A.U., Roy X Riza, ED X Win One-shot. Picture related


The room was filled with joyous cheer. Music played through the air, and influenced a lively dance in the new couples honor. Almost everyone in the room could have seen this day coming, knowing that it was only a matter of time till they, the now newly-weds, would finally confess. The music stopped for a break. Breda and Havoc whistled and chanted "speech, speech!", if only to see their commanding officer turn bright red with blush.

In turn, Roy cleared his throat and attempted to say something intelligent, however, words seemed to be failing him yet again. "Ahem… I uh, want to thank everyone for coming today, uh, heheheh, well, it finally happened. Show of hands, who saw it coming?"

It seemed to him that the entire crowd raised their hands. "Ah. O.k. And I see Fallman over here has once again won the bet."

"Told you! Give it five more months!" yelled a voice from the background, near the bar."

Riza laughed at this, form behind the table. Roy's face went a darker shade of red. He glanced back at the bar to see the new furor, less than sober, grinning stupidly, clearly enjoying himself.

"There are a lot of people in here that I'd like to thank. Without them we probably wouldn't be here in this room on this joyous event."

"Not for another five hundred years at the rate you were going!" Edward yelled jokingly

A sly grin found its way on Roy's face, regarding the eighteen year old, yet he said nothing in response. Riza glanced from Roy to Winry, for a split second, still smiling. She also knew what Roy was thinking. "Exactly…. " Roy said smiling. At that moment the band returned refreshed and prepared for another round of music to last hours. "Saved! Let's continue the party so you guys don't have to listen to me." The crowd laughed and continued dancing. Ed knew when Roy was hiding things; this was one of those times. He sat there thinking of what that could possibly be, when Winry came up to him.

"Come on! What are you just sitting there for silly?"

"Eh? Um, I…." Winry giggled as Ed turned slightly pink. He couldn't help it. She just looked so beautiful in that dress. "Come on, I know you know how to dance. Rose told me all about your dance with her"


Winry grabbed him by the hand, and gently pulled him onto the dance floor. A swirl of sequined black dresses and white dress suites flooded the ball room.The two of them danced for a bit, but Winry saw that something was still bothering Ed.

"What is it?"

"What's what?"

"You're frowning like you have something on your mind. What is it?"

"I can't figure out what Roy is hiding. He just gave this weird grin I swear was directed right at me and I can't figure out why….. Oh great, now why are you smiling?!"

Winry's sly grin mimicked the one that was on Roy's just moments earlier.

"I caught the bouquet."