This is my take on what happened between Harry and Mary Jane before Peter showed up. Enjoy!...

Mary Jane stared for a moment in shock as she watched Harry jumped in front of Peter, then fall down several floors. She watched as Peter fought, but couldn't stay anymore. She rushed down the utility stairs to see where Harry was lying on the floor. She kneeled down beside him and supported his head on her lap.

"Harry? Harry talk to me," she pleaded stroking his hair gently.

"…MJ," he coughed coarsely, looking up at her with one good eye, one bad.

"Oh Harry," her voice cracked as her eyes burned with tears. She looked down at the man she had once loved, even while she had love another. She felt her heart ache as he looked up at her, knowing his fate. She stroked his cheek soothingly, supportively, not knowing what to do, how to get help.

"I'm sorry I kissed you," he whispered.

"Harry, don't worry about that right-"

"No, I need to tell you now," he coughed, taking her hand, "I love you so much, and I'm so sorry I hurt you. I'm sorry for tearing you and Pete apart, and making you say all those things to him. I see how much you love him, and how he is absolutely head over heels for you. He has been since the day I met him. I know he can be oblivious 60 percent of the time, but I've never seen anyone love someone as much as he loves you. You two are the cheesiest pair, but it works for you, everyone can tell. You're the poster boy and girl for the ideal 1950s marriage, don't mess it up you hear?"

Mary Jane was crying now, holding back heavy sobs. She held his head in one hand, his hand in the other. For a moment they just looked at each other, ignoring the sights and sounds around them. For a moment they could hear pipes banging but ignored it.

"Will you promise me something MJ?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Anything," she replied quietly, her face now wet with salty tears.

"Promise me that what I did won't keep you two apart, and I'll die the good guy?"

"Harry don't talk like that," Mary Jane scolded gently.

"We both know I'm not going anywhere, I just don't want to die like my father. Would it be pushing my luck if I asked for a kid named after me too?" he joked, laughing lightly, though she could she it pained him.

"Anything you want," she assured him.

"I love you so much, I always have MJ," he told her, reaching up and brushing the tears from her cheek. She took his hand and held it there for a moment.

"I love you too Harry," she said between sniffs. He took a deep breath and released it slowly in bursts, Mary Jane knowing his lungs were probably hit when the glider had pierced him. She laid his hand on his chest and continued stroking his hair soothingly, trying to think of anything to make him comfortable. They lay for not a minute in silence before Mary Jane looked up. Standing there was Peter, eyes saddened with shock. He walked slowly towards them, and kneeled down at Harry's side…

A/N: I know its short, but the idea popped into my head while I was leaving the theatre and I had to write it down. Thanks a bunches!!