A/N: Aww, it's over. Well, thanks to everyone that reviewed and stuck by this story. I love you guys, and I'm happy Quinn/Logan has been embraced. I was worried this story wouldn't well-liked, but you've proved me wrong, so thank you.

Music: 'What I've Been Looking For' and 'Start of Something New'. Both of which are from High School Musical.

Like A Chameleon

Reborn & Renewed


Five years later, it was as if it had all been wiped away with a clean slate. Although, Logan's grandparents were dead and buried, he couldn't help reminiscing with Jason and Rayne. It was amazing what five years could do for you. Jason was at USC, majoring in law so he could become a lawyer. His love life was pretty good because he was still dating his high school sweetheart, Claire. Rayne was a music buff, landing admission in San Diego State University for a major in Music. On the other hand, she was the lead singer of Ebony Roses

Logan worked hard, the last two years he had at PCA, developing a perfect balance of sports and academics. In the months of March (Chase's eighteenth birthday bash, which consisted of a new guitar autographed by Billy Talent themselves and getting drunk until they passed out) throughout May 2009, admission letters were going out.

"Dude, a letter from UCLA has your name on it," Chase told his roommate at breakfast that morning, but Michael sighed when Logan had fallen asleep…again. Finals had been over the previous day, so surprisingly he actually studied until his body couldn't take it, hence the spontaneous sleeping. Sometimes, Quinn stayed up and helped. They had a balance of studying and…well, making out.

"Whoa, what happened to him?" Zoey asked, while setting her tray down, and giving Chase a brief kiss in greeting.

"Finals and the SATs is what happened, but thank God it's over," Michael explained. "Where's Quinn?"

"Out like a light," Lola answered, as she set her tray down and sat, as she gave Michael a kiss on the lips before pulling away. "We tried waking her up, but it's like she's dead."

"Aww, Quinn… cut it out," they all heard Logan mutter in his sleep. "…You're so bad…"

"I don't even want to know…"

"Me neither, which is why I'm waking him up," Lola cleared her throat. "Be warned…"

Lola took a deep breath and let out an ear-shattering scream that they hadn't thought humanly possible. Logan shot up, his eyes darting everywhere.

"Not the face! Not the mirrors!" he yelled, half-asleep, and rubbed his eyes. Lola smiled, obviously proud of herself. "Where am I?"

"Put that thing away, Lola. It's lethal…" Chase said, while trying to stop the sharp ringing in his ear. Any louder, and they would be bleeding. "Mike, you okay?"

"Yeah, I mean, I have to restart my heart, but I'm good…"

Who knew his girlfriend could sound like a wild banshee on crack?

"Okay, what's going on?" Logan questioned, still looking half-asleep and out of it, a little. He sounded slightly annoyed.

"Letter from UCLA," Chase explained, tossing it to him. Chase had already got three offers from USC, Boston University, and Columbia University in New York, but he crossed his fingers for CSULA so he could be with Zoey. Logan raised an eyebrow, and took the paper out of the envelope.

Mr. Reese–

We have reviewed your academics, and are pleased. Your extracurricular activities, especially your athletics, are exceptional and we believe you will be a great addition to our institution. Congratulations, and we hope to see you in the fall of 2009.

Thank you for choosing UCLA for your post-secondary education.


Gene D. Block


"Okay, I'm in," he announced, slinging his bag over his shoulder. He yawned, and rubbed his eyes. "I'm dead tired, but we'll celebrate later… Wake me, and I'll hurt you."

Logan walked away from the breakfast table, and found his dorm opening the door. Without a second thought, he fell on his bed and fell asleep.

Five years later, he was a budding director/producer, majoring in Television and Broadcasting. Family-wise, the Reeses were slowly becoming a family of five, instead of three. It wasn't all Brady Bunch, but slowly but surely it was progress.

He was filming a movie in New York along his father, and it was around Christmastime so naturally he didn't want to be alone. New York was beautiful around Christmastime with the freshly fallen snow covering New York City like a fluffy blanket.

"It's beautiful, y'know…" she said, walking hand-in-hand with him. He smirked.

"That's two beautiful things I'm lucky to see: snow when it just falls on the ground, and you when I wake up in the morning everyday."

Her cheeks were already red from the cold, and it had reddened even more when he leaned in and pecked her cheek.

Anytime was good as now.

"Quinn?" Logan asked her, as they stopped walking. A quizzical look came on her face, and she didn't know what was going on. The Christmas light of red, green, and gold adorned the giant Christmas tree they were standing at.

"Logan, what's wrong?"

Even her smarts wouldn't help her predicting what was coming next.

He took her hands in his, as the snow had slowly begun to fall again as snowflakes.

"Quinn, you know I love you. Sometimes, I think about it, and laugh because it all started with free throws. They all say that the one who is the meanest to you, is actually the one in love with you," he said, and slowly got down one of one knee. She put a hand to her mouth and instantly the tears could be seen springing to her eyes.

"Oh my God, Logan… I – "

"I'm in insanely in love with you," he admitted, as flecks of snow adorned them. Choked happy sobs made its way, as he produced a ring before her eyes. It was a simple silver band with little diamonds surrounding the silver band. It sparkled. It was totally simple, and… totally Quinn. People had stopped to watch the spectacle. "…so answer me, Quinn… will you marry me?"

"Come on, honey! Say yes!" a lady had yelled to her.

"How can you not marry a cutie like that?" another lady said, with a slight Irish accent.

"Come on, Quinn. The people have spoken," he smirked playfully in order to persuade her. She didn't need persuasion, though. She laughed and cried at the same time, never imaging this would happen to her.

She smiled, and wiped her tears away.

"Yes…" she answered, and then said a little louder, laughing a little. "Yes, Logan… I'll marry you!"

She helped him up, and he slipped the ring on her finger.

"I'll marry you…"

He laughed, and placed her hand on her cheek, "You'd better…"

Beneath falling snow, and cheers from pure strangers, Logan and Quinn kissed in a soft flurry of white snow.

New York was really beautiful at Christmastime…


The traditional Wedding March played, as she walked down the aisle. Her brunette tresses cascaded around her, the sparkly tiara on her head, contrasting against it. The dress flowed and the ivory material hugged her body with every step that she took. With a strapless Zoey Brooks original, she walked down the aisle… every second closer to becoming his wife.

Rayne was no longer than troubled sixteen-year-old, but the twenty something year old piecing her life back together for she, too, was engaged to her drummer and college boyfriend, Brad.

"Wow, you and no cigarette. The world is ending," he laughed, as he talked to his sister on the phone.

"Shut up, you loser, before I go psycho-bitch on you," Rayne scolded playfully, and smiled genuinely. It made her wonder when was the last time she actually did that for real. "One, I'm quitting, and two… Brad just proposed to me."

"Get out! No way…" Logan replied, in genuine surprise. "Well, I'm happy for you but as your brother, and oldest triplet, Brad better handle you properly or I'll deal with him."

"…oh great, my own security. Fun," she said, sarcastically. "Honestly, Jay did the interrogating for both of you, so ease up will ya?"

"Aww, my wittle sister growing up…"

Logan could just tell by the sound of her voice that another sarcastic remark was coming on.

"I suppose you want me to play Peek-A-Boo with you, right?"

Logan rolled his eyes, and laughed.

Rayne was just being Rayne, and he wouldn't have preferred it any other way.

"You out did yourself, Zoey," Lola whispered to her friend quietly. They were bridesmaids with cherry red dresses (since red happened to be Logan's signature colour). Rayne's dress was almost a darker red, and Zoey added a bit of black to it, just to give the dress that edge. Rayne grew her hair out a little, and now it went to her shoulder. It was now dyed auburn red. "Quinn looks like a princess. I'm gonna cry, I swear…"

I'm good, she thought with a satisfactory grin.

"…Logan has left the building…" Jason whispered to Chase and Michael. Malcolm taped the whole thing, feeling like the luckiest dad ever… even though he didn't deserve it. He knew he didn't.

She looked more radiant through ever, and he thought she was glowing. He almost willed himself not to blink because he didn't want to miss anything. He had gotten a kick out of her "bra bag" but this was so much better.

So damn worth it…

Like an angel, she smiled at him, finally reaching the altar, and she handed Lola her bouquet of ivory stargazers and carnations. Words couldn't describe how Quinn felt that day. She almost had to pinch herself to see if it was real.

Was she actually in this wedding dress?

Was she going to marry the one boy, who had gone from picking on her mercilessly, to loving her mercilessly?

…but when she stared into those eyes of his, the ones she used to love and hate seeing at the same time, she answered her own question.


She was marrying him, and she was going to be Mrs. Logan Reese by the end of the day.

"I take you, Quinn Sophia Pensky, to be my lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and health, for richer and for poorer, 'till death do us part," Logan recited the vow as told, but then added for humour. "…but I'm not gonna die because I'm the real Superman, Clark Kent is just my understudy. Shhh, don't tell anyone…"

And he winked, making his bride, family and friends laugh.

He slipped the wedding ring on her finger, and smiled.

"I take you, Logan Matthew Reese, to be my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold," she paused, as her face reddened a little, but they were tears of joy. Only the tears hadn't shown up yet. "…in sickness and health, for richer and for poorer, 'til death do us part."

A silver wedding band sat on his finger.

"…so by the power invested by the power in me by the state of California, I now pronounce you man and wife," the minister said, and then tried to hold back the laugh threatened to escape him. "Yes, Logan. You may kiss your bride…"


Quinn laughed, and in a flash she felt Logan's lips crash into hers…

Before another word was said, Logan reached her over and kissed on the cheek. Time stopped for her and that very moment, and when he moved away, PCA seemed normal around, but no words could come out of her mouth.

"See, Quinn. I have that affect on everyone," he pointed out, although in the back on his mind he wandered why on Earth he would do something so impulsive as to kiss Quinn…even if it was just a simple cheek kiss. His face grew into a cocky smile. "I leave them all speechless…"

"In a year, that'll be us, and a baby too…" Chase whispered to Zoey, pecking her cheek. She smiled, and leaned into him. Zoey was about six weeks pregnant, so she wasn't showing yet.

"I can't wait…"

Lola sniffled, and wiped at her eyes, tears of joy already threatening to show, "I always cry at weddings…"

Michael pulled her close and kissed his fiancée's hair, "…then stock up on tissue for ours…"

She laughed, as Michael wrapped his arms around her slender frame.

"Why did you choose to rescue me?"

Logan shrugged with a smirk and they walked to photography class. The one class they had together besides English, and Chemistry.

"It's simple, Pensky," he smirked at her, brushing a strand of hair from her black thinned-glasses. He actually preferred the glasses on her, because to him, they only made her essence brighten. He'd never tell anyone though. "I felt like it."

It was as if time stopped.

As she wrapped her arms around her husband, they kissed shortly once more.

The sun seemed to shine a little brighter, making all the colours possible on the stained glassed windows make miniature sized rainbows.

They pulled away, and hugged.

"You look hot in white," he had told her quietly with a teasing smile, and kissed her for the cameras once again…

The newly formed husband and wife posed for pictures with the ones who loved them most underneath a sunny blue sky, riddled with fluffy white clouds…

Rayne smiled, and hugged her sister-in-law, "Welcome to the family."

…and then Jason hugged her, and whispered making her giggle, "…you know where to find me if my brother drives you crazy…"

It wasn't the end to the story that was Logan and Quinn, but rather the start of a new one…

Awww, now it's really over.

Ten chapters, ten colours.

I want to really thank you for the bottom of my heart for the loyal readers, and the reviewers that basically crammed my mailbox. That's a good thing, don't worry. I was holding off writing this because I didn't want to end it, but it was nagging at me. So I had to. Now, I'm sad. Thank you guys so much, because by writing this story, it's helped me maintain a balance of DL and QL. If someone had told me that I would write QL, I would've thought you were on crack or something.

but I've proved myself wrong.

I just wanted to clear up that Logan got his acceptance letter when he was eighteen and he and Quinn had been dating for two years. Then he proposed at twenty-one (five years later from the age of sixteen, that is). The actual wedding happens when they're about 23-24. Hope that clears up any confusion.

As a treat, every review that comes in for this chapter will be replied…even the non-signed ones, trust me.

Listen to the music as you read. On a random note, who caught all that LQ on the Radio episode, and then when Zoey won the radio, Logan and Quinn high-fived and hugged each other. Cute! That's what motivated me…

now that the story is over, I shall bid you farewell…

In the meantime, there are 34 other stories in which I've written. Drop a nice review on those too.

Peace out,
