Shironeko-pyon: Hiya, guys! These one-shots were from my collection in LJ and they were done eons ago. XD This was the very first, yosh! Enjoy. XP

Syaoran: (is forced to read from a paper Shironeko-chan handed to him) Shironeko-pyon doesn't own Cardcaptor Sakura or any of its characters. CCS belongs rightfully to CLAMP. If Shironeko-pyon did own CCS, there would've been lots of scenes wherein Syaoran's naked...what the hell?


Droplets of God's Tears

By: Shironeko-pyon

It was already night time when the rain fell down in heavy sheets, blinding everyone with its surreal magnificence. Droplets of heaven's tears slowly spattered down the cemented walk where a girl of about fifteen in age briskly made her way to her house.

She was supposed to be at home earlier but forgot to bring her umbrella. Knowing that waiting for the rain to stop would be futile, the girl decided to just try her luck and walk home under the pouring rain. It didn't exactly work as planned, though. The cold wind rushing inside her fragile body made her shiver, slowing her down momentarily.

She looked around. A couple sharing only one umbrella made her smile, bringing back memories she cherished the most. A smile so faint, the rain immediately washed it away. The lass halted and slumped down the cemented path. How she wished he's here by her side and not there in HongKong.

How she wished he's here, comforting her with a single smile of his. She cuddled her knees closer to her chest and rested her chin on them, feeling nostalgic all of a sudden. Her hair was damp and her clothes were soaking wet, proof to anyone that she's somehow letting herself go.

She fought back tears that were threatening to spill down her emerald green eyes. She promised herself that she wouldn't cry. She had cried hard enough when he left, almost making her eyes pop out of their sockets. Though she tried hard not to weep once again, a single tear escaped from her green pools.


It was useless to cry, now that the boy she loved the most was far away from her. And a voice deep within her assured that he'll never be coming back. As another tear slowly made its way down her smooth cheek, surprisingly enough, the rain stopped. Looking around, she noticed that it was still raining.

Confused by the sudden intrusion, she slowly glanced up and saw the boy she'd been thinking all the while. His messy chocolate brown hair that she often and unsuccessfully fix, his deep amber eyes that she often get lost into, his thick but cute eyebrows, his handsome smile, his boyish face… everything she missed about him was there.

But, the quality she missed the most shined through all of them—his gentle heart hidden inside his cold exterior.

"Hey, Sakura. What are you doing soaking yourself under the heavy rain?" He asked, holding a green umbrella for the both of them.

Still dazed from what's happening, she carefully stood up and looked at him with much longing. "Oh, Syaoran-kun…"

He blushed. The same cute blush she missed all these years they were apart. "Err, yeah? What is it?"

"Oh, nothing." She smiled and he blushed even more. The girl looped her left arm around his right arm and she rested her head on his shoulder. "…I just missed you so much, that's all."

The boy's blush reddened even more as he smiled, this time it was the lass' turn to blush. "Walk you home?"

"Sure," She coughed as she shuddered from the cold. The lad let go of her left arm clinging on him and pulled her even closer to him with his right hand. The honey golden-haired girl blushed upon that gesture of his. "What are you doing?" She asked.

The boy just remained silent and hugged her closer with his right hand. "I'm transferring my body heat to you. I don't want you catching a cold now, do I?"

The lass smiled and just hugged the boy tight. The lad blushed crimson, not caring if the girl's clothes were soaking his as well. True enough, the girl felt the warmth of his body heating up her own. And as she closed her eyes and smiled, she couldn't think of anywhere better to be than in her Little Wolf's arms, under a single umbrella, beneath the pouring rain.


Shironeko-pyon: So, yeah, there you have it, my first one-shot! XD Review and tell me what you all think. x3

Sakura: Just send your honest comments, suggestions, constructive criticisms and friendly advices. Shironeko-chan would be happy to upload another one if there would be a lot of responses. XD

Tomoyo: And, I'll be happy to record another heart-warming scene! (stares dreamily into space)

Shironeko-pyon: Until the next one-shot, shannaro! xP