Fate's Ripple

A/N; And here we have it, dear readers! The final chapter of Fate's Ripple. Eight Chapters, 49,000 words, and almost 14 months since I posted the first chapter. I hope you've all enjoyed reading the story as much as I enjoyed writing it. For those that love Harry/Harrison/Chris I will probably right a morning after scene for the end of this chapter but it will be purely for .

Read and enjoy the conclusion of this story!

Chapter 8; Sacrifice

Last time

"It's time!" Harry yelled so that all could hear him.

Before anybody could answer him the ground rumbled and bucked again though this time it was almost enough to send everyone to their knees. The ground under the Cerberus erupted into flames that roared up around the growling creature which jumped out of the flames. It pawed at the ground as it lowered its head to the ground. Harry sent out another call and out of the flames a dozen Reapers jumped clear moments before the flames exploded upwards with a screech.

The mortals grabbed at their ears as the air was filled with the sounds of screaming. The sky darkened before lightning streaked across it even though there were no clouds. There was no thunder. A huge shadow reared up within the flames as the Gate swung wide open. Its roar sent many of those there to their knees.

The Gates of Hell were open and the Deviant was standing in the portal.


And now...

Nobody could really say who broke the stunned pause, it could have been the arrival of a legion of Valkyrie from Valhalla, summoned by the Angels, along with a multitude of creatures of good. It also could have been when the horde of demons shimmered throughout the battle field or when the figures began emerging from the base of the portal, from the very flames that licked around the Deviant.

Whatever started the fighting it didn't really matter since there was so much magic in the air that heat rose through them all as demons shot fireballs against the Witches and the Wizards sent spells against the demonic hordes. In a matter of seconds the entire battlefield fell into chaos. Harry looped a hand around Harrison without moving and when Harrison flinched at an oncoming fireball, Harry didn't even move. The fireball passed through Harry as if he wasn't even there. Harry was delving into the vast magic of the Angels of Destiny that had hidden Harrison from the demons and the Deviant since his birth.

Harry raised a hand just as the first few hell-dwellers stepped out of the portal and the Reapers launched themselves into the fight ripping through the escaped souls which let out horrendous screams. Death was standing at his shoulder while Chris was slowly making his way to Harry and Harrison.

"It's trapped in the Gate." Death said quietly.

"Let's hope it stays like that." Harry said just as quietly. Their voices carried easily enough. Harry threw out a hand as a hell-dweller's soul slipped towards them and it was lifted bodily from the ground and up over the battle, past it's brethren and into the flames of the Gate where it exploded into flames.

Harrison cried out when another of them lurched straight through a Wizard who had strayed closer to the Portal. The Wizard stumbled down to his knees with a silent scream of pain as he clutched at his heart. The Soul leant over him but was ripped away a second later as it was consumed by the Cerberus.

"At least the Deviant is blocking most of the Gate." Death nodded. Harry took a moment to look around him until he found Tru and Melinda who's roles here were vital. None of the living could defend against the hell-dwellers. Tru was standing next to Melinda along with Jack, Jim and Davies, all staying close together in the midst of the war going on around them. The Halliwells were keeping close around them making sure that they weren't hurt and Harry and Death both turned towards each other and raised their arms. From almost twenty feet away they summoned the group of fifteen so they appeared around them.

"Tru, Melinda." Harry turned to them both. "You must ask the Souls to help clear a path through the entities coming out of the Gate so that Harrison, Death and I can get to it."

"What about the Reapers?" Wyatt yelled loudly.

"The ones that have come through are busy." Harry told him. "More will come through once I call them but at the moment they are trying to stem the flow from the other side. They will protect Harrison once we are through."

"How?" Melinda asked.

"You are connected to them." Death said simply. "Simply do it."

Harry didn't wait, it was their task to do this and each would be aided in the task by one of the Souls. Melinda's Grandmother and Luc appeared from the midst of the souls, directing the others to the task.

Harry took Harrison's hand and walked slowly down towards the Gate and the towering figure shadowed within. He paused when Chris followed and he heard Tru yelling for Harrison. Harry turned sad eyes on them both before looking at Wyatt. "They go no further, Wyatt."

Chris tried to step away from his older brother to follow and help protect Harrison but his brother was faster and grabbed his arm. Jack grabbed Tru before she could try to move and she yelled out to Harrison.

Harry leaned over to Harrison. "Remember the both of them and remember the others."

"What others?" Harrison asked.

Harry pointed to the left towards Luc and the other ghosts that were slowly working their way through the hell-dwellers, there standing beside him was Elise Davies, his mother. He staggered slightly and Harry held him up. "Remember who it is you can come back to if you fight hard enough."

Harry pulled Harrison closer to the Gates of Hell and they could feel the heat searing against them. Harrison was more effected but even as he shielded his face from the flames Harry forced him on. As they were approaching the edge of the flames, Harrison's clothing was starting to smoke and he was shaking from the heat. Before Harry could force him into the Gate though a sickly form flew from the flames directly at Harrison. Harry twisted them both even as he heard Chris and Tru struggling away from their protectors while screaming for Harrison. The evil Soul grabbed at Harry's back and Harry cried out as pain lanced through him. This particular Soul was fed by the Deviant as were many of the others.

Harry spun and light flashed around him in all directions, slicing through hellish Souls in all directions and throwing that particular one back through the flames. He was floating above the ground shielding Harrison and with a roar from the flames a lance of fire burst out as part of the Gate cracked apart. Fire shot out even as the entire battle came to a standstill to watch that exact moment.

Harry thrust out his arms and the flames burst to either side of him and up into the air as a bubble of magic shielded Harry and Harrison. The flames of hell weren't that easy to defend against though and Harry began losing ground. The flames themselves weren't evil, nor was most of hell itself, only the souls that resided there and beings like the Deviant that could force hell flames to escape into the world.

Death appeared beside Harrison and the two vanished just as Harry lost his battle and the hell flames struck him squarely. He was sent flying back over the battle and into the ranks of Wizards that had been forming up into defensive squares at Hermione's insistence. He was burning with the flames and he looked up to see that the hell flames still rocketed up into the air. He stood slowly and waved his hand, the fires on his clothing extinguished and his chest healed. A Wizard tried to help him but Harry vanished from his spot to return to his rightful place.

Harrison hugged him tightly when he saw Harry alive but his happiness was short lived as a second and then a third jet of hell flame broke through the Gate. "This is going to hurt, Harrison. I'm sorry."

Harrison grabbed his hand. "Let's do this."

Harry nodded at Death who took Harrison's other side before the three walked into the flames. Harry knew this would be emotionally painful for himself but more so for Tru and Chris as they watched the fires burn over Harrison's body as Harry and Death disappeared through the flames.

Harrison's body crumpled to the floor at the base of the Gate even as Harry and Death walked into the Gateway with Harrison's Soul between them. He was breathing heavily but he soon stopped when the hot air inside the Gates of Hell began searing into his lungs, whether he was dead or not.

The sound from the world behind them vanished and even the sound of the fires around them was gone. They were in a black space with only the ring of flames around them. The flames were broken only by three small areas that showed the world outside of hell. In the centre of the black was a hole in the ground where flames leapt out at them and on the other side of that hole stood a man wearing similar clothing to Harry and Death. He seemed relaxed and gentle but around his feet were the smoking remains of five Reapers who had tried to stop him.

He started laughing and it wasn't a particularly pleasant sound and it didn't suit the form he had imitated. "A time has come before us all and in this change I shall no longer remain trapped in this place."

Death and Harry moved as one, Harry spun around to face Harrison and Death sent a rippling mass of energy out at the Deviant to distract him. With that shot a dozen Reapers crawled out of the hole that lead to hell. "You have to close the Gate." Harry told Harrison as he grabbed the sides of his face. "It'll take everything you have but you have to do it."

"How?" Harrison asked.

"The flames around us are the Gate, they burn the barrier between hell and Earth and allow hell to reach Earth. You need to put them out, push them back down the hole into hell and then close the hole slightly." Harry told him. "Don't close it all the way though or we won't be able to send Souls to hell."

Harrison swallowed and Harry kissed him on the lips with all the love he had in him. Harrison nodded as soon as Harry released him and Harry turned to make sure that Harrison was protected. Death was standing just off the edge of the hole, actually hovering over the hole and within the flames. Harry and Death would have to force the Deviant back within that hole before Harrison closed it and they'd have to force him down all the way to the base which would be painful if not permanent for them.

The Deviant had changed shape into something like the Reapers and it had managed to kill a few of them even while Death slowly pulled up his magic to attack the Deviant. It was chaotic for a time and it wasn't until the flames around them began to flicker that the Deviant looked around at Harrison and growled a low rumbling sound before leaping forwards. Harry lashed out with his entire body and he felt his skin burning as he grabbed the Deviant around the throat and launched him towards Death and the hole in the ground. The Deviant clawed at the ground and stopped short of the hole and turned to lash out at Death. The beam of black magic was full of the same power that the Wizard had used to kill Ron and it crackled through the air.

Death dodged as well as he could at such close range but it caught him in the side, sending him flying backwards across the Gate area. Reapers launched themselves at the Deviant, trying to pull it back into the hole only to burn as the Deviant glowed with the same black energy. The Deviant eventually managed to pull himself up from the centre of the Reapers and turned to face Harry at the edge of the circle just as the flames flickered violently and died away. Harry turned to look at Harrison quickly to see him pale and shaky on his knees behind him.

The Deviant snarled violently at Harry and thrust out both his hands at Harry. For Harry the world seemed to end with that single action. He couldn't take a direct blast without being killed but if he moved then Harrison's Soul would take the entire blast. In the end it wasn't even a hard decision, it wasn't just that Harrison's survival would save the world, Harry couldn't let harm come to Harrison. He braced himself for the impact, pulling up all his power to try to survive the blast but it never came. Death had put himself in direct line of fire and the darkness of the attack overwhelmed him in seconds leaving nothing of the old Angel of Death behind.

Harry stared in shock at where his friend had previously stood. This had been the thing that both Harry and Death had sensed was happening. Harry was now the only Angel of Death to walk the plains of Earth and protect all of the Souls. Harry lashed out just as the ground shuddered and began flowing towards the hole to Hell. Blinding white light flared around Harry before striking out at the Deviant who couldn't dodge in time. He was struck in the chest and he staggered back towards the quickly closing hole.

The ground stopped shaking and a thick black dust began to hover over the hole, forming the last of the locks on the Gates of Hell. Harry glanced behind him at a wide eyed Harrison before turning to run at the Deviant. He grabbed it and forced them both down through the closing mist and down into Hell.

Hell was hard to describe and although Harry had the knowledge of the place he had never been there. It almost seemed to be an endlessly deep shaft where the walls were full of ledges and caves filled with screaming Souls. Thousands of Reapers travelled through the realm, leaping between levels and above them was the vast blackness of the Gate with only the small smoky entrance in the middle. That all soon vanished as Harry and the Deviant fell through the centre. Harry could feel his body burning away from contact with the Deviant and as they fell they both grew weaker and weaker. Harry and the Angels of Destiny were forcing magic into the Deviant to restrict him and cage him and nimbuses of bright light exploded around them.

Down they fell, into the deepest and darkest parts of Hell and the further Harry forced the Deviant the further away Harry got through Chris and Harrison.


Slightly Earlier

Chris spotted a Warlock preparing to fire a shot in their direction and clenched his hand, holding the Warlock's mortal heart in a tight telepathic grip, crushing it mercilessly. The Warlock collapsed to the ground, dead, only a second later.

His family were taking Harry's silent advice to heart and were staying together in the midst of the battle, protecting Tru, Melinda and the other mortals to the best of their abilities, they were all getting a little burned and cut up but their wounds weren't too bad so far. That didn't hold true for all of the allies though, the dead lay almost throughout the battle but he had to admit that the Wizards were good. They were sticking together for the main part, holding up an impenetrable fortress of magic while small groups struck out from the whole with a form of transport similar to blinking. They were also causing the wounded to vanish simply by leaving small pins on them.

Chris turned to the mass of Reapers and Souls swirling around the far-reaching flames of the Gates of Hell and couldn't help but swallow heavily at the sight of Harry, the Angel of Death and Harrison slowly trying to force their way through. Just when Chris thought that they couldn't possible get closer to the flames a horribly dark Soul erupted from the surface. Chris cried out in shock, garnering Tru's attention but Harry twisted and took the strike to protect Harrison. That didn't make Chris relax for long though when he noticed the pain Harry was in.

He tried to jump forwards but a sword settled against his chest an instant before his brother, still holding the sword, grabbed him tightly to prevent him from leaving the group. Before Chris could think of struggling out of his older brother's grip there was a bright flash of light that tossed the Soul away from Harry like a rag doll. Harry was hovering inside a nimbus of bright light just between Harrison and the portal but even as Chris watched the portal itself lashed out. Flames leapt out in a steady stream and struck Harry. He held himself in position for a few seconds and Chris was relieved to see the Angel of Death remove Harrison from the firing line.

The flames struck Harry squarely in the chest and he hurtled back away from the Gates and through a number of Demons and into the middle of the Wizards. "Harry!" Chris tried to run but this time not only Wyatt, but also Tru's friend, Jack, grabbed him and held him in place.

"Chris." It was Tru and she was looking at where the Portal was rather than where Harry had gone. "Harry's with Harrison." Chris turned back in surprise to see Harry looking back briefly over his shoulder with a reassuring smile on his lips. He'd obviously transported back across the field. Chris began feeling a little better, a feeling that didn't go away even when two more geysers of fire erupted to join the first.

"The Gate's crumbling!" His father shouted loudly to everyone.

Chris watched with Tru at his side as Harry, Harrison and the Angel of Death approached the Portal. It all happened so quickly that it took Chris an instant longer to react than Harrison's sister. Just as the trio reached the flames fire erupted around them, sweeping through all three of them except they didn't hold to Harry and Death. The two Immortals vanished beyond the flames but the sight left behind was burned permanently into Chris' memory. Harrison's body was burning fiercely even as it slumped backwards at the foot of the Gate.

Tru screamed and started running forwards. Chris, only an instant slower than her in reacting grabbed her by the arm and pulled her backwards. He didn't know what to do to calm her so simply hugged her, stopping her from struggling with his entire body. "Harry said there'd be a line we couldn't cross." Chris told her even though his entire being wanted to run to Harrison's body, to heal it.

Before he could say anything else though his world flipped around violently. Heat seared the air and when Chris realised what had happened he realised that he and Tru had been shoved out of the way by Wyatt and Jack just before another geyser of fire had shot across where they'd been. The torrent of fire continued through the group, splitting it in two. Chris rolled out from under Wyatt and looked at the Gate. Two more geysers had opened, one at their own level that had left a line of burning bodies behind and another had reached out into the sky.

"What will happen when it goes?" Chris turned to his father.

"Let's hope it's if, Chris." His father told him. "It'll burn out the desert."

Before anything more could be said another geyser erupted through the battlefield. Chris could only just follow it as it shot passed him to the left. It was heading straight for the centre of the Wizards, right at where it would do the most damage to their side. Chris waited to see them dodge but they didn't and just before it hit it burst out in all directions, ebbing against a blue shield that Chris realised that the Wizards had joined together to form with their wands. They could hear a din of cracks from the Wizards and as the last Wizards apparated across the battle the shield collapsed and the geyser shot across the now empty part of the field.

An unholy scream echoed from within the Gate drawing all of their attention to the large shadow within the flames. It still struggled against the flames that bound it but seemed also to be concerned by something within the portal and that gave Chris hope.

It seemed like an eternity to Chris but after several long moments, where Chris realised he was simply staring at the Gates like everybody else there, the flames gave a strange flicker before, like an explosion in rewind, they collapsed in on themselves and vanished into the ground drawing with them all of the hell-bound Souls. Chris started running with all the others even as Demons in the hundreds fled the scene.

He slid to a halt at Harrison's side just as Tru collapsed on the other side. He put his hands on Harrison's chest and without needing to be asked Wyatt knelt beside him to help. They healed the burns across Harrison's body and even his tattered clothing but Chris was crying by the time he'd finished. There wasn't any life in his love's body. He leant forwards over his hands unashamed about his tears and uncaring about what was happening around the battlefield. He ignored the hundreds of wounded crying for help, he ignored the hundreds of ghosts lingering throughout the battlefield and he even ignored Tru, who was easily as distraught as he was.

He even let Wyatt lift him back off of Harrison's body and turned into his chest to cry and be comforted. He'd only just found his Soulmate and now he was gone, his Soul trapped in Hell to protect the world.


Slightly Earlier

Harrison couldn't stop himself from trembling from exhaustion, Harry was trusting him to shut the Portal and save them all and he'd just watched the other Angel of Death sacrifice himself to save him. Harrison had found it easy to feel the Gateway. It almost seemed to sing to him though the sound wasn't in any way pleasant. Every time he tried to breath he felt like he was burning from the inside out and every time he looked at the Deviant he felt like his Soul was being drained.

He stayed on his knees, willing all of his concentration of proving Harry's trust in him well placed, he forced the flames to die, bringing the Deviant back from his world step by step until with a violent shift in his very being everything went dark except for the hole that belched flames in the centre. The Deviant screamed that horrific cry and Harrison looked up just in time to see Harry topple over into the hole along with the Deviant. Harrison scrambled to his knees and ran towards the hole, hoping to be able to catch Harry, hoping to somehow save him.

He didn't think it had been part of Harry's plan to throw himself into Hell and Harrison could feel a deep wrenching feeling within his chest that made him what to throw up. He couldn't see down the hole anymore with the black mist filling it up and he simply staggered to his knees and sat back on his heels, knowing that he was crying. "Harry?" Harrison's voice was a mere croak and it pained him to use his throat.

He heard a low growl, almost too low to here and he turned his head and stumbled backwards when he came face to face with the pale, drawn face of one of the Reapers. There was a dozen of them all around him and the dead ones were gone. They all stood around the mist shrouded hole with their heads lowered as if to mourn one who is dead. All except the one staring at Harrison, it took a step back and when Harrison didn't move it came forward again and half turned with a small flick of its head. A clear sign that it wanted Harrison to follow it.

Harrison stood with a sigh and stumbled tiredly after it. "Where are you taking me?" Harrison asked after a moment's pause where he turned to look back at the hole only to see it and the other Reapers gone. His guide merely turned its head to look at him before continuing on. "Where's Harry?"

The Reaper stopped suddenly and turned, pawing at the ground as if digging, it crouched low on its legs as if getting as low as possible. "He's gone all the way to the bottom?" The Reaper nodded slowly and stood again. "Can he get back?"

The Reaper lowered its head but instead of answering it turned again and in an instant vanished from sight. Harrison turned in a complete circle in surprise but could only see darkness in all directions. He couldn't help but feel like he was dead and now Harry was in the depths of hell and Chris would be all alone. "Chris?" Harrison looked up even though he wasn't sure where he was. "I'm sorry." The last part came out as a near whisper but it still echoed in the darkness.

He heard a scuff from behind him and spun around only to cry out in shock and fall backwards onto the floor, towering above him was the three headed Cerberus that Harry had called. It pawed the ground, nudged it's paw against Harrison's side and with a lurch it sent Harrison rolling across the ground.

And suddenly Harrison was spinning without any sense of direction. He simply felt like he should be falling. He hit something solid and gasped in a lung full of air and after realising that he'd shut his eyes in the darkness they snapped open only to be filled with a bright blinding light.

The Sun.


Seconds before

Chris latched onto Wyatt like he was the last thing on Earth, it must have been only a minute but it felt like he'd been forced to live for hours with neither Harry nor Harrison in his life. He could hear Tru crying but he could also hear Melinda's voice as she comforted Harrison's distraught older sister.

He was trying to think of something to say to Tru that would ease her pain but his mind wouldn't even consider the possibility that he would ever be happy again, let alone tell somebody else they could. He instead tried to overcome his own tears so that he could do something practical, like taking Harrison's body somewhere more private, away from all of the rest of the destruction around them.

A rasping gasp made him shoot backwards and he turned in shock to see Harrison's chest rise sharply as the other man drew in a lungful of air. A second later his eyes shot open before shutting again against the bright light. Chris grabbed his hands tightly as he called his name, hearing Tru do the same. "Harrison, please tell me you're alright!"

Harrison opened his mouth but all that came out was a tired rasp but it was obviously meant to have been Chris' name. "Harrison." Tru breathed out, putting her hands on either side of Harrison's face and shielding his eyes with her body. "You're going to be fine, alright."

She seemed to be convincing herself of it even as she spoke the words and Chris couldn't blame her. She shifted and cradled Harrison's head in her lap, stroking his wild hair. Chris didn't let go of his hands and leant down to kiss Harrison's lips gently. "I love you so much, Harrison."

"Ti..." Harrison breathed.

"Tired?" Chris guessed. Harrison nodded. "Okay, Harrison, go to sleep. I've have you back at the Manor when you wake up."

Harrison turned his head away from the sun and into his sister's lap, breathing a single word just as he fell asleep. Chris sat back on his heels as he heard Harry's name breathed out with such sorrow. Wyatt put an arm around him even though Chris refused to let go of Harrison's hands. The four of them burst into Orbs as Wyatt helped Chris orb them all back to San Francisco.


San Francisco

The Manor was filled with people to the point that it was hard to move around without knocking into somebody. The Witches had brought the mortals back with them when the Wizards had departed and the numerous other forces had dispersed. It was a rather anticlimactic ending to the battle as a whole and the only reason they knew they had won was from a few of the Angels that were like the Angels of Death who had declared Hell sealed once again before one voiced his consolations to Chris before they solemnly retreated from the battlefield.

That more than anything cast a shadow over their victory. Even thought to most the lost of the Angels of Death wasn't a massive affair it had sent ripples through the magical world. They were beings with immense power. To Chris it was nothing less than life shattering. His family tried to console him but he refused to move from Harrison's bedside, nor would his mind be drawn away from imagining Harry in the depths of Hell.

He had his head on the edge of the bed, just against Harrison's ribs, when his Soulmate stirred and started to shiver and tremble. Chris grabbed his hands quickly and Wyatt, watching his brother closely, stood as well. "Harrison!" Chris caught his attention. "Love, I'm here, you're safe, it's over."

Reddened eyes turned to take him in and Harrison's expression changed slowly from panic to relief and then to sadness. "He's gone." Harrison whispered, almost too quietly to here.

"Harrison? What happened?" Chris asked.

"He tackled the Deviant down into Hell before I closed the Gate." Harrison choked slightly and Chris shifted onto the bed and pulled Harrison into his lap so that his lover could sit upright. "I shut him in."

"Shh..." Chris soothed, rubbing his hand up and down Harrison's back over his t-shirt. "Harry knew what he was doing."

Harrison shook his head. "It wasn't his plan but Death was killed and I don't think Harry had any other choice."

Chris hugged Harrison to him and Harrison buried his face into the warmth of Chris' neck. Chris sighed and looked at his older brother sorrowfully. Wyatt leaned over and placed a hand over Chris' own, he smiled and then finally slipped from the room. Chris relaxed in place, putting his mouth beside Harrison's ear. "We have to trust in Harry's desire to be with us. If there is any way for him to escape then he'll find it. We have to help him by believing in him completely. We're all connected and maybe our prayers will be heard. Maybe not by God or whoever but by the Angel of Death." Chris paused and kissed the top of Harrison's ear as his lover nodded into Chris' neck. "We have to constantly guide him in case he hears us for a single moment. We have to remember that he loves us and that he'll come back to us."


There was no knowing how long time went in Hell, all that Harry knew was that he wasn't supposed to be there, nor did he deserve it. He knew he had to get back to Chris and Harrison and the self-assurance that they would be praying for him helped him to rise up from the lowest levels of Hell and from there his long and exhausting struggle began. Normally it took real will power and determination to fight up through Hell and with enough strength and maybe several millennia any Soul could do it. That was until you took into account the swarms of Reapers who guarded Hell, tearing up anybody who tried to climb and simply throwing them further down.

As Harry worked his way up the Reapers did nothing to waylay him, merely watching him and growling happily at him as he passed. Even so, to Harry it felt like years before he could even see the distant outline of the portal out of hell. It was around that time that he began to feel it in his mind. The thin bond that had formed between him, Harrison and Chris was throbbing with all the sensations and emotions that Harry assigned to the two. Not only were they feeling those things but they were actively projecting them onto Harry. It gave him the strength to cover the last distance up through the Gate and into the real world.

Harry didn't even get a chance to see the world around him before his world went black. It wasn't a dizzying kind of blackness, he just felt numb and drained of every part of the power that kept him alive. When he woke up he found himself in a vast white spaceĀ  that surprisingly didn't burn his eyes. He was standing up and his body was back to the way it had felt before he'd been forced into Hell. Before him stood a familiar sight. The Angels of Destiny.

"It has been several days in the World of the Mortals." One told him. "It took us some time to repair the damage to your body that the Deviant inflicted."

"And more importantly to your Soul." The second told him solemnly. "Your Soul was almost damaged beyond repair but your forged link to Christopher Halliwell and Harrison Davies protected you."

"You are now our only Angel of Death." The last spoke quietly. "You are ready to assume the role, even early as it is. Let your instincts guide you."

"Now return to Christopher and Harrison." The first nodded with a smile. "There is much work to be done to catch up but we shall give you the time you desire to be with those you love."

"What about Death?" Harry asked, finally speaking.

"His Soul will soon be released back onto Earth so that he may make new ties to the living and then die as all Mortals do and live happily in the beyond with his loved ones." The first continued.

"And what will happen to me when Harrison and Chris die?" Harry challenged. It had never bothered him much before, at least not enough to bring up.

"They shall always be a part of this world, whether they are being guided or are the ones doing the guiding." The first told him.

"You mean Whitelighters?" Harry asked.

She simply smiled at him before Harry felt himself being transported out of their realm and into the Ghostly Plain. He looked around, pulled himself up and transported to see the few that Destiny had most manipulated in this fight.

He appeared first in Grandview, in the home of Melinda and Jim who were happily eating a dinner together. Harry knew that Melinda had a number of trying years ahead of her but he also knew that he'd be there the entire time something bad happened, guiding her path even if she might not know he had a hand in it.

His second stop was at a large funeral gathering. It was on the grounds of Hogwarts and what looked to be thirty or forty coffins sat under Union Jacks. Wizards were everywhere, moving between the coffins to say their final goodbyes. Hermione was standing strong with her son at her side and Harry didn't need to know the future to know she'd be okay with Ron watching over her from the Beyond.

By tracing Tru he found her, with Jack and Davis in different rooms of a motel in San Francisco. It didn't come as much of a shock that he could sense Tru and Jack's budding affection for each other. It would take several years of working together to set Destiny back in order before they finally admitted it to themselves or each other but again, like Hermione, she had Luc to watch over her.

Across the town was the Manor that belonged to the Halliwells. Phoebe and Paige's families were in their own homes but Harry had come to see only too people, curled up together in the room where Harry and Chris had first kissed, an event that seemed so long ago to Harry now. The two were curled up together in bed, completely naked, yet looking so much like they belonged like that. But even as he noticed that he realised that Harrison was lying dead middle of the bed with Chris lying over one of his sides, leaving an ominously empty space to his other side.

Harry moved to the side of the bed and stripped off his clothes so that he could slide under the blankets and settle into his rightful place. The two others stirred and included him in their embrace even though they didn't wake up. Harry smiled and true to the Angels' promise he fell asleep with his face in Harrison's hair and Chris' arms tightly around him.

This was Harry's heaven and there was no other place or existence for him anymore.


The End