-1Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon.

When Darkness Falls. . .

By Usagi Tuskino

Chapter One

It was dangerous. Despite that known threat, she had come out anyway, determined to test her theory and prove it right. Before, she would have boldly declared it bravery but now she only saw it as stupidity on her part. Had her life really become so meaningless that she did not think twice about throwing it in situations she was not sure she could get out of? Honestly, she was afraid to answer that question.

The sky was black, not a single star seen shining through the heavy clouds that filled the sky. Although, from where she stood, it was quite near impossible to distinguish the sky from the earth. The street light, which she had been expecting to be lit, was out and that only added more to her rapidly mounting problems. She had been at this very spot earlier, had actually scouted this entire part of town for days before coming out tonight. For that reason, she knew the nearest street light was a little less than a mile away. In order words; she was in a lot of trouble.

They saw her the same moment she saw them---she ran. Inwardly, she cursed herself, angry that she hadn't thought of the possibility of her plan being ruined by a street light going out. She was well aware of the fact they ran faster than her and it was only a matter of minutes before they caught up to her. The awful truth had her heart slamming against her ribs; she had no plans on how to escape them. Only the desperation to survive kept her feet pounding against the pavement, her skinny form flying down the deserted alley while her mind reeled with panic, sending her in random directions and turns.

They launched themselves at her, two at a time, and she nearly fell to the ground as they collided into her. Luck had her back on her feet in a matter of seconds, ripping the creatures from her back and leg before taking off down the alley again. Her heart was painfully lurching in her chest, her breath coming out in rigid gasps. From behind her, four more of the black creatures threw themselves at her hungrily. Wildly, she dived for the ground, landing in a pile of cardboard boxes. All four of the monsters sailed over her head and shrieking as they hit the wall.

Her freedom didn't last long. As she shakily brought herself to her feet, two more collided painfully into the back of her head, causing a scream to rip from her throat. Her knees buckled beneath her, sending her crumbling back down to the floor and everything turned black. Noises blasted in hear ears, her own breathing sounding like thunder. Movements shifted around her, her vision suddenly dark and gray, only the slightest shadows being made out. She realized then that she hadn't been knocked unconscious but instead rendered blind. Fear welled in her chest, sending her to her feet for a third time. She was too weak to pull them from her form as more jumped on her and after she took one step, she helplessly collapsed to the ground in defeat.

Dimly, she was aware that they were smothering her. Her mind and body gave in for the very first time and Misty finally accepted that she had been her own undoing. A loud, gruff shout from nearby sent a jerk through her entire body, making her aware that someone was coming. Hope blossomed in her chest, though she closed her eyes as they became too heavy to keep open. Absently, she wondered if they would make it in time.

"Retrieve the victim!" The voice boomed through the dark street, "Destroy the phantoms!" She felt the swarm that had began devouring her detach themselves and jerk away with shrills, shrieks, and hissing. She knew her breathing was labored but her mind was checking for more important things as she was hauled up off the ground. After a few moments, she was satisfied there were no severe damages to her person, other than a great loss of energy. Strong arms wrapped around her back, gripping her shoulders and supporting her weight which she was far too weak to support herself.

She knew she should be thankful, but instead she was furious. More furious with herself, and her battered pride, but she turned that unleashed anger onto the person holding her. Vaguely, she noticed the noises of the monsters were fading behind her as they continued to walk forward. Then, without any warning, they came to a complete stop. Lifting her heavy head, she made an effort to look around, only to frown in irritation when her vision was still a blur of gray and darker grays.

"The light of the street light will protect us for now," the man holding her spoke gently, addressing her. Misty choked then, but not on a sob. Rather, she choked on a laugh, for she found it quite hilarious but was far too weak and miserable to muster up a bubble of laughter. She had only needed to run another three-hundred feet and she would have been safe in the light. Another three-hundred damn feet, her mind screamed on the verge of hysteria.

Misty quickly sobered when she caught site of a silhouette figure walking toward them. She immediately stiffened in the mans arms, not at all enjoying the excess company she was receiving tonight. She would gladly pull herself out of this mans hold and simply walk away, if she could, but she knew she didn't have the strength.

"Although she is conscious, I believe she is a bit dazed, Sir." The person holding her up explained to the man. "She may faint for she looks rather pale."

If she had the energy, she would of kicked him for that comment. Fortunately for him, she didn't.

"This woman," the man before them laughed, "Would never be caught fainting."

Her eyes narrowed suspiciously. She didn't like how his words seemed to imply they were good friends or had known each other well enough for him to know if she were the fainting type. Straightening herself, in some hope of persevering what little pride she had left, Misty turned her narrowed gaze directly to the man before her and demanded in a steady voice, "Who are you?"

"How long do you plan on playing this game, Misty?"

She could hear the smile in his voice which, oddly enough, sounded vaguely familiar. However, before she could think about it, she was roughly thrown into his arms. Yelping in alarm, her hands reflexively splayed out on his chest to support herself against the sudden rough treatment. His arms circled around her small body, keeping her well supported.

"A second and larger group is spawning, Sir," the man who had previously been supporting her explained, patiently awaiting his orders.

From above her, his voice boomed, "Do not let any of them pass! I will take her to the headquarters, follow only when certain all are destroyed."

They were moving swiftly, she realized by the rush of air hitting her face and lifting her bangs from her damp forehead. She stiffened when she felt his mouth hover close to her ear, but slightly relaxed when she realized he was merely speaking close to her ear so she could hear. "They are life sucking demons," he informed her, his voice strong with disgust toward the creatures. Misty understood he thought he was revealing new information to her, but in truth she most likely new more about the situation than he, himself, did. "Humans are their target. They thrive in the darkness and vanish in the light. Whenever you are in danger, it is wise to seek out a source of bright light. I am taking you to the headquarters; you will be safe there."

He was well informed as well. Misty frowned, having suspected earlier that he was from the MorningSun organization, but now she was absolutely positive of it. Questions began to rise within her, plaguing her mind. What did he want with her, what did he know about her, and what was he going to do with her? How did he know her name, had he been researching her and knew things that she tried so desperately to hide from people like him? Somewhere in her mind she knew she should be afraid, but the truth was that she was simply far too tired and exhausted to do anything but hold onto him as he continued briskly making his way to his organization.

"I refuse to be a part of your organization," she blurted out rather bluntly, gathering his attention. He laughed then which caused her to ground her teeth together; she certainly didn't find anything comical about any of this.

"You are being targeted by the Black Phantoms," he explained in a calm voice, meant to sooth her nerves. "I cannot and will not allow you to kill yourself through stubbornness."

"I don't need your help!" She exploded desperately.

"You never change, do you, Misty?"

Again, she could hear the smile in his voice as he said those words softly. She glanced up at him, the anger drained from her to instead be replaced with confusion as she drew her brows together. "Who are you?" she asked a second time. He was taken aback by her question, but she couldn't see his expression to know it. His grip on her tightened and when he spoke, there was a hint of hurt in his tone, "You're forgotten me?" He ruined the feigned hurt by letting out an exaggerated sigh, "You mean you don't remember this beautiful face of mine?"

Apparently, he had yet to realize the obvious; she was blind. Sighing in irritation, she said quite bluntly, "I'm blind."

He nearly dropped her. "What?"

"I'm blind," she repeated dully.

He remained silent for a long time. Instead of answering her question, as she expected him to do, he pulled her with him as he continued his pace toward the headquarters that was now coming into view. Staring blindly at the blurred grays of her surroundings, she grew impatient with him rather fast and opened her mouth to send her temper tumbling off her tongue when he cut her off by finally speaking.

"Brock," he said softly. So softly, in fact, she forcefully slowed her rapidly beating heart and told herself she had heard him wrong. As though reading her mind, he spoke again in a clear voice, "My name. It's Brock."