Datte-chan: Hey you guys! You must have heard about my problem, but if you haven't, good, because I've got a solution! This is my good friend/Beta Reader KZ!

KZ: Yo. (kakashi wave) Sorry I haven't got this posted until now, it's been about a week since she gave it to me…I'm a busy person!

Datte-chan: Anyways, She's gonna type up these chapters that I've written down, to make sure you all still get your requests! Remember, you can still request anything as long as it is one request per review! Hope you enjoy! KZ, start it off with the disclaimer!!

KZ: Neither of us, but especially Datte-chan, owns Naruto…. If we diiiid (pervy laugh)

Damn. It. All.

These were the words that crossed Neji's mind as he sat around the campfire, waiting for Shino to come back. His left arm, surely in defiance, would not move no matter how much the Hyuuga boy willed it to.

He and Shino were on their way back from a currently finished mission, and Neji had been bitten by a snake or some other sort of poisonous organism. Of course, being the stubborn person he was, he did not tell Shino of the little incident, and sent the younger boy off to check the surrounding area. Neji didn't tell Shino because it was just a small bite; they were almost to Konoha anyway, and he could have it checked there.

But now, he was getting worried. His arm was dead weight; how was he supposed to tell Shino, one of the only people that could have possibly helped Neji in this situation; that he decided to ignore the bite? Surely Shino would call him a fool.

"Neji-san?" A voice asked.

Neji blinked, just noticing the bug nin. 'With his jacket off no less.' he added mentally.

Shino stood there, whilst sliding his jacket on. "You ok?"

"Yes I'm fine. And it seems that even the Aburame clan can burn to death in their coats." Neji smirked. It was quite warm, and this was the first time Neji had seen the bug nin without his trademark coat.

"I had to remove my coat to quiet my movements." Shino protested.

"Says the one who has only worn his coat on every single mission he has been on no matter how quiet he has had to be."Neji countered. "As far as I know."

Neji could feel the half-hearted glare as Shino sat down by the fire. There was silence as Neji pondered his next move…Maybe Shino didn't have to know about the bite…


"Hmm?" was the response.

"Were you ever poisoned? While you were on your own?" Neji asked smoothly.

Shino nodded. "Chunnin Exams, when Sasuke followed the people from the Sand. Kankuro's puppet is far more deadly then it appears."

"Ah. I remember the Chunnin Exams. What did you do to rid yourself of the poison?" Neji asked.

"Well, my insects were not fully trained yet, so I could not rid myself of the poison. My father came along and used his insects tp help me get rid of the poison."

Bugs, fathers, and more bugs. Neji had no bugs, definitely had no father, and therefore had no father with bugs. This wasn't much help at all.

"I see." He replied lamely. Neji watched Shino carefully as the bug man removed his coat, even though he had just put it on not too long ago.

"What are you doing?" Neji asked.

"Ridding you of the poison."

Neji had no time to reply as Shino's mouth latched onto his neck and he started to suck softly. To this, Neji replied with a strangled cry and a startled look. It was bizarre what Shino was doing, but it….felt….good.

"Shino?" The older boy choked out, panting slightly and red in the face.

"Hmm?" the Aburame hummed into the Hyuuga's neck, making him bite back a groan.

If Shino was doing this by accident, Neji didn't want to give him the wrong idea…

But, if Shino was doing this on purpose, Neji really didn't want to give the bug nin the satisfaction of hearing him make……noises like that.

"I wasn't bitten by a vampire, you know. The bite is on my hand."

"Mmm-hmm."Shino hummed again. Neji gritted his teeth. Shino was definitely doing this on purpose.

"Feeling better?" Shino asked the Hospital patient who was standing at the window, clad in a white shirt and matching pants.

"Mmm-hmm" Neji replied innocently. "I'm fine."

"What's so interesting outside?"

Neji replied without hesitation. "I saw a bug I had never seen before. Care to tell me what it is?"

Shino walked over to the window. His shaded eyes searched, but surprisingly, he saw nothing out of the usual.

Before he could voice a sarcastic remark, he found himself pinned against a wall, Neji's mouth exploring his neck and lips. Shino blinked, his glasses picking the wrong time to slide from his face.

"Just checking for any poisonous bites." Neji muttered.

Shino and Neji remember that day well, for sure, but so does Hinata Hyuuga; who had come to visit her relation in the midst of Shino's visit. The result of Hinata seeing her teammate and cousin doing some more than friendly things?

Well, let's just say that she still doesn't know if she was disturbed…

…or became a yaoi fan for life that day.

-The End-

KZ: really that wasn't all that bad… I should just suck it up and publish some more of these… except I like the intro for each one Datte-chan lovingly bestows upon me… So I'll use this! (holds up datte-chan sock puppet)

Datte-puppet: You dope, just get it over with!

KZ: she's so realistic T.T whatever, see you all next week!