A/N: I don't own it, I thought you would know this by now lol ;p

WARNING: There is quite a bit of swearing in this,so sorry!!

Remus searched every face in front of him, the Weasley's, Mad Eye and everyone else, they were staring at him wide eyed, tears rapidly filling Mrs Weasley's eyes.

"Mya's-" Fred gulped, "Mya's dead?"

Remus nodded, unable to speak due to the lump in his throat as images of Hermione's dead body flashed through his mind, Sirius' tears, Ginny's sorrow.

"If- if she died to save them, why are they dead?" George whispered, as if he were afraid to say it louder.

"She was the sacrifice, but, Lily and James died too, she died wanting to save them, but Time was right, you can't change what is meant to be," Remus said softly, tears filling his amber eyes, Mrs Weasley's sobs echoing around them.

"But what about Ginny?" Bill asked quietly, staring determinedly at the wooden table.

"She just disappeared one day," Remus replied sadly, his voice cracking slightly, "it was the day after she'd graduated from Hogwarts, I got a letter from Dumbledore saying she'd gone home to be with her family, with her-" Remus stopped and frowned.

"With her what?" Charlie snapped, glaring at Remus as if it was his fault Ginny was lost.

"With her sister," Remus frowned, "but Ginny has no real sister and Hermione is dead, so what did he mean?"

"Hermione can't still be alive can she?" Fred asked, his brows creased slightly.

"All your answers are at Hogwarts," a voice said softly.

"Hogwarts?" Remus repeated.

"Hogwarts," the voice said, fading slowly as the word echoed.

The group ran for the door and apparated the second they hit the street, they arrived in Hogsmeade and bolted to the ruined school.

"I CANNOT BELIEVE TIME RIPPED ME OFF!!!!" an incredibly familiar voice screamed, "IF I EVER MEET HIM AGAIN, HE IS DEAD!!"

"Who said it was a he?" an also familiar voice said.

"Quit arguing," another voice snapped.

"Yeah, Mione, quit arguing," the second voice said, the group could tell there was a grin on the speaker's face and they couldn't even see the person.

"Sirius," Hermione said sweetly, everyone gasped at the name, confirming their suspicions as the looked around desperately for their loved ones, when Hermione's voice sound again, closer this time, "be quiet, I am in a bad enough mood as it is, Time ripped me off, Time stabbed me in the back, you know what Time is a twat!"

"Yes, Hermione, we know," the third voice sighed, "how are we going to get out of here?"

The Order saw the three people, a brunette girl, a red headed girl and a black haired man who looked a lot younger than he should, in fact he looked about twenty, the girls looking older than they should, also about twenty.

"Ginny, Hermione, Sirius?" Remus breathed.

The three people turned and smiled at the Order.

"Hey," Sirius grinned, waving at the gaping people before Mrs Weasley engulfed Ginny in a hug, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Oh, my baby, my little girl, I thought I'd lost you," the mother sobbed as Ginny wrapped her arms round her mother in return.

"I'm okay, mum, perfectly fine, though I can't say the same for Hermione," she laughed lightly.

"TIME IS A TWAT!!!!" the brunette screamed.

Everyone sweat dropped.

"No hug, Moony old man?" Sirius grinned as Remus pulled him into a brotherly hug, a few tears on the werewolf's face.

"I missed you man," he said softly.

"Yeah, gaying up the place, Moony old pal," Sirius laughed, pushing the werewolf away.

Remus chuckled as Hermione was glomped by Fred and George, causing Sirius to growl lightly.

"Gee, over protective much?" Fred whispered in Hermione's ear causing her to giggle.

"Mine," Sirius growled, yanking Hermione out of Fred's hold.

"Sirius, I belong to no-one," Hermione said threateningly.

"Yes ma'am," Sirius whimpered.

Hermione was then hugged tightly by a sobbing Mrs Weasley.

"I thought you'd died," the woman cried, "thank Merlin Time changed its mind."

Hermione stiffened and pulled away.

"Thank Merlin?" she hissed, "thank Merlin for killing two of the most amazing people I have ever met? Thank Merlin for killing two of my best friends? Thank Merlin for letting me die, thinking I had changed everything for the better when I was just making it the way Time planned it?! YOU KNOW WHAT STICK MERLIN UP YOUR ASS!!!"

The brunette then stormed away, tears of rage and sorrow on her pale cheeks, everyone except Ginny, Sirius and Remus gaped after her, they knew how she felt, Ginny mostly.

"I'll go talk to her," Sirius said softly, following the love of his life swiftly.

"How can I thank someone for taking away two people who were meant to have a long fulfilling life, Sirius?" Hermione whispered tearfully as he approached, she was sitting by the lake, the cold wind whipping round them mercilessly.

Sirius didn't say anything, simply sat beside her and wrapped his arms round her in a comforting hug, letting her sob into his chest, as he ran a hand through her now waist length curls.

Hermione took a shuddering breath a few minutes later and wiped her tears away, cuddling deeper into Sirius' chest, loving how protected and safe she felt in his arms.

"I love you," she breathed, closing her eyes and inhaling his scent.

"I love you," he countered, grinning.

"I heard you, before I died, knowing you loved me, it let me die happy Sirius, well it would've done, if Time hadn't backstabbed me," Hermione laughed lightly.

(With Ginny and Remus)

The Weasley family reluctantly left Ginny talk to Remus, the pair walked away, a rather awkward silence surrounding them.

"You know, I still love you Remus," Ginny whispered, breaking the silence.

"I'm too old for you," Remus replied.

"I don't care," she shot back.

"I haven't even got a job."

"I'm used to not having much money, besides I did graduate Hogwarts, as Ginny Franks, but I still have my qualifications," Ginny smiled as they stopped beside a tree that held a lot memories to them, the red head placed her hand against its trunk, "this is where we first kissed, remember?"

Remus nodded, looking at the grass which was lit by moonlight, he didn't want to see how her ivory skin glowed in the moonlight, how her red hair blew around her, making her look like a goddess of some sort.

Ginny took a step toward him, "Remus, look at me," she ordered softly, standing directly in front of him.

Remus looked up slowly to met with Ginny's lips on his, they were as soft and perfect as he remembered, he couldn't help himself, he wrapped his arms round her waist, pulling her closer to him, kissing her back with all the love he possessed. She pulled back slowly and grinned at him.

"I love you Remus, and I always will."

She kissed him again quickly and hugged him tightly.

"I love you too, Ginny," he whispered, "but what about your family-"

"What about them?" she interrupted, "they don't like it, I don't care, Hermione and Sirius will stick by us and besides, if they don't accept this, that I'm happy, they can't really love me."

Remus tightened the hug slightly, he had missed her so much over the last seventeen years.

Both relationships were accepted by the Order and Mrs Weasley was ecstatic about organising two weddings.

The couples had decided on a joint wedding on 17th of November, the day they all first met.

Hermione and Sirius had three children, two girls and one boy.

The eldest, one of the girls, was named, Akina Lily Black, she was almost exactly like her mother in personality but had a mischievous streak and often helped out on pranks. She looked like her father and had the boys at her feet.

The middle child, the boy, was named Harry James Black, he had his father's personality through and through, he loved pulling pranks and was barely ever caught due to the fact he had some of his mother's amazing brain power. He had black hair, like his father, but deep brown puppy dog eyes like his mother, he these eyes to get out of trouble, except after a while it lost its charm.

The youngest, the final girl, was named Kaiya Anna Black, she had her mother's brains and was very studious, she never liked pulling pranks and despite being the youngest she always reprimanded her siblings for playing them. She had her mother's looks, except her hair fell in ringlets instead of bushy mass like her mother's did at the younger age.

Remus and Ginny had two children, both boys.

The eldest was named, Adrian Ron Lupin, he loved pulling pranks but knew when to stop and usually tried to make Akina and Haru behave themselves. He had red hair, like his mother, and amber eyes, like his father, he was the same age as Harry.

The youngest was named, Evan Billius Lupin, he usually stuck by Kaiya and tried to keep his brother and friends in line, it never worked, he and Kaiya tied for the highest marks in the school. He had his father's light brown hair and his mother's hazel eyes, he was the same age as Kaiya.

Hogwarts was rebuilt and Professor Mcgonagall was Headmistress, the school was as good as new and Hermione had private lessons with Mcgonagall so she could graduate and get her qualifications, she passed with the highest scores seen for decades and became Head of the Department of Mysteries in the Ministry of Magic.

Ginny became Head of Medicine in St. Mungos and was the most respected Healer to ever become so.

Remus got a teaching job at Hogwarts. He taught DADA, much to his children's and Hermione and Sirius' children's dismay.

Sirius became Head of the Auror office and defeated the remaining Death Eaters with ease, locking them up in Azkaban.

"Yeah, we got a happy ending, but Time is still a twat," Hermione mumbled as we close the story off.

A/N: I'd like to thank all my reviewers, I love you all!!!!

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed Blast into the Past, I enjoyed writing it, and I guess Shika, the spider who was in love with James, didn't make another appearance, sorry!!

I'm planning on writing another story, except this one will be for the anime Naruto, if you like that anime, please read, I'm hoping it'll be up soon!

Goodbye people!!!!