Okay, this is a new story I have been writing. Chapters will not be very long, next to my wild arms story. Very short they will be, and they will be in Ichigo and Orihime's point of view and sometimes in a full moon. Kon's point of view as well, just to make problems for Ichigo. Hope you guys like it.

Chapter 1: Worry

(Ichigo's pov)

It had been about a week now. A week sense we saved Orihime from Hueco Mundo. But even if she was back in the world of living; she acted as if…she was very far away still. Even to her best Friend Tatsuki; she would space out more then normal.

Maybe…Aizen had done something to her after all. But even if he had…he had disappeared now. The Hougyoku was gone as well. Orihime had planned to use her powers to turn back time on it. To back before it was made. It was like the item had never been made. But…it took a toll on Orihime. Because she had done this…she could no longer use her powers. Was it? Was it really alright to let her do it alone? Okay…maybe no one had that kind of power as she did. Maybe it was too late to be thinking this way now. What was done was done, right?

I wondered as I looked to the girl sitting on my left. She was staring out of the window. It wasn't like her to be this quiet. I wanted to call out to her; to sake her if something was wrong. But…something was telling me not too. Something was holding me back. Orihime…what's wrong? I wondered as I heard the lunch bell ring. I watched her slowly put some books away in her desk. Many students had left to head to they're lockers. Now was the best time for me to try to speak with her. I started to open my mouth as I heard Tatsuki yell to her.

"Orihime-chan, come on!" Tatsuki yelled. "Oh, I'm coming Tatsuki-chan!" Orihime yelled back to her friend as she ran out of the room. Again…I had lost my chance to speak with her. Even if she was acting like nothing was wrong. I could see past her act. "Inoue-san…"I whispered to my self. Again I felt so powerless. "Ichigo…I believe we need to talk." Chad voice spoke up. I slowly turned toward Chad voice to find him self and Uryuu standing there. "Talk about what?" I questioned the two; even if I knew what they would say. "Do you really need us to answer that Ichigo, really?" Uryuu asked as he pushed his glasses up a bit. "I guess not…" I whispered as I stared out of the window.

"Surely you have seen more then us how Orihime is acting." Chad pointed out. I didn't answer as I closed my eyes. "Ichigo, hey! Are you even listening?!" Uryuu snapped at me. "I'm listening alright?! How the hell can't I see how she is acting!!" I yelled toward Uryuu. "Ichigo…?" Chad asked. "Even if she's safe now…why is she just acting as everything is normal and nothing happened?" I asked them. They both gave me an unsure look. They didn't know as well.

"Maybe it will past with time who can say?" Uryuu spoke up. "But…for now maybe we should just give her some space." Uryuu said as he headed back to his desk to start his lunch. Give her some space…? I wondered as I stared out of the window again. I could see her eating lunch with Tatsuki and some other girls. "Ichigo…? You coming up?" Chad asked. "Yeah. In a minute…" I quickly answered him. Give her space? Is that all we can do for her right now? I wondered as I took my lunch out of my desk and made my way up to the roof.

The roof where I always ate lunch with Chad and two other weirdos. "Ichigooooooooo!" Keigo yelled as I made my way into the roof. Yep, he was running toward me again. Uh-huh again…two times in one day? Gees…he never gives up. I didn't really feel like dealing with it again. As he got closer I stepped out of the way and watched him fall on his face. "Give it up…would you?" I asked him as he quickly sat up. "Never! I will never!" Keigo yelled back. "Well then don't blame…me when something happens to you." I said as I sat down in front of the fence and started to eat my lunch.

It was a normal lunch time. It was as if nothing had happened. Even one would go as far as to say it was very peaceful. Peaceful? Yeah, right! Not in this city when hollows normally appear daily. Well…normally daily that is. But lately they haven't I wonder why that is. Not to say…I don't like the break! I do like the break from that kind of work.

"Ichigo?" Chad asked as I quickly snapped out of my thoughts. "What? Sorry did you say something?" I asked feeling a bit lost. "You haven't eaten much of your lunch, are you feeling alright?" Chad asked. "Huh, yeah I'm fine." I whispered as I looked down toward the group of girls eating lunch. Everything was fine my Ass. But…she did look happy right now. Even if it was only an act; yeah…it was an act.

I recalled when I found her in that castle in Hueco Mundo. "Inoue, where are you?!" I yelled opening doors after doors. I wasn't finding her. Where in the world had they placed her? But as I opened the next door I got the answer to my question. "Who's there?" I heard her voice ask. "I-Inoue…" I whispered staring toward her. She was dressed in a long white dress. She was staring back to me in shock. "K-Kurosaki-kun?" She asked. "I-I finally found you…" I said as Hurry toward her. "Why?" She asked. "What?" I asked her. "Why…did you come here!" She yelled toward me. "Inoue…?" I asked. "You…shouldn't come here! Why did you have to come here?!" Orihime cried as tears ran from her eyes.

Why…didn't she want to be saved then? I never did question her about that. There had to be a reason behind it right? Aside from destroying the Houyoku right? Or was I thinking too much into this? I don't know…the more reason why I need to speak with her. I heard another bell ring meaning lunch was now over. I know what Uryuu said to give her some space but. I really need some answers from her. So…I'll speak with her when school is over. Yeah…I thought as I watched her pick up her things and head toward the school building.

I slowly shook my head a bit as I started toward the door that leads into the school. Just then wouldn't you know it the shinigami's badge started to go off. "oh hell…" I whispered as I pulled out the badge. Was a hollow close by? I didn't sense one so far. Normally I could sense one right away. As I was about to use the badge to turn in my shinigami self; I heard a scream from the school yard. Damnit someone was down there and the hollow was after someone. I quickly used the badge and pushed my soul out of my body then I quickly ran up to the fence to take a look.

No…! My voice in my head yelled as I saw who the hollow had trapped in a counter. The hollow had found Orihime before she had even got into the school. I quickly pulled my sword off my back and jumped over the fence toward the hollow in the school yard.

"No…s-stay back…!" Orihime cried as she fell her back touch a fence. She couldn't back away anymore. How could she defence her self without her powers? She felt so powerless again. The hollow got ready to attack her as it had his arm over his head. It quickly started to lower it's arm toward her. She braced her self for the attack. But to her surprise it never happened. She was never attacked.

"Inoue, are you alright?" I asked as I held my sword over my head holding back the hollow's arm. "K-Kurosaki-kun? Y-Yes…I'm alright…" She quickly answered me. "Inoue, stay behind me alright?" I asked as I quickly cut the hollow's arm off. "A-alright…" She whispered back to me. The hoolow le tout a yell as it came toward me with it's left arm. I quickly stab the hollow in the mask then it slowly disappeared. It was a weak hollow. But none of the less it had to be deal with.

I slowly turned toward Orihime. "You alright, Inoue?" I asked her as I held my sword at my side. "Yes, see I'm alright!" She said as she waved her arms at her side. "I wasn't talking about the hollow…" I said as a eyed the red head before me. "What?" Orihime asked as she looked lost. I slowly let out a sigh, "I was talking about how you been…" I started to say. "Ahh! I'm missing class! Kurosaki-kun! I need to get inside!" Orihime yelled as she raced for the door but somehow trip before getting there.

I slowly shook my head toward her as I felt a sweat drop roll down the back of my head. W-wait class?! What was I doing standing around for?! The teacher was going to give it to me. I needed to hurry back to my body!

Later in Sixth Period I wanted to jump out the window. Well aside from that…this class was English. I hate English…what was the point to be learning it really? "Now class turn to page 26 and follow along." The teacher yelled. I growled a bit to my self as I stared down at the book. I couldn't wait for this pointless class to be over with. "The frog is green." The teacher said in English. "Now you say it." She yelled toward the class. Yes, meaning we had to say it out loud all together. "The frog is green." I said along with the class. This class annoys the hell out of me. "Good, now for the next line." The teacher said as she turned back to the book again. This class always when on and on like this. Yeah…I just started high school this year and so far I can't wait to be finished with it.

Finally that boring hell of a class ended and I finally only had one more class for the day. That class being Gym; Sometimes Gym wasn't so bad. But sometimes it could be boring as hell too. "Okay, today the boys will play baseball. And the girls will run some laps!" The teacher yelled. A lot of awwws we're soon heard after that. "Come on, get to it!" The teacher yelled.

Soon the boys made they're way to the field and the girls made they're way to the track. Got lucky this time it was half bad to have to play baseball. But luck had a funny away of running out quickly.

Not after we started to play baseball we heard a loud scream from the running track. "Orihime-chan!!" Tatsuki voice screamed. MY eyes quickly snapped toward the track. She was lying on the ground. What in the world had happened? To Inoue?!