Author's Note: You're all going to hate me, but this is the final chapter of "Rain". It's quite possible that there will be a follow-up installment, but for now- this is it. It's really short, and I apologize, but the ending just worked. Please read and review!


A dry spell fell on Tree Hill once again. North Carolina rarely gets snow, but in the winter, rainfall is a common occurrence. Now, there's a drought. The last time it rained was when Lucas accompanied Brooke to her first doctor's appointment. It's been almost two weeks. Two weeks that Brooke has spent crying, researching, screaming, sleeping, and occasionally showing up at school. And she's been planning the letter she intends to slip under Lucas' door. Brooke stands in front of the door now. It's a Tuesday and she's just about eleven weeks pregnant. She holds the envelope tightly in her right hand, terrified and filled with adrenaline. This is it, Brooke thinks. The end. Or is it, the beginning?


Dear Lucas,

I've written five drafts of this letter, each version worse than the one before it. I know this is sudden and out of the blue, but I've spent a while thinking about everything and I think I've made a decision. I'm going to leave Tree Hill. I know that you're going to hate me, but this is what I need to do. I need space and time. I need to be alone to decide what my next few moves should be. My godparents have offered to let me live with them for now. I know that I've put you through hell the last few weeks, and I want you to know that I am sorry. I don't know if I'm going to have the abortion. I have about eight days to decide. You're right. You've been right since the beginning. I don't think I'll be able to handle an abortion. I didn't plan on getting pregnant now, or ever…and I didn't think I'd be a good mother, but I think I can learn. I don't think I'd be able to handle the "what if's" for the rest of my life if I go through with the procedure. My godparents live in Atlanta. I'll call you when I get there. I'm sorry for everything.



Lucas read the letter three times before he realized that he wasn't imagining things. He stood motionless in his doorway until something in his mind finally clicked. He dug into this pants pocket and pulls out his cell phone, frantically scanning the phone book before coming to "Cheery". He presses "call" and grunts, frustrated, when Brooke's voicemail picks up immediately.

"Hey, it's Brooke! But you probably already knew that. I'm not around, so leave me a message and I'll call you back. Ciao!"

Sighing, Lucas begins to leave his message, "Hey Brooke, it's me. I just got your letter. Please call me," he hesitates for a painful second, "bye…"


Brooke spent the drive to Georgia with the windows down, blaring music that she knew Peyton would shockingly approve of. Standard "emo" music, but it's exactly what Brooke needed to listen to. The cold air blowing into the car was helping to calm her nerves. She feels like she's doing the right thing by leaving Tree Hill and not having the abortion. But who knows what the right thing really is? Two weeks ago, all Brooke was sure about in life was that abortion. For now, she's ruled that out. She thinks.

Almost ¾ of the way to Atlanta, Brooke turns her cell phone back on and is not surprised to see that Lucas has called her. Scanning the phone book, she reaches "Broody" and calls him.

"Brooke!" Lucas answers, breathless.


"Where are you?"



"Did you read my letter?" Brooke asks.


"Then you know why."

"Are you keeping the baby?"

"I'm not sure yet."

"Brooke…please come home."

"I can't. Not right now. I need this space to decide what I'm going to do."

"Okay", he pauses, "will you call me?"

Brooke nods and then realizes that Lucas can't see her, "Yeah…I'll call you", she says.

"I love you", Lucas says quietly.

"I know you do."


Please review and let me know what you think! I let it up in the air, so I can write a follow-up. Let me know if you think I should do a follow-up/sequel. Thank you all for being supportive readers. And be on the look-out for other stories by me. An idea for a one-shot popped into my head the other day. It'll probably be titled "Long Walks on the Beach", so keep an eye out.