Sitting in a room full of mindless chatter and high pitched squeals, was a girl not far from the edge. She was dressed as a boy and inwardly she was thrilled that she didn't have to wear the yellow puff ball that the girl's had to. Surrounding her was her very own fans squealing and sighing every once and awhile at how cute Haruhi was. Haruhi was in a world of her own, although it appeared as though they had her attention as they whined about superficial problems. No one noticed the clenching and unclenching of Haruhi's hands or the way her left eye twitched occasionally. Had they been able to hear her thoughts they would have been shocked.

"I wonder how much fun it would be to strangle that girl," she thought about the girl sitting beside her. This girl had an annoying voice that reminded her of finger nails scrapping a chalk board. It took every ounce of self control she had to keep from shuddering. It had been the worst day of her life. The twins didn't give her any privacy. Then Tamaki went all woe is me again. Now she was stuck here for about a half hour more. As she thought about the day and murdering the rich girls surrounding her, she didn't notice how hard she was biting her lip.

"Haruhi-kun," one of her fans screamed, "your lip it's bleeding." This gathered the entire room's attention. Within seconds the Host Club had kindly asked their guests to leave. After she had stopped the bleeding and assured the Host Club she was fine, Kyouya said something that pushed her way over the edge.

"You do know that I added the cost of closing early to your debt right?" he said with an evil smirk on his face. Haruhi slowly turned red. Gradually she started shaking, her eye twitching faster than before. She pulled her arm back and aimed for his face with amazing strength. Mori was the only one who saw it coming. He quickly moved in front of Kyouya. The group was shocked into silence when they realized what happened. Mori caught Haruhi's fist making her even angrier. She screamed, trying to get past him. He held her accepting the bruises that her fists would cause. Slowly she stopped and wrapped her arms around him. Tears started leaking out of her eyes.

"I'm sorry," she repeatedly said. Mori picked her up and carried her over to one of the couches. Setting her down softly, he told her he was ok. Then he looked at her with eyes full of understanding and compassion, and told her to talk about what was wrong. She spilled everything to him as she sat with in his warm embrace. She told him about how she was caving. She had to do chores at home, study for tests, and pay off her debt. He listened to her and when she was finally done he simply held her. After a few moments of silence he told her that as a friend he would help her with her chores. He also promised to help her study. The rest of the group had left a few minutes after Haruhi started crying. Tamaki had to be dragged out. Haruhi smiled up at Mori and thanked him for all he had done. He said it was nothing, the blush on his cheek however, said something more. Haruhi stood up and began walking away after saying goodbye. He closed his eyes and relaxed on the couch. A few minutes after Haruhi said goodbye his eyes jerked open in shock. Haruhi was kissing him softly on the lips. Takashi kissed her back and a relationship that would shock almost everyone they knew began.