
I usually don't add disclaimers on my fics because I'm sure it's not necessary. But in this case I will. ;)

Disclaimer- Most parts based on the manwha series I.N.V.U. by Kim Kang Won. (Sey and Siho scenes)

So if you actually like this fic, you'll love I.N.V.U.


Everyone seems to have the same opinion about Romeo and Juliet. It's a romantic tragedy about how far two lovers will run to declare their love. Sadly, I can not agree with that statement. How could Juliet have been so stupid enough to fall for the enemy, swallow a goblet of poison, and commit suicide? Before Romeo had stumbled into her life, she was completely content with whom she was. Yet, she intentionally took the risk of associating with Romeo and fell in love with him. The choices she pursued were decided of free will. No one made her fall for Romeo. No one but her self drank the poison. She was the one who plunged a dagger into her heart and abolished her own life . So, I feel that Juliet deserved what she had gotten in the end.

I know that I would never ever ever fall for some boy I know would lead me to danger.



Our whole English class–particularly the ladies, cooed over the play Romeo and Juliet. They said that it was sooooo romantic how the two lovers loved each other so much that they died to be together. To me, the two dying signifies that they were simply not meant to be, that fate wins anyway. If the two were destined to be in love, there would not have been enormous tension between the two families. Both of them should not have died. None of them would have had to sacrifice their lives. Romeo was so foolish to sacrifice his own life for some girl he wasn't meant for.

English Class- (Kakashi style)

"Okay class" a tall, gray-haired, middle-aged man announced aloud, facing his students. The twenty five students aligned in long even rows of five anticipated for only one thing...praying inside they were wrong. Their sensei cast a stern look with each of the students with the corner of his right eye. Silence constricted the space, slightly frightening the boys and girls.

-Dramatic pause-

The man's lips budged and slightly parted, "Pop.Quiz" he declared in a barely audible voice. "Multiple choice"

The silence gradually turned into whines or complains. "Take one and pass it back" he said as he offered the quizzes to each student in the front row .

He watched as the quizzes traveled from one student to another. Only two kids, sitting beside each other in the fourth row did not bother to cry.

One of the scholars was named Haruno Sakura. Several students found her appearance a bit unusual, with her pink hair and green eyes. She really did seem like a flower to them at times. But she liked being different since the school had this hideous uniform for girls that contained a plaid skirt, a white polo and a red tie. The girl prepared her self every single night for her classes. How could they not know about this pop quiz? she wondered. He's given us a pop quiz every other class. The girl was completely committed herself to absolute perfection in class. Unlike the majority of fifteen year old girls, boys were not a part of her priorities. Though most boys would agree that she was one of the hotties in class.Sakura was kind most of the time, but the girl was definitely not a pushover or weak...thanks to her Taekwondo classes. Even though, it was safe to label her as a good girl.

Now, she considered the boy beside her someone from another dimesnsion. Uchiha Sasuke. His uniform tie was often let loose. The boy was one time rumored to have multiple girlfriends at his side. Of course those girls would not have minded sharing the Uchiha. The majority of fifteen year old girls were hooked to guys like him. When ever he flirts with a girl, he reads that helpless look on their faces and finds it a bit amusing. That nasty, heartless, bad-ass, and kind of sexy look could melt a girl away. Though he's flunking most of his classes, he made several friends with the thugs in school and had gotten himself caught in gang involvement...or at least he was rumored to be. An even worse rumor was that the was a son of a mafia leader. Though he's been acclaimed of being conniving, the boy remained silent in class most of the time. Either way, its safe to consider him as a bad boy.

It had been said that any girl within his presence was capable of sensing his lascivious danger. Well, that rule must not apply to Haruno Sakura. She must be the only exception since her brain concentrated harder on the quiz given.

The Uchiha was aware that Sakura was not one of his girls. It was one thing that he had liked about her. And hated about her.

He watched as her pencil drew away into the paper, probably answering every question without flaw.

This class was not his best. He's simply lucky to maintain his D average. So, he leans towards the girl, his eyes attempting to glimpse at the surely correct answer. Sakura, completely suspicious and annoyed at his efforts to cheat off her paper, covers it up, making slightly harder for him to see.

After another attempt, she stares and glares at him.

"No" she says simply.

When he refuses to quit, she acidly whispers, "Stop it asshole. I'm gonna get caught" Her eyes were fierce..just not fierce enough to draw Sasuke away.

"Do you think I give a damn?" he responds back in a whisper.

Sometimes, Sakura wasn't able to restrain her anger. Her anger that caused dirty behavior. Sakura's fists rolled into a hard sphere. She lunged one powerfully into the air and landed it squarely on Sasuke's jaw. The punch left a grueling pain and a small bruise. The whole class gasped.

"That hurt like hell!" he exclaimed aloud in utter disbelief. He rubbed his jaw, hoping for the pain to quickly disperse.

Kakashi turned away from the chalkboard. And shot a nasty look at the both of them.

"She hit me!" Sasuke immediately pointed to Sakura.

"He tried cheating from my paper!" Sakura protested. They both read the displeasing expression across Kakashi's face. "Both of you" he spoke seriously. "Office"

Tsunade's office

"And Sakura–I'm quite surprised at your behavior" Tsunade continued to reprimand their awful demeanor. Sakura and Sasuke sat before the principle's desk, listening to Tsunade scold them. "Shall I remove you from the Honors' Program?"

Sakura was revealing her weak side as she desperately shook her head. Sasuke couldn't have cared less. This was just a regular visit to the office. Him and Tsunade were now very aquatinted.

She then turned to the boy. "And your English grade is simply unacceptable" Tsunade spoke. "But I have come to a decision"

Her sharp eyes lingered at both of them now. Sakura and Sasuke awaited for their consequences.

"Sakura, you will tutor Sasuke" Sakura's jaws dropped. This was a night mare for sure. "And if his grades do not improve, you will be kicked off the Honors Program"

Sasuke's lips twisted into a conniving grin. He quickly deformed it as Tsunade caught the sight of it. She said to him,

"If your grades do not improve, you will be suspended until further notice"

It was Sasuke's turn to drop his jaw. "That's unfair" he beckoned "That's–"

"What you deserve" Tsunade told him.

The two were dismissed and exited out the door.

"I can't believe I have to tutor you" said Sakura, angrily as they both headed back to class.

"I know" Sasuke agreed. "And you're not even one of my girls"

Then his tone changed. His eyes held that overconfident edge of his. He took a rough grasp of Sakura's arm and let his hands gently roam upwards onto her shoulder. He whispered in a enticing, smooth voice, "But we don't have to study all the time you know.."

Again, that conniving, irresistible stare. But Sakura, being the unaffected girl by his charm, turns the tables on him. She bit her lip. Using the same voice Sasuke did, with her lips nearly pressing on his ear, she whispers, "Like you said Sasuke-kun.." Sasuke froze, and a chill raced from the base of his neck and throughout his body. No girl was able to make him like that.. Suddenly her tone changed greatly. "I'm not one of your girls"

He had released his had from her shoulder now, allowing her to walk away. The moment she disappeared from his sight, Sasuke deviously thought to himself,

Not yet, Sakura.


Well, I rewrote Dear Life, into this! Viola! Uhh.yeah. I'm trying to see what I can do with SasuSaku in highschoolfic. It's up to you if I should continue this or not. I want to write my final fanfiction after my most current fic (which is comming to an end) and a sequal to a oneshot I wrote. So, If I do continue this, it will be my last fic. kpeace.

-Man. I had like a million errors on this first chapter! Thanks for not pointing them out guys. Just kidding