Mr. popular and the deceiving punk called best friend


No matter how many times you wish upon a star or a well, if it's not meant to be, there's nothing you can do.


"Sasuke, would you like to... go out sometime..." The blond haired girl looked at Sasuke almost shyly "...with me?"

Sasuke stopped his lab work and looked at the girl who offered him a date.

'She doesn't look ugly, but her beauty is not exceptional either'

"Sure" was his nonchalant reply

The girl lit up and blushed faintly

"Okay! Wow, I'll call you later okay? Wow" The girl jumped up and down and skipped as she went out of the upperclassmen's classroom.

Sasuke looked at her as she disappeared and went back to working at his lab assignment

"Naruto, will you stop staring? You look more like an idiot doing that"

"Well, how would I? You're unbelievable, you just said yes to another date! And I don't look like an idiot teme!"

This is Sasuke Uchiha, Mr. Popular, and unfortunately, my supposedly best friend. But before that, you can say we are the best enemies that this school has ever known. Those who witnessed our history would definitely shudder at the mere thought of us. snicker

"Well, Mr. Uzumaki, are you jealous?" Sasuke inched closer to Naruto's face. Naruto did not flinch even a bit.

"Stop it teme! I'm straight" Naruto blew in front of Sasuke's face

"Whatever you say, you're not the one invited for a date and what's with the straight comment? I mean jealous of me and not her" Sasuke smirked as he drew his face away from Naruto.

"Yeah fuck you, what a waste of time, I bet you don't even like her" feeling embarrassed, Naruto coughed and composed himself.

"Well look, you're just being bitter"

"Am not!"

"See? You're defensive" The smirk never left Sasuke's face

Naruto Uzumaki. This deceiving little punk. At first, he was so irritating that you want to bury him alive. He did a lot of foolish things like pranks to get everyone's attention. But he's not that bad... and I realized that the first time we finally confronted each other with our fists that lasted until we're downright bruised all over. I can say that among my friends, he's the only one that made me realize my worth. Even though I won't admit it to him, there's no need.


It was Saturday, the fated day that Sasuke and the unnamed girl's date and Naruto lay on his bed sleeping peacefully like there's no tomorrow, forgetting that he was supposed to be at school attending the Student assistant meeting with his adviser. It was already 10:20 am and the meeting is supposed to be at 10:30. It's about time that he wakes up.


Naruto blinked his sleepy eyes and absentmindedly searched for his alarm clock.

His eyes widened, his hands trembled, his mind went blank, and all remnants of his sleep escaped him.

'oh SHIT!'


He was 10 minutes late for the meeting and could have almost lost his SA title if his adviser was not an exceptionally good soul.

"Mr. Iruka I am so sorry for letting you wait, I know I was late, I'm so sorry, give me extra load just don't get my- " Naruto is hysterical and he even does not know why he is being paranoid about it. Maybe because other teachers are so strict to him and often does not give him considerations even for the slightest mistakes he made. He was thinking that maybe it was the result of his past reputation as a troublemaker.

"Naruto, calm down, I won't punish you" Mr. Iruka smiled and handed him a brown envelope which Naruto accepted.

"Will you please check those papers, I will be on leave for three days next week and I trust you so I'll leave these to you, after checking it, give it to the principal ok?"

"Ok! I'll do my best" Naruto's worried expression was replaced by a bright smile as he was dismissed by Mr. Iruka.

He cannot be more than thankful that he was his adviser. Mr. Iruka was the first person that believed in him even when he was still spreading havoc in the campus; he was like his second father, secretly.

He smiled and rode his bike ready to go to the library's rooftop intending to start on his beloved teacher's task for him.


On his way to the library, Naruto spotted a familiar figure with a girl entering a small cafe'.

'Sasuke and his date'

Deciding it won't hurt to spy on them a little, he followed them discreetly and thanking the bright glare of the sun that he decided to wear a cap to cover his eye catching blond hair. He sat a table away from them giving him a quite nice view of the two.

'Spying Sasuke on a date is boring, watching ants would look like an action movie compared to this.' Naruto made a bored expression as he readied himself to let the two date in peace when...


Naruto's attention was again directed to Sasuke and his date. And he could not believe his eyes. The girl just slapped Sasuke!

He snickered,

'Maybe it WAS worth spying for'

He strained his ears to hear their conversation

"You are such a jerk, and here, I was hoping you like me too" The girl was on the verge of crying, Sasuke just stirred his drink and looked at her

'Oooh what are you going to do next Sasuke?'

Sasuke cupped the girls face and kissed her on the cheek

'What the hell?'

Naruto's eyes almost got out of its sockets at the scene playing before him

The girl blushed at the gesture and it was enough to calm her.

"Sasuke..." the girl murmured

"I don't like you" Sasuke said solidly

And Naruto almost choked on his drink as Sasuke said that to the girl

'What the hell are you doing Sasuke! Don't you have any mercy? Telling a girl outright you don't like her?'

The girl was nearing tears again

"But... but why did you accept my offer?"

Naruto gulped as he anticipated Sasuke's reply when suddenly Sasuke looked at his direction and caught his eyes. Naruto sweat dropped and looked away to break the eye contact.

The moment Naruto looked at Sasuke and the girl's table once again, the girl is now smiling shyly and like nothing happened, the girl resumed talking just like how they were when Naruto decided to spy on them.

'What in the world did Sasuke say?'



so, what do you think? Review please c: