Disclaimer: Nope, none of it mine. JKR is one lucky woman. So is Tonks for that matter! A double drabble for the Lupin/Tonks lovers!

The two of them were polar opposites. Just thinking of them as a couple boggled more than one mind. He was quiet, whereas, her giggle sounded a block away. He was almost obsessively tidy. Her flat looked like it had been hit by a hurricane; at least it did until he got his hands on it anyway. She was notoriously clumsy. He moved as gracefully as the wolf that he became each month. He was prematurely graying, and her hair changed color at her slightest whim. He was older and even-tempered. She was fourteen years younger and had a hellacious temper.

But when their eyes met, none of that mattered. Smiles would light up their faces and they would be drawn into each other's arms as if magnetized. People couldn't help but be affected by the sight of them.

Hopeless romantics, like Molly Weasley, would sigh and dab away happy tears. Curmudgeons, such as Severus Snape, reacted with curled lips and their eyes rolling in disgust. That usually resulted in a swift elbow being jabbed into the curmudgeon's ribs by the still blissfully sighing hopeless romantics.

Not that Tonks or Lupin ever noticed. They only had eyes for each other.