Chapter 21

Extreme Jealousy:

Sasuke's Infatuation Acknowledged!

Sasuke HATED it here. Not dislike or any of those small scaled feelings for this place, he abhorred it and found it so unbearable that he didn't want to be here more than he had to.

He spied on Yintora and Keitaro, from atop a building, as they strolled buddy-buddy, holding hands, through the streets chatting to each other. A bit too buddy-buddy, if you ask me. Sasuke thought his eyes burning holes in Keitaro's back. Look at how he's hanging all over her! Disgusting! His mind wasn't able to register that it probably wasn't all entirely Keitaro's fault, but if it did it wouldn't really matter. Sasuke would've loathed him anyway. He especially despised the fact that KEITARO was down there with her instead of him. And now because of that little incident, he hated EVERYTHING, even how the sun was shining.

And he thought it was pathetic how he didn't understand why he was feeling it. It annoyed him to no bounds.

Sasuke looked up at the sky. It was probably just past noon, and he needed to eat lunch. He jumped off of the roof top and trudged glumly down the crowded streets with his hands in his pockets. He walked down a couple streets when he knocked down a person with pink hair.

"Oh hey Sasuke." Sakura said hurriedly hopping up and dusting herself off. "Sorry 'bout th---"

"Don't bother," Sasuke started at first, but he didn't want to sound rude. "It was my fault."

"Okay." Sakura said looking at Sasuke confusedly. "Hey Sasuke I was thinking you know, since we're here right now, why don't we get ramen together?" She blushed and started fiddling with a strand of her hair.

"Whatever." Sasuke replied and he started to walk away.

Sakura stood there wondering what that response meant. Yes or No.

She looked at Sasuke who was standing in the middle of the road. "Well, are you coming or not?" Sakura heard him say. She smiled and ran up to join him.

Sasuke ducked into a ramen shop. There really was nowhere else to eat that he could think of. Sakura followed him quickly inside. They sat down and ordered some ramen. It was pretty silent as the cooks until the cooks gave them their servings.

Then Sakura spoke up. "So what made you change your mind, Sasuke?" She questioned him.

"There's nothing to do around here." Sasuke stated in a bored tone, as he nudged his noodles in his bowl. Now that he was actually here he didn't really feel hungry. They both ate, well in Sasuke's case, kept nudging the noodles around the bowl, in silence when Sasuke asked a very random question.

"Sakura how do you feel when you're with me?" He asked to her, looking down at his bowl, in a bored, nonchalant tone.

Sakura looked at him questioningly for a second. "Well I guess at first there's a fluttery feeling in the pit of my stomach and everything is all feathery." She answered scratching her head, hoping she said what he was looking for. She wasn't really expecting that question.

A few more minutes of silent 'eating'.

"What do you feel when you see another girl with me?" He asked, still looking down at his bowl, in his still unconcerned tone.

She imagined for a second. "I feel like tearing her to shreds!" She said in an evil voice and then looked down at her half-empty bowl as well. "But why are you asking Sas------" She looked over to where he was sitting. There was a wad of cash to cover both of their lunches but their was no Sasuke.

Awwwwwwwwwww! She hung her head. Look what you've done now!! She thought to herself.. You've scared Sasuke away!

Stupid, stupid, stupid! How could you even think that! Sasuke asked himself, shaking his head. He migrated pretty fast through the crowded streets. He did NOT want to run into Sakura again. How could you even think that. You must be on the very verge of insanity!

He came to the edge of town, to the field of flowers. He walked out to the center and laid down on his back. He stared at the sky, thinking. He couldn't seriously love a girl!…..Or could he? He sat there for what seemed like hours. Then footstep came up behind him and the person sat on the ground, just above his head.

Brown hair dangled in his face. Sasuke looked at the person. "Yintora, what are you doing?" He asked her.

"I was going to ask you what YOU were doing alone, out here by yourself. In a field of FLOWERS, none the less."

"No, seriously. What are you doing?" Sasuke asked her again.

"Okay, I just came to find you and say that I'm sorry for the whole me freaking out thing this morning." She confessed. "I mean I know you weren't really going to kill him, you were just mad. Really, really, really, really, really, really---------------"

"Okay, I get the point." Sasuke said sitting up and turning his body around to face her. "Thought you wouldn't have acted that way, if I hadn't acted the way I had, you know. So if anyone had to, I should be the one apologizing." He said rubbing the back of his head.

Yintora plucked a few flowers with one hand the other she kept behind her back. She placed a flower from her visible hand in her hair and reached over and stuck one in Sasuke's. She smiled, pleasantly pleased with herself. "So is everything good between us?"

Sasuke smiled back. "I guess so." He replied plucking the flower from his hair.

Then Yintora stood up and towered over him. "Good, that means that I can do this." She brought out her other hand and in it was a large, gigantic, bunch of flowers. And was still smiling as she dumped them over Sasuke's head.

Sasuke was looked at her severely surprised.

"See," She giggled. "You look SO MANLY now" Then she turned and started to run away from him.

Sasuke shook his head enough rapidly to shake all of the flowers off and got up and ran after. They ran back and forth across the field and every time that Yintora got the chance she would throw more flowers on Sasuke and they would laugh some more. But finally she gave up and Sasuke tackled her to the ground.

He ended pinning her to the ground by her shoulders. He looked into her eyes and had the strongest urge to just kiss her, she made him so happy.

"So do you feel better?" Yintora asked him.

Sasuke looked at her confusedly. "What do you mean."

"When I first got here, you seemed so lonely. So I wanted to help make you feel not as lonely, if that makes any sense at all." She said to him.

He rolled onto his back and laid right beside her on the ground. And smiled at the sky. "It makes perfect sense."

She moved to put her head on his stomach. " So what's your answer then?"

"I'm smiling," He started. "What do you think?"

"Who knows, you're a very complex individual." Sasuke could hear the smile in her voice.

They sat there for a couple minutes and then Yintora stood up and offered a hand to him. "Come walk with me."

"Why?" Sasuke asked puzzled.

"Well, I have to go find Keitaro and Naruto." She answered.

"So, why do I have to go?" Anger flared in his head.

"Because I want you to. Please." She begged him.

Sasuke rolled his eyes in a friendly way. "Fine." He said. Sasuke took her hand and was pulled up.

They walked into town together, their hands still entwined.

They passed through multiple streets, and each time they did Sasuke was a little nervous. Sure the holding hands was fine, and Sasuke, in his complete and utter amazement didn't mind at all, he actually liked it, it was the fact that he felt that they would come across someone they knew or someone who would point out and accuse them. Of course no was even looking at them, but Sasuke felt uneasy with her when there was so many people around. He tried to let go of her hand, but he couldn't, it was stuck in her grip.

"Why are you doing that?" Sasuke finally asked after giving up on trying to escape. "It don't even feel like you're doing anything."

"Because I know sooner or later, you'll try to sneak away and be lonely again. Besides I forgot to tell you that you, me, Keitaro, Naruto, and Sakura are all going to have dinner together. Keitaro's treat to all of us for coming here. You probably sneak away from that anyway." She stated. "So I'm keeping you in at least arms range until I definitely know that you will participate thoroughly."

Sasuke groaned. There was a semi-long silence. "How?" He questioned her.

"Well, I can make my chakra react to your chakra in a certain way and," Yintora started to explain. "It makes the chakra of your body parts to the area of mine I choose to react, like a super magnet." She confused herself even. "Do you understand?"

Sasuke shook his head. "A little."

Yintora sighed. "Let me demonstrate it. Let me see your other hand."

Sasuke stuck out his other hand.

"Okay, watch my hand." She stated. And she took the other hand, that wasn't attached to Sasuke's other one still, and hovered it near above the palm of Sasuke's hand. "Do you feel that?" Yintora asked him.

"Yeah, most definitely." Sasuke almost wondered why he didn't feel the more than subtle amount to chakra coming off of her hand before.

"Watch." Was all she said, and really had to say. Sasuke was interested. All she did was set her hand on top of his.

"That's it?" Sasuke asked puzzled.

"Go ahead. If you don't believe it, then just try and see it you can get it off." Yintora challenged him with a sly smirk.

He tried to move his other arm and now it wouldn't budge. "Okay, I get it now." But then the previous chakra flow shot off a question in his head. "How did you do the whole heat type thing last night?" He asked her.

"Like this." Yintora stated simply. Then she released the hand she just linked and showed Sasuke a thin, thin, thinnest layer of chakra you ever could see lining the palm of her hand. And in viper like motion, she leaned down and touched the back of Sasuke's right calf.

Sasuke's calf didn't respond and he fell to his knee. So now he was at an awkward position. He was stuck holing Yintora's hand and looked like he was kneeling. If anyone was actually was paying attention to them, they might have thought that he was proposing or something. He was embarrassed a lot and felt himself begin to blush, only a little though. "What did you do?" Was the only thing he could say.

"See," Yintora started, chuckling slightly, also noticing the position he was in now. "I gather tiny amount of chakra, heat increasingly and apply it to the area that needs to be relaxed." She said. "Nothing really technical. Sometimes I use it on myself." She stated. Yintora stood there and waited for Sasuke to say something.

He had a mind blank for a second and then asked, "Can you let go of my hand and help me, please?"

Yintora looked down at him. "Only if you promise you'll participate and not run away."

"Yintora, look at me," He said gesturing with his free hand at his position. "I can't even stand! How am I supposed to RUN away. I could crawl, but you would be able to catch me, so what is the point?"

Yintora understood his point. She smiled. "Okay!" She said really happily and she released Sasuke's other hand, but latched on to his arm and pulled him to his usable foot, and Sasuke leaned on Yintora for support as they walked to the restaurant.

Later at the restaurant

Three words for ya:

Sasuke was miserable.

They were seated in a semi-fancy restaurant (ya know the ones were you actually have to sit at a table and wait FOREVER to get your food [Kinda like me with this chapter), at a private booth that only seated four people. On one side Yintora sat by Keitaro, having Keitaro being on the outside. Then on the other side was Sakura and Sasuke, with Sasuke on the outside and Naruto pulled up a chair at the end of the table.

Sakura seemed quiet, apparently the whole weird lunch conversation didn't scare Sasuke after all, but she didn't say anything just in case anything scared Sasuke. But she smiled and was having a good time, unlike the guy sitting next to her.

Yintora was sitting next to HIM again. Why didn't she by Sasuke. I mean she's the one who dragged me along. I didn't even want to come. I mean I was perfectly fine moping. Sasuke thought to himself, while glaring directly at Keitaro, who noticed this awhile earlier and now was glaring back at him. Naruto and the girls were so involved in the conversation that they didn't even know the other two boys weren't paying attention.

"Isn't that right, Keitaro?" Yintora said nudging him the side.

"I'm sorry I wasn't listening, Yintora." He said with a hint of regret in his voice, still glaring at Sasuke. "But I have to speak with Sasuke for a moment, alone." He said to Yintora who was giving him a questioning look.

"Okay." She said as she watched Keitaro grab the still slightly handicapped Sasuke by the shoulder, and rushing outside the door of the restaurant.

Outside, Keitaro pushed Sasuke to the wall. "Okay, what the hell is your problem, little boy."

Sasuke pushed Keitaro away. "What problem?!" He snapped at Keitaro angrily.

"Your frickin' attitude, the whole entire reason that you were glaring at me in there the entire." Keitaro said pushing him back.

"May be because you been hanging all over my teammate the whole entire time we've been here today." Sasuke retaliated by pushing Keitaro back, again.

"Wait, wait, wait. Hold on, stop." Keitaro said backing off of a few steps. "You think that I've been hanging over Yintora all day, basically right?"

Sasuke nodded, kind of confused about where the argument was going.

Keitaro started cracking up. "Dude," He started between breaths. "Yintora's like my sister." He paused for a quick second to calm himself. "We grew up here for a couple years together, and we both strictly told each other that we both be there for each other like older brother and little sister, and that's what we became. Nothing more, nothing less."

Sasuke took this in and felt completely stupid. "Okay, never mind then."

"But what would it matter if I was 'hanging all over her' or not." Keitaro questioned Sasuke.

"I said never mind." Sasuke said making it clear that he wanted to end the conversation, he started to hobble away.

Keitaro finally realized. "You like her don't you? If so deeply concerned about her like that you've got to."

Sasuke stopped. Did he? Did he love her and not realize it? If he did, would this second opinion be able to convince himself enough? "I don't know." He told the truth.

"Well if you do anything to hurt her," Getting up in Sasuke's face and poking him hard in the ribs. "Will hunt you down and I will kill you." Sasuke also heard Gaara's voice also saying the last two words. They both basically said the same thing. If he hurts her, he will get killed.

Sasuke was still pondering inside his head, whether or not he loved Yintora, when the person walked outside and looked at them both with her beautiful eyes. And the voice in his head combined with the feathery feeling in his stomach answered to himself and to Keitaro. "Yes." He stated plainly and Keitaro understood what he meant.

"I'm sorry, but, um, the food is at the table and…… I'm so sorry for interrupting." She was looking down at her feet twirling a strand of hair slowly, like she was afraid she was going to be punished for interrupting.

"It's okay," Keitaro said to her, but looking at Sasuke with a inquisitive look.

Sasuke flashed Keitaro an evil look. The one that said, 'Don't you dare.'

Keitaro nodded, apparently he's already gone through this himself and understood Sasuke's predicament. "We were just talking about our childhood and the slow service this place has." He stated to Yintora.

Yintora sighed, apparently relieved that she hadn't run into anything private. She held the flap open for Keitaro and he ducked inside the restaurant. She was waiting for Sasuke now. "Are you coming?" She asked him innocently.

"Nah," Sasuke started. He was in shock with himself. He wanted to be alone for the rest of the night.

"Why not?" Yintora asked curiously.

"I guess I'm just not hungry." Sasuke felt bad for lying to her.

"But, what about the food that you ordered?" She kept shooting questions at him. Sasuke knew she didn't want him to leave, it was supposed to be a spend time with your team moment.

"Tell me how much it costs and I'll give you the money tomorrow." He told her.

"Oh, okay." She said looking kind of depressed. "Well, goodnight, then." Yintora finished and then she ducked back inside the restaurant.

She was probably hoping that I would make friends with Keitaro more. Sasuke thought feeling sorry for hurting the feelings of Yintora and the cook that made the food, for not eating it.

He walked down the street, and all the while he was having a conflict with his brain. You know why didn't you actually noticed that you loved her before? He kept wondering and wondering and couldn't find an answer. Maybe he was too stupid, too blind, too greedy for power, too vengeful, or maybe to him, it was just too plain obvious for his mind to accept it. He came to the hotel they were staying at, found his room, went upstairs to it, found out that it was too humid in there, so he took off his shirt and laid it on the end of his bed. He flopped into the bed and stared up at the ceiling. And the last thing he thought before he went to bed was:

I love a girl? Then his mind confirmed it. Yes, I love a girl.

UGGGGGGGGGH!! This took me forever, and I have no idea why. But I swear to you after I figure out this whole 'high school routine' thing, then there will definitely be more chapters up. Yes this means I have started school as a freshie, three weeks ago. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT! THREE WEEKS AGO! AND THIS IS THE ONLY CHAPTER I HAVE POSTED SO FAR! I MAY NOT GET ONE UP AT THE END OF THIS WEEK BECAUSE, GUESS WHAT, I'VE GOT THREE TESTS TO DO THIS WEEK!

Yeah hey, for those of you who do want to wait to finish reading my SERIES before they're sixty I suggest you drop out know. This Naruto series is a going to be a trilogy so far and if I can figure out a fourth idea for a fourth book or get some ideas then it could be even longer than that. Just a warning.

In the next, next or maybe next, next, next chapter I am going to use a song. How FREAKING AWESOME is that! And I won't forget to give credit to the band either, they deserve it, I think it's is a pretty good song, nothing rock or hard metal about though.

Thanks to my readers, new ones and the ones that have been with me this far,

And an even bigger thanks to my reviewers:


Blue Fire Kitsune

The Sorceress Princess

uchiha hikari

Lyris 88

Satta Kurosama






HINT, HINT: If you want to see your name with this list, please give me reviews. P.S. sometimes I can burn really easy, so no flames please, but if you have a some really helpful advice I would love to hear it. Kind of like that one person who called Yintora a Mary-Sue, I was mad at that person and I've had a couple friends explain it to me and I'm still not quite sure what a Mary-Sue is, but the point is I didn't like it. SO please no bad flames.

I'll try to update as soon as I can. I can't believe it. Three tests in one week! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!