted my butt off for that spell."

There was an extremely awkward silence. Eventually the Doctor broke it by clearing his throat.

"It's clearly taken out all of the daleks in here, but there may have been guards or scouts that weren't within range," he said.

"Um…" Tosh said. Everyone turned to look at her. "There's no electricity registering throughout the whole of Sunnydale."

There was another silence.

"Oops," Willow eventually said quietly.

"And the satellite directly above us is having to revert to an emergency power supply."

"Oops," Willow repeated.

"They'll be fine running off emergency power for ten days, which is plenty of time for the main supply to reset. And… Oh!"

"What have I done now?" Willow moaned. The Doctor, who had run over to Tosh to read over her shoulder, grinned.

"You just de-masked the daleks' spaceship!" he said. "Great, that gives me something to put them all into."

"What are you going to do with them then, Doctor?" Gwen asked. "Blow them up?"

"Not the Doctor I know," Jack said, laughing. "But face it Doctor, this isn't some half-innocent species that can't stop itself. The daleks need to be destroyed. All of them."

The Doctor looked at him, his face serious. He shook his head.

"You could just leave it to us," Jack said, looking at his nails. "They're within Torchwood jurisdiction, we could -"


"Do they have souls?" Anya asked. "Because if not, then they're a bit like vampires, and we kill them all the time…" She broke off when she saw Spike glaring furiously at her. She shrugged. "What?" Spike rolled his eyes and shook his head.

All eyes turned at the sound of someone clearing their throat.

"I think I have an idea."

A/N: I probably shouldn't admit to this, but I actually have no idea what to do with the daleks. Hopefully I'll be able to come up with something, but if anyone has any ideas PLEASE feel free to share them via the reviews. Please…