
The two teenagers stood stiff in front of their mothers,

and made their way to the car.

Edd and Eddy were silent during the whole trip.

It started to cloud up in the sky, Just our luck.

Can't blame the weather.


Eddy and I were apart, we made no eye contact, we didn't say anything.

I should be enjoying it..But why do I feel he's suffering just as much as I,

He know's Ed more then I do..

When I moved in, and I started getting to know everyone.

The one thing I was sure of, is Eddy and Ed were best friends.

From the day they both worked on their first scam, to the day they entered middle school.

I guess their friendship can't be broken, otherwise it could have been over with by now.


Eddy and I sat in the front row with both our mothers in the back,

we sat with Sarah and Jimmy,

Our mothers were in the back talking.

It was hard to listen to the speaker, Sarah and Jimmy were crying so loud people down the street could hear.

One by one, we all got the chance to see Ed, peacefully 'sleeping'.

"I don't think I can do this," Edd panicked, biting hard on his index finger.

Eddy shoved Edd forward, almost knocking over the coffin.

"I looked inside, I could see Ed!
Sleeping like a baby..

I kept reminding myself over and over again he's dead.

But pretending he's asleep made it less terrifying.

I moved aside to let Eddy have a look.

"He looks...beautiful, doesn't he?" Double D asked.

There was no reply, just a nod.

"You think he know's he's in this coffin?" Eddy asked running hs hand across the wooken sides.

We were being pushed by Sarah, who was in front of Jimmy. Who was ahead of Kevin, Who..

Hey wait, KEVIN?
"What are you doing here?" Eddy growled.

"We're here for Ed, Double D told us it was okay."
Eddy turned to Edd stiff like, with a glare as cold as the cold shoulder..

"Ed was friends with them all..I thought it would be okay." Edd mentioned.


We all sat back down. Listening to the speaker.

Sarah stopped crying.

She would grip onto the bottom of the bench trying to control her anger.

Jimmy shook nervously.

Her hand gripped onto mind, which was close to her's.

I yalped..But I didn't do anything.

I thought it was better not to fight while at Ed's funeral, he was against fighting after all.

After he was done speaking. We all head for the cemetery.

With last words, slowly. They lowered him into the pit.

They covered every bit of it with dirt. Until it was full.

Could it be, this nightmare is coming to an end?

We all hung out for a bit comforting each other,

Eddy departed from the group.

I went out searching for him..I found him leaning up against a tree near the hill of the church.

"How come your not with the others?" I asked.

"Just thought I'd..Y'know..Get away from everything." He answered harshly.

I moved forward, standing next to him.

"Can you believe it?" I said stiffly.

He was still, eyes forward to the tree's. The wind blew threw Eddy's soft, brunett hair.

I held tight onto my hat.

"What do you think we'd be-"

I stopped, hearing Eddy whimper. His head hung low, his hair covering his eyes. It was dark.

I saw his tears falling down his cheeks.

I turned him toward me. Wiping his tears away from his cheeks.

"See?" I asked, "This is what Ed would have wanted...Us getting along."

He lowered his head again, wrapping both his arms around me, hugging me close.

I returned the hug. We both stood until it was time to go home.




I escaped just in time before bed.

I rushed to the cemetery, finding Ed's grave.

It was dustless, and was engraved.

I took off my hat, and place it ontop of where Ed was buried.

The blond flowed throughout the breeze.

I left, I could still hear Ed's giggling as I left.

"Ahaha..haha, Gravy!"