Hey there! Came up with a little drabble for two of my favorite characters, Roxas and Namine. I've always thought that they seemed so perfect with each other. It's cute. Anyway, hopefully this is half-decent. Reviews are appreciated.

Kingdom Hearts belongs to Square Enix, not me. Too bad...

He always returned to her room faithfully.
Every afternoon he would leave to do his Organization duties with a wave and a smile.
She would sit in silence after that.



Even though she knew he wouldn't come again until the next morning.

He always knocked on her door around ten.
She was usually a little drowsy from lack of sleep, but she would answer and he would wait to be invited in.
Then he would sit in the chair across from her at the other end of the white table, watching.
He never did anything else.
He would speak once in a while, asking questions, but she could never answer them.

He got up to look over her finished drawings.
Sora, Sora, Sora, castle, Sora, another castle, Goofy, Donald, Goofy with Donald and Sora...
He always stopped at the one of him holding hands with Sora.

He left later one day after dozing off in the chair.
She just smiled as he frantically ran around her room, trying to figure out what time it was and where he'd left his coat.
When he left, he ruffled her hair and shut the door behind him.

He didn't come back to see her the next day.
She stared at the door, then back to the clock, then back to the door, and the clock again.
There was no sign of him.
She looked down at her sketch, disappointed.

He stumbled into her room a day later.
She hadn't expected him, even though she wanted to.
He was still wearing that black Organization coat.
His keyblades were dismissed, and he slumped down in his usual spot.
She didn't ask questions.
She just went about with her normal routine.
Drawing, drawing, drawing.
He settled in after a few minutes, drowning in the silence.
"Axel wouldn't let me visit. It was too risky."
She nodded.
He waited.
"I was late to the meeting. They were suspicious."
She thought of Larxene, cackling and asking where the youngest had been.
He fidgeted under her gaze.

She drew quietly that day.
He just watched her between closing his eyes and leaning back, trying to relax.
She added a stroke of red, a stroke of gold.
"What are you drawing?"
Startled, she looked up.
He hadn't said a word since he'd come in.
He rolled his eyes.
"I asked what you were drawing."
She looked down at the portrait of the boy who sat across from her.