Well… in short, Tech and Rev from Loonatics Unleashed, are one of my favorite cartoon couples in the realm of fan fiction, so, I'll take a crack at writing one myself.

This is also the first chapter of my first fan fiction, though I'm not asking anyone to go easy on me… I would like to hear suggestions for how I can improve it, or what you want to happen in the next chapters.

I think it's pretty obvious, but I'll state it anyway. The Loonatics are not my characters, and are not used with the permission of their creator(s).

Let the story begin!

Chapter One: Tender Feelings.

A beam of light filled the room from a side window, illuminated by the dusty air in the garage. It was a cold winter's day in the Loonatic headquarters and Tech had been up all weekend working on his new creation. No matter what he tried he couldn't work out how to contain the power source for the team's new ship. The previous designs were good, but at times, nowhere near fast enough for some missions. At other times they just wouldn't have the right tools handy when working far from the tower, Ace was nearly killed almost a month ago, because their jets just did not have the proper facilities to take care of any grievous injuries, so they had to fly him all the way back to the tower for surgery.

As pleased as Tech was with his the ship he was building, nothing he put in it could fill its impressive power requirement while meeting its mass limits. It seemed that if he was going to finish it, he would need to construct one of his earlier designs for a graviton rift chamber, but somehow he still had a problem figuring out how to stabilize the potentially dangerous spatial rift it could generate.

Unbeknown to our furry friend, there was a pair of eyes that had been watching him for hours. A shadowy figure was tucked off in the corner, its gaze fixed on him, rarely breaking. It was a familiar blue feathered roadrunner sitting in a chair on the other end of the garage, Rev Runner. Tech never seemed to notice him, though whenever tech would lock himself in the lab or the garage, creating some new widget, with his attention focused on entirely making something amazing, Rev would often be somewhere in the room looking at tech with starry eyes. He couldn't stand to see tech in so much stress. The coyote hadn't eaten or slept for a few days now, and Rev's gaze turned from one of a dreamer, to a look of concern.

Tech muttered to himself "Wire thirteen B goes to… wait, that's not right! Why can't I do anything right? I just…"

"Just… don't" he yawned tiredly.

Suddenly Tech's lack of sleep caught up with him, he started to faint while working on one of the ship's control panels atop a ladder. Rev saw him falling from the other end of the room and sped to the rescue, so fast that he left the chair and nearby desk completely overturned. Papers and blueprints were sucked into the wind tunnel he created.

"Nonononono!" Rev yelled as he sped across the garage,


It seemed like even with his speed he was going to be too late. They'd learned earlier that tech can't regenerate if he'd gone too long without rest or food, from an unfortunate accident that broke his hand. It healed when he'd finally taken a break, and a snack. However, this would've been a far more serious injury. But as luck would have it, Duck quacked down to the bottom of the ladder in the nick of time, having watched the event unfold as he opened the door.

"What would you do without me?" Duck said smugly… "Tsk tsk tsk... Dog breath really has to stop doing this… it isn't too good for him." He continued, as he handed tech over to rev and started doing pointless hero poses.

"Now go put sleeping beauty here to bed, I've got more important business… Have you seen my copy of Mummy Ninja Moon Raiders Five? I hope slam didn't get a hold of it, I only got it yesterday."

In response Rev only sighed, shook his head, and zipped off to the bedrooms with Tech in his arms, his thoughts weren't quite on words right now, though he wanted to thank Duck, but Rev knew that even a pea brain like him might think some-thing's up if he tried to thank him for saving someone he would have saved anyway, being a teammate and all. Once they were at the door to Tech's room he hesitated a moment before opening the door. He'd always wanted to go inside, but never had a good reason. The door came open with a whooshing sound and Rev took the first few tentative steps inside. Tech's room was littered with gadgets and widgets of all kinds, as he tread deeper into the room with the coyote still in his arms, he noticed the bed was so full of things that it was nearly impossible to see the mattress underneath.

"This-can't-possibly-be-comfortable-with-all-this-junk-here-and-to-think-I-thought-slam-was-messy." Rev thought aloud as he touched his hand to the lumpy misshapen bed. And so he thought, to him self this time "I have a better idea!"

Rev ran off towards his room, taking Tech's pajamas, and Tech himself with, luckily he didn't run across anybody. Once inside his room, he put the unconscious Tech on his bed, stripped him down to his underwear, and put the pajamas on him. Finally he tucked his furry friend in under the green velvety covers.

"Night pal…. I-hope-you-like-the-bed-I-know-you-can't-hear-me-but-still-I-gotta-say-I-love-you-I-really-do-and-that's-not-gonna-change-even-if-

ya-want-it-to-anyway-I-really-really-really-really-really-really-really-want-you-to-be-happy." Rev said as he tucked Tech in, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek, since he didn't think he'd ever get to again, or that his team-mate would feel the same way. "Nighty… night… my… love" He whispered, trying very hard to speak at an uncharacteristically slow pace.