I've rated it T, but there are depictions of violence that might push it towards an M rating.

Chapter ONE

"I hate calls like this," Olivia Benson thought. It was cold, bitterly cold with the wind blowing tiny, sharp needles through her heavy coat. She gratefully sipped her hot coffee. "I suppose," she thought. "That if I ever stop hating this sort of thing I should start worrying."

Olivia saw her partner Elliott Stabler, a familiar scowl on his face, surrounded by a flock of crime scene technicians and uniforms. She sighed; the past few weeks since they resumed their partnership had been difficult. Everything was slightly offbeat, and Olivia couldn't tell if the fault lay mainly with her or Elliott. "Maybe no one's," she thought. "Maybe just what happens when you run away from each other." She flashed her badge at a young uniform and decided she needed an evening of margaritas with Alex Eames, who understood something about difficult partners and friends.

"Elliott," Olivia said. "What we got?"

"Victim's about thirty…thirty-five…white or Hispanic…dark hair, dark eyes. Garbage men found her when they made their pickup this morning." Elliott recited the facts flatly. "Naked…several stab wounds. Looks like she was killed somewhere else and dumped here."

Olivia frowned. "One Police Plaza is…what…two blocks from here?"

Elliott's scowl deepened. "Yea…just what we need…the Brass breathing down our necks…and the Major Case hotshots…"

Olivia stepped closer to and stared down at the body. The combination of the blinding crime scene lights and the pale morning haze combined to remove whatever color was left of its skin. The woman lay on her back, her long black hair spread in a halo around her head. Her arms and legs were spread wide, and jagged cuts and other marks of torture covered her body. Her dark eyes were open and stared at the sky. Olivia had seen many bodies in her career—far too many. Some were remarkably peaceful, demonstrating few signs of their terrible deaths. But this woman had suffered horribly before she died, and her body and face showed it.

"It looks like the perp left her like this to humiliate her," Olivia said quietly.

"And maybe us," Elliott said grimly. "We can't do much more here…The uniforms are scanning for witnesses and the techs are almost done…I'll meet you back at the squad room."

As Olivia reached her car, a black SUV pulled up next to her. Alex Eames' head poked through the driver's side window.

"Olivia," Alex said in a friendly and concerned voice. "Coming or going?"

"Leaving a scene," Olivia replied. "You?" Beyond Alex's small frame, Olivia could just make out a large, dark, bulk that she guessed was Robert Goren. The bulk leaned forward to try to see more of the crime scene.

"Just getting back after an all nighter," Alex said wearily. She frowned. "You got a body? This close to Major Case?"

Olivia nodded; she had no qualms about talking to Alex Eames, who was one of the good guys in Olivia's book. And Olivia extended that privilege to Bobby Goren, in spite of the fact she barely knew the detective. If Alex Eames thought Bobby Goren was ok, that was enough for Olivia Benson. Elliott, who also had little actual experience with Goren, viewed him with disdain; John Munch was simply grateful there was another NYPD detective with a reputation weirder than his. But Odafin Tutuola, the only SVU detective who'd actually worked with Goren, was a fan.

"I'd lay down in front of a bus if he asked me to," Fin told the other SVU detectives over drinks one evening. Goren and Eames' spectacular and successful conclusion of a case had been splashed over the news and was the subject of interest and debate throughout the NYPD. Elliott uttered several derogatory remarks about Goren's methods, and Fin rose to Goren's defense.

"He doesn't want the publicity…He hates it…He doesn't like the Brass…Hates 'em…He understands the perps, but he doesn't make excuses for them…He's smart…scary smart…He's the best detective I've ever seen…and one of the best men I've ever known…I like you, Elliott…and I'd say a lot of good things about you…but you don't know Goren and I can't let you talk him down when you don't know what you're talking about…" And for once Elliott shut up.

Olivia's attention returned to Alex. "Yea…it looks like a tough one…"

"Bold perp." Olivia heard a low, rumbling voice.

Alex darted a look into the dark interior of the SUV. "Take it easy, Bobby…We've got plenty of tough work of our own." She turned back to Olivia. "We'll let you get back to work, Olivia. Call me…we can get a drink or coffee or something."

"Will do, Alex," Olivia said with a wave.

Olivia just beat Elliott back to the SVU squad room.

"I bet," he growled as he neared their desks. "None of the Major Case Squad is going to dirty their hands with the case on their doorstep…"

Olivia glared at him. "Elliott, you don't even know anyone in Major Case…Alex Eames busts her butt off…They have the same problems we do…"

Elliott returned the glare. He'd always hated to be contradicted, but since Olivia's return from undercover duty he'd been particularly difficult.

"People." Captain Don Cragen emerged from his office, followed by Munch. "We've got something possibly connected with your body of this morning."

Munch dropped several papers and a map on his desk. "I've found four other cases close by similar to this one," he said. "All within the last month…all women between thirty and forty…all dark haired and dark eyed…all petite…all raped, tortured, stabbed…all dumped near a police station…one other in Manhattan…Finn and I just started that one…Another here…" Munch pointed to a spot on the map. "Another here…" He indicated another spot further north on the map. "And the first body here…just behind the police station in Carmel Ridge."

End Chapter One