I got this idea out of nowhere.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything Winx Club related!

Important note: The entire story is in Stella's POV.

Chapter 1

Well, yes I'm heading to my 10-year reunion. And yes, a lot have happen these past 10 years. More then anyone could possibly know. Let's start from the beginning shall we? Well ok, I'll start with graduation day.

I was wearing the cutest purple, puffy sleeved dress with a black belt around the waist. My hair was down and straight, that's kind of sad that I remember that. I remember the entire Winx Club wearing the same thing, but in different colors. We all got out diplomas, and we were saying good-bye to the boys.

"Bye, Stella." Brandon had said taking my hands. "Call me when you get into Solaria, ok? And we'll spend the weekend together." I had smiled at the comment and thought it would be the most wonderful chance for him to propose. Oh my, wasn't I naive? I said good-bye to the others and headed home to Hell. It was indeed the worst time period of my short life. When I got there, Cassandra was pregnant and Chimera was getting married to some warlock. And Dad was thinking of handing the thrown over to Chimera. Big mistake I'm telling you. He had said,

"I'm sorry, Stella. But if she is mature enough to get married, then she shall rule my kingdom." I laughed.

"She'll be like Britney Spears! The marriage will only last for 28 hours!" Dad got mad at me and sent my straight to my room. I did call Brandon, and he did come over for the weekend. Only to be away from me and teased by Cassandra and Chimera, and yelled at and lectured by my father. Not did we get to hug once, or just gaze into each other's eyes. Not once. My dad had put him to the test every day seeing if he was worthy of me. Finally by Monday, Brandon said he couldn't handle my dad anymore and broke up with me.

And I thought we'd get married! HA! Stella you are the stupidest girl. Well 9 months later Cassandra delivered a baby boy; Radius Jr. How cheesy does that sound? Cheesy enough for me to hurl every time I heard the kid's name. So after 2 years I couldn't take it anymore. Chimera got married, and was queen. She has 6 kids now; you do the math. I swear I thought they wouldn't last!

Anyways, I moved to Silence, Solaria's first moon where my mother lives. I stayed with her for a few months until I met him. His name was Anthony. He was the sweetest! We got married 2 years later, if your not keeping track it has been 4 years since Alfea. Right after we got married I got pregnant with little Lyric. She's sweet. A year after Lyric's birth I got pregnant with her brother Jordan. So half way to now! Anthony soon cheated on me, and we got divorced when Jordan was 1 and Lyric was 2. Ever since I've been with my mom, taking care of my children. Jordan is 4 and Lyric is 5 now, and I'm sadly 30 now. Sadly.

Now to now! I had gotten the letter about the reunion only five minutes before, and I don't know if I should go. I haven't talked to anyone for years! What will they look like? I haven't changed much, I'm only 10 pounds heavier, and my hair is shorter. Do they have kids, too? Are Bloom and Sky married? Are Flora and Helia together? Who's Brandon with? Is Musa with Riven? How about Layla? Is she with Nabu? Tecna and Timmy! What about them?

"Mommy!" I heard Lyric call. She had long blond hair, and her father's brown-blue eyes. She had on a cute little pink shirt and pink skirt. "Mommy!"

"Yes, sweetheart?" I asked pulling her up on my lap.

"What 'cha doin'?" She asked looking at the letter that was in my hand.

"Nothing, what are you doing?"

"Jordan and Mommom are making fun of me." Lyric said.

"Why?" I asked.

"They're saying I'm a piece of pink cotton candy." Fussed Lyric. It was true, she did look like cotton candy, and she had a pink bow in her hair, too.

"Just tell them that cotton candy is the sweetest." I suggested. Lyric smiled and nodded; off she was to tell off her grandma and brother. How would I tell mother about the reunion? I know exactly what she would say. She would say,

"Stella Williams! You will go to that reunion and you will like it! I may be old now but I am wise. You need to get out for a while, if you'd like I'll watch the kiddies for you, but it'll do you good to see Bloom and the rest of the Winx girls again." That's exactly what she said, too when I told her.

"I knew you'd say that, Mom." I laughed as I put Jordan down for his nap. Jordan has my blond hair and his daddy's brown-blue eyes. Like his sister. My mom laughed.

"It's true, you know me too well." She said tucking Jordan in. We left and put Lyric in her room.

"Where are you going, Mommy?" She ease dropped.

"I'm going to a reunion in a couple days." I said in a sweet-mother-like way.

"What's that?" She asked.

"Well, I graduated from college 10 years ago-…"

"Wow! Mommy you're old!" She interrupted.

"Thanks," I rolled my eyes. But I continued. "And a reunion is a chance for old friends to come together and see what's changed." Lyric nodded and mom gave Lyric her teddy.

"Have a good nap, sweetie." I said closing her door.

"Why don't you call Bloom and see if she's going." Mom said. I shrugged.

"Do you think she still has the same cell phone number?" I asked. Luna nodded, it was true Bloom never liked to changed numbers. It would always confuse her. So I did that, I called Bloom. It rang for a couple seconds and a deep voice answered the phone.

"Hello?" The voice said.

"Hello?" I asked trying to remember the voice. "Is Bloom there?"

"Yeah, hang on." The voice said. I then heard another one,

"Hello?" I was Bloom for sure!

"Hey, Bloom it's Stella." I said trying to sound cheery. She screamed.

"STELLA! It's been so long! I'm guessing you're calling about the reunion?" She was right on target.

"Yeah, I just wanted to see if you were going."

"Yes! Sky, Legend, and I are going." She said. "Oh, Sky and I are married. And Legend is our son."

"That's cool." I commented.

"Yeah, we're expecting a girl." Said Bloom. I nodded,

"That's really cool. How old is Legend?" I asked,

"5." She said. "Are you with anyone? Because Brandon's been a knight for the past 7 years."

"No, I'm not with anyone now. I used to be but we got divorced." She had to bring back the memories of him didn't she?

"I'm sorry." Bloom sighed.

"It's ok, I got two great kids out of the marriage though."

"That's good! How old are they?" Bloom asked.

"I have Lyric, who's 5 and Jordan who's 4. They're great kids." I smiled; I love my babies.

"That's wonderful! Legend will have someone to talk to then." Bloom said. "What exactly happened with you and Brandon? I mean what happened with Solaria? I hear it's gone down hill ever since Chimera got married."

"If I tell you now then I won't have any gossip for you when we get to the reunion, now will I?" I asked trying to by pass the subject for as long as I could.

"Right, we'll have plenty of time to catch up at Alfea. I can't wait to see your little kids! Legend and Lyric will have so much fun! I can't wait, Stell! It'll be just like old times." Bloom cheerfully said. She hasn't lost her up beat-ness has she? Well she isn't 30 yet either. Maybe I'm over reacting about my age.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Bloom." I said trying to act excited as well.

"Ok, Brandon said he's coming, too. Love you, Stella! Bye." And with that she hung up. Maybe it'll be nice to see Brandon. Yeah, it'll be ok.

"Stella, how's Bloom?" Mom asked.

"She's good, she married Sky. Lucky her right? She also has a 5 year old boy, and is expecting a girl." I informed mom.

"That's wonderful. I guess you're taking my grandbabies with you aren't you?" Mom asked.

"Yes, I'm going to be taking my babies with me. Only so I can show off how cute they are!" We laughed at my comment and started packing my clothes.

"So it's for the weekend?" Asked Mom.

"Yes. Brandon's going to be there." I said stuffing some jeans into the suitcases.

"That's great! Maybe you two will hit off again. Since you don't live with your father." Mom said taking some shirts and folding them into the suitcase. I shrugged.

"Do you think he has a girlfriend?" I asked. "A wife? Fiancé?" I asked worried.

"You still love him don't you?" She asked.

"Not really, mom. I more worried about the kids. We might act buddy-buddy and they might think he's their daddy." I said throwing some panties into the suitcase.

"Stella! Didn't we already talk about that with them. That they're daddy was somewhere out there and that he didn't want to be with them because he was jealous that you loved them so much?" Mom asked.

"Yes, we did, but what if they think Brandon is their dad? I mean he does kind of look like them." I thought about it, Brandon did look a lot like Anthony. A LOT!

"Don't worry about it Stella. It will be fine. Now let's go pack the kids' stuff." After my stuff was done we worked on Jordan's and Lyric's. Maybe this would be a good trip. Just keep telling yourself that Stella. Keep telling yourself.

"Mommy, what are you doing?" Lyric asked watching me pack her things. Mom was quieter and thought she should pack Jordan's.

"You're going on that trip with Mommy tomorrow." I responded pulling out her cute little purple dress. She clapped her hands together and screamed.

"YAY!" She cheered. "Vacation!" She said.

"You are my daughter." I laughed and ran over to me and hugged me. "I love you, Mommy!" She said. I hugged her back.

"I love you, too Lyric. Even though you're a pain in my butt." I joked. She looked at my like she was about to cry and I pulled her into an embrace and laughed. "I'm kidding." She giggled.

"Will we see my daddy?" She asked shyly. I was stunned. I was right! She might think Brandon was her father, I mean he eyes did kind of match his.

"Um…sweetie I'm going to have to take a rain check on that question." I said knowing she didn't know what rain check meant.

"What's that mean?" She asked like I thought she would.

"It means we're going to have to wait till another time to have this conversation." I said.

"Oh," Said Lyric pulled her teddy and handing him to me. "We need to pack Teddy." She said. I giggled.

"And we shall pack Teddy, in a moment. I need to pack your clothes first silly."

"Will I see any of your friends?" She asked.

"Yes, you'll see Flora, Musa, Bloom, Layla, Tecna, and their husbands." I told her.

"Cool! Anyone else?" She asked.

"And their kids. Bloom, Mommy's best friend, she has a 5 year old boy who you and Jordan can play with." I said smiling. She looked at me like she had eaten a worm. I couldn't help but laughing.

"Gross! A boy? Mommy!" She complained.

"Come on, Lyric. You're acting like your 5."

"I am!" She giggled. I giggled, too.

"You are aren't you?" I laughed. We were really close, I didn't really notice how close we were until now. I smiled and pulled her into a hug and kissed the top of her head. "We'll have fun!" I said.

Review, I hope you like it so far, this is the longest chapter I've written in forever! 2000-sum words! WHOOP!