Disclaimer; I own neither Naruto, Shonen Jump, or any of the diamond mines in Africa. It's a crying shame on all counts. Really, there could be tears…

Author's note; Yes, I am still alive folks! Computer problems, writer's block, car issues, crazy penguins (I just watched 'Happy Feet' with my niece and nephew), the list goes on and on…

This is a response to an idea over on Hawk's webpage posted by DarkstarShadowrose (whom I'm hoping will continue the story 'Two of a Mind'). I have the author listed in my favorites, check it out! Also credit to website members Dhamphyr and ZeroHour, since part of their ideas are in this

'The Legendary Four' is not dead. Like I said, I had to replace my computer recently, and all my files for it were lost. I was planning a major update (something like four chapters, but now I have to rewrite the whole mess). I hope to have at least two up next week, so bear with me. I also have another story I hope to preview in about a month, so look for it!

Now, with every ado I can think of…


Summary; When the Yondaime sealed away the Kyuubi, a clan in Konoha thought that it would receive great honor due to his wish. Instead, the child of the clan became a stigma to their house, so they left him to fend for himself. Gone was the child's mother, cousins, clan elders…and sister.

Now, eight years later, the child will stare into the blue eyes that mark his 'clan'…but what fires burn behind blue eyes? Fires of love and forgiveness…or fires of hate?

12 Years Ago…

"Arashi-koi, there must be another way!" a young woman with pale blue hair cried from her hospital bed. Her stiking blue eyes gazed at the blond haired man standing next to her. Those crystal eyes were filled with anguish, stabbing at the man who called himself her husband.

"Kagura-chan, we have no choice," Kazama Arashi, the Konoha Kiroi no Senko and Yondaime Hokage replied, "The Kyuubi is simply too powerful to destroy! Even with Gamabunta aiding me, I could only hope to wound it for a short while. The Shiki Fuin is the only hope Konoha has!"

"But why our son?!" she cried, holding the crying form of their newborn child to her chest, "Please, at least tell me why him?"

"He carries the will of fire in him, Kagura! Both the blood of the Uzumaki clan and the Makoto clan rests in his veins!" Arashi replied, "He'll become a truly splended ninja once he grows up, I know this already. As for why; I am the Hokage. How can I ask another family to sacrifice their own child if I am not willing to do the same?" The tall blond man gazed at his wife. "Please, my love…understand this."

Kazama-Uzumaki Kagura bowed her head, her blue bangs touching the blond tresses of her newborne son. It still amazed her how much like her husband her child already looked; he was certain to be a heartbreaker when he was grown. Still, his eyes were her's…the same crystal blue shared by the majority of the Uzumaki clan.

The same shared by his four year old sister, Kanna, even.

"I've already left instructions with Jiraiya-sensei and Sarutobi-sensei," Arashi was saying, "The people will know my will. Our son will be a hero my love."

"But what about you?" she whispered, broken.

"A kage's greatest gift to their village is their life," he replied, "At least Naruto will have you and the clan to watch and raise him."

"Naruto…you named him after your favorite ramen topping?!" she asked, inredulous at his choice.

"Actually, I was thinking the 'spiral' version," the young kage replied with his trademark grin. All to quickly it faded, replaced by a somber expression. "Its time, Kagura-chan."

Kagura nodded, placing a sad kiss on the newly christend Naruto's forehead. "Be strong, my little one," she whispered. Reluctantly, she handed her child to her husband. Somehow, she knew things would never be the way her lover thought.

She was right.

Four years later…

"This is becoming a nightmare!" one of the elders shouted in the council chamber. "That…thing…is ruining this clan!"

"Five times we've had to request ANBU protection for that gaki in the last month," another replied. "We're losing face while the Uchiha and Hyuuga continue to gain strength in the civilian council. The villagers are starting to act like they are better than we are as well!"

"The boy shows little talent in any of the clan techniques," another voice spoke, "Takashi-kun has given up teaching him the Kuruda Ryuu styles. He may have an affinity for wind, but given his lack of aptitude with basic ninja techniques its unlikely he'll ever be able to adapt that into something useful."

"We should distance the clan from him," the second voice, "With the new contract offered to us by the Fire Lord himself, the boy's presence would only be a hinderance. Even now, he disrupts the training of his sister, who is turning out to be a genuine prodigy for the clan. Kanna-chan may not be in the direct line for clan succession, but she's certainly going to be a prize jewel for us in a few years."

The trio of elders nodded, then turned to stare at the blue haired woman kneeling before them. Once, this woman was the prize of the Uzumaki clan. A jounin of remarkable skill, (second only to the Densetsu no Sannin, Sandaime Hokage, Hatake Sakumo, and her own deceased husband Kazama Arashi) Uzumaki Kagura had in recent years turned cold and almost unfeeling. She rarely spoke to the council, or to any other clan members, unless it was absolutely necessary. Even her two children, the aforementioned Kanna and the boy –Naruto– received little attention from her.

"Kagura-dono," the head elder spoke, "You know that the Fire Lord has requested our entire clan move to the capital city of Hinokakugin (Fire Pavilion). This move gives the clan a great opportunity to reclaim some of the honor your son has cost us…perhaps even gain greater renown as his highnesses' body guards. However…"

"You needn't ask me what you are about to, Kosuke-sama," the cold woman replied, "You wish me to leave my son here in the village while the rest of us travel to the city."

"Yes, that is correct," the old man replied, "Do you have a problem with it?"

Kagura felt a tug at her soul, even as she voiced her answer. She looked at the elders with eyes of cold blue ice.

"No," she replied, "I will do what is best for the clan."

"Okaa-sama?" a small voice whispered, even it's owner watched the taller woman excort his sister to a covered wagon. The small child stood next to a man in bright white robes with red trim, and a triangular pointed hat stood proudly on his head. The man was old, but several times he had visited the small boy with a friendly smile, so the child knew he could trust him.

"Kagura-san, I beg you once again to stay this madness!" the man with the robes spoke, his voice carrying a hint of anger evident even to the small blond boy next to him, "This is your son, by the Kami! To abandon him this way…"

"It is the will of the clan, Sandaime-sama," she replied, "I will do what is in the best interests of my clan."

"Okaa-sama?" the small boy whimpered again, even as his big sister gave him a look of pity mixed with longing, "Was…was I bad? Did…did I…do something wrong?"

Kagura ignored the boy's questions, though she again felt the strange pull at her heart she had felt a week prior when the decision had been made. "We are the last one's here aside from Ebisu-kun," she replied, "He'll stand proxy for the Uzumaki clan on all civilian and shinobi matters. Kanna and I must depart now."


"Goodbye, Sandaime-sama," the woman finished, before walking away. She climbed into the wagon with her daughter, and the driver lashed the horses, getting them moving.

The blond boy stared at the wagon as it moved away from his home. "Okaa-sama…why? Why don't you want me? What did I do?!"

The wagon continued to move forward, even as he began to shout his pleas. "OKAA-SAMA . .. . . .. . I PROMISE NOT TO BE BAD ANYMORE . .. . . . PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME ALONE!"

The hand on his shoulder vanished even as a form kneeled down and wrapped him up in a tight embrace allowing the hot tears of the boy's misery to flow down the dark color shirt they wore.

"Oji-chan . . .. . . why did Okaa-sama and Onee-sama leave me? Why am I so bad?" the boy whispered.

"You are not bad Naruto-kun," Sarutobi Sudara replied, patting the boy's back in an effort soothe his fractured heart, "You are truly special. Your okaa-san and onee-san will see that someday." The boy continued to cry his soul out into the white robes of the old man.

"If…if I…if I become a good ninja," the boy sobbed, "Will…will that…make them love me?"

Sarutobi frowned over Naruto's head, even as he began to make plans for the boy. For him to think he needs to be a shinobi to get what should come freely from his clan, the 'Professor' thought, before he buried his darker feelings. "I think…many will come to love you if you become a good shinobi, Naruto-kun."

The old man stood, taking the boy's hand in his own. "Come with me, my boy. I'll treat you to some ramen. Your father loved the stuff."

"Ano…what's ramen?" the boy asked, wiping his nose with the sleeve of his orange jacket.

"You'll see, Naruto-kun. You'll see."

Four years later…

When Yuugao first returned to the village, she expected the general apathy she experienced. She was a former member of the Uzumaki Clan, the clan that had left Konoha to serve the Daimyo. They had been gone for so long, it made the people think that the clan saw it's self as too good for the village.

While she had expected that, what she saw her cousin endure was far worse.

Before the departure, she knew that the village hated Naruto. That hatred had been a major reason behind going to serve the Daimyo. However, the cruelty she saw now was far, far worse.

Naruto no longer had the protection of the Uzumaki Clan, and hate that had built up for four years was finally allowed to express itself. Her loathing of her clan built increased with every sneer, every insult, every blow landed on his young body. She had expected to simply avoid him, but after witnessing his life, she was unable to stand by.

She had practically begged the Hokage to let her join ANBU, and he reluctantly agreed, making her one of the youngest members to join ANBU. Since there was no war, and Sandaime had no desire to expose a young woman to the darker aspects of ANBU so soon, she was almost constantly assigned as one of Naruto's guardians.

She couldn't have hoped for more.

Unlike many of the other protectors, she wasn't content to watch from the Shadows until a killing blow was about to hit. She made sure the villagers KNEW she was protecting him. Unsurprisingly, this led to Naruto being fairly attached to her, even calling her "ANBU-chan."

Unfortunately, the time of contentment passed, when on of the newer recruits taunted her about her ousting from the Uzumaki clan in front of Naruto. Almost instantly the happy little boy vanished, replaced by one with distrusting eyes. While it stung to realize how much this child had been hurt by their family, Yuugao continued to protect him, seeing it as penance for her family's sins.

Months passed. Yuugao had grown used to Naruto's silence around her, and no longer let it worry her. Naruto no longer flinched when he saw her. She finally allowed herself to develop a social life, meeting a sweet but sickly man named Hayate. He quickly swept her of her feet, and they began dating. It was that action that stimulated the change.

Naruto was amazingly skilled at hiding and sneaking. The villager's hate towards him made it a necessity. So it was no surprise that Yuugao never noticed him silently following her when she was off duty. At her young age, she lacked the paranoia that marked most competent ninja. Over time, he grew to realize that she bore him no ill will, and wanted to make amends for what had happened to him. Still, the hate he felt for his clan made it impossible for him to express this to her.

Hayate changed that.

The sickly jounin had never overtly tried to harm or insult Naruto. He barely had any interaction with the boy at all. Knowing this gave Naruto the courage to talk to him face to face. After watching him for several days, Naruto confronted him.

The pale jounin was surprised when Naruto approached him. Yuugao had spoke of him and their relation before, so he had some understanding, but was surprised that Naruto would come forward. From what Yuugao had said, the boy ignored her once he learned who she was. Curiosity filled Hayate's mind, and he invited the boy in.

Despite the relaxed environment of Hayate's home, he noticed Naruto was still twitchy. Judging from his experiences, it wasn't that surprising. He filled a glass with milk, and gave it to the nervous boy.

"cough Don't worry kid. No one's going to attack you here." The statement seemed to settle him somewhat, though he still occasionally glanced around. Hayate gave him a moment to drink, before speaking up, "So… what brigs you here?"

"…Yuugao-san…" the boy murmured.

"Ah… she mentioned you a few times… I guess I should have expected this…" Hayate replied, observing his reactions. Despite his age, Naruto managed to hide his shock fairly well. It would be an asset when he was older.

"What did she say?" Despite Naruto's tone, you could sense his curiosity.

"cough Well, she says you're a sweet boy, except when you're playing pranks on people. You're also very determined to reach your goals." Hayate watched Naruto's reactions, "She also said that she was sorry for what happened to you." Naruto's head shot up, shock evident in his eyes.

"You know, for most people in the Uzumaki clan, you weren't that important. You were just another kid in the family. Yuugao barely even knew you when they left."


"You shouldn't judge her too harshly. That's all. If she hated you like you seem to think, she wouldn't have been so gung ho about protecting you. I'm not saying you should forgive her right away, but I think she deserves an opportunity to prove herself, don't you?"

Hayate grabbed the empty glass to refill it, giving Naruto the chance to think about their conversation. When he returned, the chair was empty, and the door ajar. He sighed; he might not have helped, but at least he tried.

Naruto ran to the place he was most comfortable, the top of the Hokage Monument.

His conversation with Hayate had made him reconsider his feeling towards the people who abandoned him. For once, his convictions were shaken. His hate for his family wavered, and he questioned whether he was any better. For hours, he sat there, thinking about what to do.

Days later, Yuugao was on guard duty once again. As always, she remained silent, and Naruto did the same. It wasn't until lunchtime that something changed.

"Do you want some?" Naruto asked cautiously, as if he was afraid of her response.

"Huh?" Yuugao responded, surprised that he was talking to her again.

"I asked if you wanted some food ANBU-chan. If you don't want any…"

"No! I'd be glad to eat with you, Naruto-kun…" She quickly replied, joining him for some ramen. It wasn't much, but it was a start.

Four years later…

Uzumaki Naruto stared at the grey haired genin kneeling on the ground before him, even as the older boy began relating his information about the different canditates taking the exam. He wasn't really paying attention. His mind was focused on passing this exam and taking the next step in his goal of becoming Hokage.

"There's also a special team from the Leaf in this exam as well," the boy, Kabuto said, "A trio from the Fire Lord's personal body guards, the Uzumaki Clan."

Naruto's head whipped around so fast the Rookie Nine thought his head would pop off. "What…clan…did you say?" he asked, growling out his words as his hands clenched tight.

"The Uzumaki clan," he replied, looking into the azure eyes of the short genin, "Yeah, I can see how you'd have an…issue…about that."

"Naruto, I thought you were an orphan!" Sakura hissed, angry that the loudmouthed member of her team would withhold something like this. His gaze snapped to her, and she almost flinched at the anger burning within them.

"I am an orphan," he replied, his voice taking a hard edge that caused nearly everyone to flinch. "I share the same surname with that clan. Nothing else." He noticed Hinata giving him a concerned look. "I'd really rather not talk about it right now." His face broke into his usual cocksure grin. "C'mon, we got a test to pass! Dattebayo!"

Across the room a trio of genin with the same azure eyes glanced over at the rookie group.

"So," the leader of the trio said, running a hand through his short black hair, "That's Kanna-nee-san's brother."

"He looks ridiculous with that orange jumpsuit," a girl with purple hair in a page-boy cut muttered, "No wonder the clan cast him out. I bet he's nothing compared to you, Taro-kun."

"Ninja rule #5; Never underestimate an opponent," the tallest of the trio said, his white hair bound in a simple 'samurai' style que. The effect was enhanced by the daisho he kept tucked into his obi. "The outcast is here for a reason. Do not forget what we were told about, Reika-chan."

"Oh relaxe, Kenosuke," she replied, "He's no threat. Didn't you hear that stupid proclamation he made earlier? I bet he doesn't even pass this first part."

"Kenosuke is right, Reika-chan," Taro replied. "Don't underestimate him. Remember, he's supposedly been trained by your sister, remember?"

"I have no sister," Reika replied, "Yuugao cut her ties with the Uzuki and broke fellowship with the Uzumaki. She's dead to us."

"But she was and is ANBU level," Kenosuke replied, "If she has been teaching him, he could be a real challenge…and don't forget what Kosuke-sama said. Uzumaki Naruto is a monster. I recommend avoiding him until we learn know more."

"Agreed," Taro replied, "Besides, even if we can't beat him, she can!"

Naruto sat next to Hinata, his mind going back to the day he'd been left behind. Has it really been eight years since that day? he thought as the test papers began being handed out. I had all but forgotten about them. Has it really been that long…since I started hating them?

His hand tightened around his pencil in anger, before he heard the voice of the shy girl next to him.

"Ano, Naruto-kun…" Hinata spoke up, getting his attention, "Lets…do our best!" She smiled at him.

"Yeah!" he replied, smiling back at her. The Uzumaki clan can wait, he thought.

Like they thought about me…they're unimportant.