This story is based off a Jeff Hardy video I made, if you'd like to see it after you read this story please let me know. Song I used in this story is "My December" by. Linkin Park.

This is my December…

A tear drop hitting the floor and muffled sobs were the only sounds to be heard in the empty locker room, he sat in the dark his head bowed as so many emotions filled his already aching heart. He had lost the most important person in his life, his brother, he was all he had left since everyone else turned their backs on him and now he was all alone and unwanted. He sighed as more tears fell down his face and he angrily wiped them away, ashamed that he was crying like a child. He could still see the look of disgust and disappointment on his brother's face, he put his head in his hands as the memories came back to him,

"Matt what's wrong with you?" Jeff asked to the retreating back of his brother.

Ever since Jeff started coming late to work Matt had been acting so different and now that Jeff asked Vince for time off Matt wasn't even noticing him.

Matt turned around causing Jeff to almost slam into him, He looked up into his eyes full of rage and disgust and he looked back in confusion, "I should be asking you the same thing Jeffrey."

Jeff flinched the only time he was called Jeffrey was when he was in trouble, but what had he done?

"I don't understand Matt, please tell me what I did." He pleaded.

"I know why you've been late to work Jeff." He said glaring at his younger brother, "You're a drug addict."

For a moment Jeff forgot how to breathe and he stumbled back, did he hear his own brother call him a drug addict? He stared in shock as pain filled his heart, "Matt you know I don't do drugs." He whispered hoarsely.

Matt laughed, "Well you're behavior sure proves that."

Tears were starting to fog Jeff's vision, "Matt you know I'm tired, I've been wrestling for so long now. I need a break!" He said in defense.

"I still believe you're an addict and I don't want to see you again, do you hear me Jeff? Don't call me, don't come by my house, I don't ever want to see you again!" Matt yelled getting into Jeff's terrified and hurt face.

"Matt," Jeff choked out, "I thought we were brothers."

"You are no brother of mine." He spat, Jeff stared pleadingly at Matt, but he ignored him and walked out of the locker room slamming the door behind him.

Jeff let out a sob and finally let the tears roll down his cheeks.

This is all so clear…

Jeff squeezed his eyes shut as the pain the memory caused filled his heart, How could he do this to me? Families aren't suppose to turned their backs on each other. Why is this happening to me? Jeff lifted his head out of his hands and rubbed at his red puffy eyes. His heart felt like it was being stabbed and the one holding that knife was his only brother and he was the only one who could get it out and erase that pain. Jeff shook his head, That'll never happen, Matt's always been stubborn he'll never believe me. More tears slipped down his face as he realized this,

"Oh god Matt, why can't you just believe me!" Jeff sobbed out to the darkness that surrounded him.

Jeff didn't even care that he was sitting in the dark, nothing mattered to him anymore. He wouldn't even care if he died, because his soul died the moment his brother walked out of his life. Jeff let out a gasp as the light came on and he quickly wiped at his eyes and turned to see his former friend, Shannon standing in the door way. Once Shannon saw Jeff he gave him a cold stare and silently walked over to his bags and collected all his things. As he was about to walk out he turned around and glared at Jeff,

"You really fucked things up this time Hardy. You have no one to blame but yourself!" He spat out in disgust causing Jeff to flinch.

Shannon shook his head and walked out, once the door shut Jeff hung his head down and let out a shaky sigh.

This is me alone…

"Maybe he's right." Jeff thought out loud, "If I wasn't always late for work and acting lazy then maybe they wouldn't think I was on drugs." Letting out a long sigh Jeff slowly got up and grabbed his things and walked out of the locker room for the last time.

As he slowly walked down the halls memories of the good times he had with his brother came rushing back to him, Raw at the same arena they won the tag titles against Edge and Christian in the cage match. For so long they thought they would never win the tag titles again. But that night Vince announced they would and when Jeff climbed over that cage with his brother he felt so alive and was filled with such a relief that their hunt for the gold was finally over.

Jeff frowned as he remembered the hug that they shared and felt more tear welling in his eyes, he looked down and tried the erase that memory from his mind completely.

Give it all away, just to have somewhere to go to.

When Jeff arrived back at the hotel he felt like a zombie, he was so drained from the emotions he was going through and now he just felt completely numb. As he approached his door he noticed it was cracked open, curious he opened it and peeked inside. There was a huge pile of stuff on his bed, he walked over and gasped at what he saw. Pictures, clothing, jewelry, and other things were piled on his bed, all were things Jeff had given Matt. Jeff looked at everything in sadness, years of memories with his brother were laying on his bed.

Just wish that I didn't feel like there was something I missed….

Jeff fell to the floor, the mental drainage was making him more weak and no one was there to make it any better. Jeff stared off into space, all these thoughts and questions were running through his mind at once. Finally he couldn't take it anymore, he jumped up and screamed out as he reached his breaking point and starting throwing things around the room. Everything that was on his bed was now on the floor, glass from the picture frames went flying as they were thrown up against the wall. Jeff's eyes were fogged by tears flowing down his face, as he reached for another object to throw he stopped and he felt it was smooth and thin. He lifted his hand up to his face and saw it was a piece of paper.

Sitting down on the bed he opened it up with trembling fingers,

Dear Jeff,

Here is all your stuff, I no longer have any need of it. I want everything that reminds me of you gone. You are not my brother anymore, you are a disappointment and you disgust me. I hope to never see you again Jeff, have a nice life….that is if you call being a drug addict a nice life.


Jeff stared blankly at the piece of paper, he had no more tears to cry, he'd already cried them all out. There were no more emotions he could express he just felt lifeless, his whole world had been torn apart and all because his brother couldn't see the truth.

Take back all the things I said to make you feel like that.

Jeff let the paper fall from his hands and he collapsed on the bed and looked up at the ceiling with a blank stare. He didn't even feel his cell phone vibrating in his pocket until he heard it make a beep sound. Moaning he took it out and saw he had a voice mail. Hoping it was Matt calling to apologize he quickly dialed the voicemail number and frowned when he heard his ex's voice,

"Hey Jeff, just calling to let you know I got all my stuff out of your house today." There was a long pause and Jeff was about to hang up when he heard her speak again, "I can't believe your doing this Jeff." she sobbed, "You completely threw away our relationship and for what? To get high?"

Jeff flinched and felt the anger start to rise in him, I'm not a fucking drug addict!!!

He heard her let out a sigh, "I hope you find what you are looking for in life, Goodbye Jeff."

He quickly hung up the phone before that annoying person asked if he wanted to delete the message and fell back onto his bed and closed his eyes, My life has officially come to an end

"I have no one, what am I suppose to do?" He asked to the heavens hoping for some kind of a sign that things would get better.

He frowned when he got none and turned on his side, his eye caught a picture of him and Matt hanging out at his home. Jeff propped himself up on his elbow and grabbed the picture and studied it in sadness.

"Oh Matty." He sighed. "If only you knew how much you are killing me."

This is my December.

What did you think? Please let me know and also should I continue this story? Don't forget to ask me for the video that inspired me to write this story!!