Hope u like it this is my first fanfic :) !!

When things go wrong

Chapter 1 (The begginig)

The sun just rose into the sky, a light breeze whipped around the peaceful village of Konoha. Sun rays danced joyfully in the window of none other then Sakura Haruno. She rolled away from the light and blinked her jade eyes open.

She yawned and brushed the loose strands of pink hair behind her ear. She got out of bed and looked at the clock. 6am.

Two hours until I have to be at training she thought while walking to her wardrobe and pulling out a red top with, black shorts and a skirt with a slit in both sides. Walking in front of her mirror she brushed her short pink hair and put on her headband.

She walked downstairs after she brushed her teeth for breakfast. Her parents were away on a 2 year mission so she was on her own. Again. Lately they had gone on a lot of missions and she hardly ever saw them. Sakura briefly looked at the clock again. 6.30.

Better start leaving for training she thought walking out the door,

Why do you have to get there so early her inner self said

Would you rather me be late

No, hey aren't you training with Hinata today


Why is that again

Kiba, Shino and Kurenai went on a mission so Kakashi said she can train with us

Oh but why us cant…

She was cut off when she heard a voice calling her.

"Hello Sakura"

"Oh hey Hinata" Sakura smiled at Hinata. They had been friends for a few weeks since they both were knocked out of the preliminary matches of the chuunin exam. Hinata hardly ever stuttered around Sakura since they know each other really well.

"Why are you here so early it only 7 training doesn't start until 8" Sakura asked

"I just n-needed to get away from my p-problem and r-relax" She replied

"Hey Hinata what is your problem" Hinata looked at the floor then back up at Sakura

"I don't want to tell y-you maybe later" She said quietly. Sakura was very curious about Hinata's problem but didn't want to upset her so didn't ask more. After a few minutes Hinata turned to Sakura and asked

"W-why are you here so e-early"

"I'm trying to relax from my problem as well" which was true for the last week or so Sakura got there so early that not even Sasuke was there this early. Hinata looked at her and quietly asked

"C-can you tell me your problem S-sakura?"

"Maybe later" Sakura said sitting down against a tree. It's not that she didn't what to tell Hinata she would if she could its just she didn't really know the reason herself. It started about a week ago when she noticed Sasuke wasn't rejecting her like usual but just ignoring her, pretending she wasn't there. It was also the time when she noticed Naruto tried harder at trying to get her to go on a date with him. This made her feel very depressed and quite weird actually.

At that point Sasuke walked over to the bridge and leaned against the side. Sakura got up and walked over to him

"Hi Sasuke" She said standing in front of him, and as usual he just ignored her and moved to another part of the bridge. Sakura looked down and fought to stop tears. Luck was on her side and she didn't cry but a tear did roll down her cheek and hit the water beneath the bridge.

Hinata watched the whole thing and was actually quite angry at how Sasuke had just ignored her. She was about to go to Sakura's side when she heard Naruto's voice,

"Hey" Naruto came running up to them.

"H-hi N-naruto are y-you…" Hinata never got to finish because Naruto had run right past her, and up to Sakura.

"Hi Sakura do you want to get some ramen with me later"

"No Naruto"

"Please" he was using puppy dog eyes, the ones most people cannot resist. Sakura however looked very annoyed and replied with a simple,

"I said no" and with that Sakura walked over to Hinata who looked devastated,

"Hey Hinata are you alright"

"…" was all Hinata could say

"Hinata" Sakura asked in a questioning voice

"Oh y-yeah I-I'm fine" Hinata turned round and sat down against a tree. Sakura sat next to her and looked up at the sky. It was 8.30 at this point and Kakashi still hadn't shown up.

It took another hour before there was a poof and he showed up.

"Your late" Naruto yelled

"Yeah sorry I was lost on the road to life and had to ask for directions so…" Kakashi started.

"Not only is that a lame excuse that was a bad joke" Naruto yelled

"Shut up dobe" Sasuke snarled, while glaring at Naruto and he just glared back.

"Anyway I just came to say I'm going on an unexpected mission in an hour so trainings cancelled" Kakashi explained. Naruto looked disappointed, Sakura and Hinata were staring at the floor and Sasuke was just, well Sasuke. Emotionless.

All four of them walked through the village until Sakura broke the silence

"Sasuke do you want to go to get some ramen with me?" Without even looking at her he replied,

"No I don't want to go anywhere with you" well at least he answered this time.

"Are you sure? I mean…" she was cut off by Sasuke

"Sakura your annoying" Sakura felt her heart shatter. Then Sasuke's fan girls came charging up to them, this can't be good.

"Get out the way forehead" one said pushing her so she fell on the floor.

"H-hey don't p-push Sakura" Hinata was standing in front of the girl who pushed Sakura.

"Move" she yelled pushing Hinata so she fell on the floor next to Sakura. At this point Sakura got up and ran full sprint into the forest. A small tear escaping her eyes and rolling down her cheek. Slowly falling off and flying in the breeze before coming to rest by Hinata's feet.

"Wait Sakura" Naruto yelled after, Hinata looked up at him

"W-what about m-me N-naruto" she slowly got to her feet. Sasuke had run off down the street and the fan girls followed like love struck puppies. "I was p-pushed too?"

"Oh hey Hinata when did you get here?" he asked innocently, but Hinata felt like she had been stabbed in the heart. She turned round and ran in the direction Sakura did. Tears slowly starting to show in her lavender eyes.