Yay, new fanfic! n.n So like, okay, this is Abyss, the 32nd fanfic of Ayumi Elric, inspired by...a burst of genius, and just happening to read a fanfic called See Through Lies, which is really awesome. Anyway!

Disclaimer:I don't own FMA, and like...yeah.


Black lightning arched up from the center of the large, chalk drawn transmutation circle and chewed at his skin, pulling him back, further and further from his screaming brother, being pulled in the other direction, towards the center of the violet whirlpool.

"Al!" Ed screamed, trying to tear himself free.

"Brother! Help me! Please!" Al's body was already being eaten away by a white light from within, like a parasite taking control.

Ed reached for him, only inches away from his brother's decomposing hand. Closer...closer...now!

He was suddenly in a completely different place, staring at a large doorway, ingraved with words he couldn't read. A carved eye store down at him from the top.

Ed looked around. "Al...Al!" His voice echoed through the white nothingness that surrounded him.

"So...you commited the Ultimate Sin...you incompetent fool."

"What?" Ed demanded, lashing around. Nothing was there. But something was laughing at him, a cold, cruel laugh that boomed around the world and inside him.

"You poor, foolish boy, what made you think that a child, no matter how smart, could break the laws of the universe?"

"...who are you? What do you want from me?"

"Who am I? I am everything...I'm the world. The universe. I'm God...I'm truth...I'm all, I'm one...I'm you." A face melted into his vision, a face of a woman's, her hungry black eyes staring him down, seeming to devour his soul. "I'm Death."

Ed tried to speak, to run, to do anything, but he was frozen, unable of anything but to continue to stare into her horrible black eyes.

In front of them, those doors swung themselves open, black hands already reaching out and wrapping themselves around the two. She grabbed both sides of his head, as he managed a single scream to escape from his lips, before being pulled inside.

Inside, was just, nothing. Light was flashing through his eyes, a super bright light that came from an empty void. Unidentified voices were talking, laughing, whispering, screaming, yet quiet filled the air.

A sudden wave of images, knowledge, flowed into his mind, pushing away any thoughts that had gathered there, wrapping around every crevice of his brain. What's happening?!

"It's the toll, young Alchemist...you have to remember the law of equivalent exchange, do you not? Don't you want your Mother back!?"

Stop it! It hurts!!!

The nothingness ahead took a shape. A woman, the one person all this was about.

Mom!!! He reached for her, struggling in Death's grip. She laughed, as he was jerked back, the last of the world's secrets pouring into his head. There was the smallest clicking sound, like something snapping in...or out of place. A blank look washed over his face, a dead look in his eyes. He let his reaching hand fall, blankly staring at Death.

"At least remember this, Alchemist...To obtain, something of equal value must be lost."


Where am I? Who...? There's blood everywhere! What happened?! I looked around. It's hard to see, there's this weird mist in the air...

I see something...over there...is that were the blood is coming from? I stand up and walk towards it.

Ah! What is that thing! It's...it's a monster! The sound of my screams seem to scare that...thing. It's screaming to, raspy, gorey screams.I have to get out of here!

I turn and run. Struggling, out the door, into the house, looking frantically for the exit, pushing past unfamiliar doors and finally, I'm outside.

It's raining...I run as fast I can, towards a house in the distance. Closer and closer. I need help, now! I'm feeling dizzy, it's hard to breathe. All I can see is that thing. I want to go back, for some weird reason.

Something's missing... I suddenly realize, just feet away from the door. Something's missing, something..."Brother!"

I gasp, feeling myself falling, just as I was about to burst open the door. I hit the wooden porch, my whole world fading to black...


-clappy clap clap- Yay, all finished! n.n How I do for teh first chapter?

Please review!