Hey guys, here is a chapter one of my story. I hope you people like and give me some reviews back. Without further due I give you ….

Chapter 1: Invitation

The sky was a deep color of blue with almost little grey covering it. The birds were chirping happily and the sun was out on its best. Bright light emitting from the sun giving light to everything and everywhere.

Everywhere but inside the Fujino's house.

Well it would be called a house at the least. It was so big that you can overlook the city and the forest just by looking down from the balcony. It was so vast that it could be called a mansion. It was a mansion to many.

The mansion was not only big but also very beautiful. Flowers of all different colors were constantly covering the house giving it a very refreshing look.

On the side of the driveway a blue and red convertible car could be seen. It was absolutely stunning. The cars were basically shining from the sun's reflection. They were indeed the new version of cars and indeed very expensive but not for the Fujinos.

The Fujinos were a very wealthy family. They were known almost everywhere. Their company is one of the major leading corporations around the world. They were very rich as you could see.

Everything seems to be fair and well but inside the Fujino's house.

"Mother I don't want to go to another one of these dull parties." A very beautiful brunette said.

"Shizuru, you have to go." argues the mother.

"Why so those annoying men could ogle at me and ask me to dance when they know very well that I do not like them"

"Shizuru you are going and that's it. Or do you want your father to become upset again."

Shizuru thought about this for a moment. Sure she didn't want her father to become upset but … she also didn't want those filthy men making a move on her.

But maybe she could tolerate it for just this day.

"Fine but don't expect me to jump for joy when we get there."

"Thank you sweetie" the older woman mutters as she gets up and hugs her daughter very tight.

Shizuru breaking the tight embrace her mother has locked her into asks.

"What's so special about this party anyway?"

"Their all the same to me always having to try impress so that daddy can form an alliance with them"

"Exactly but this time its different were not just impressing anyone"

"Their all rich what's the difference?"

"This people are not only rich but one of the top leading corporations in the world. They have business all over the world and are extremely wealthy even wealthier than us."

The last 3 words that her mother said surprises Shizuru but kept her composure calm as usual.

This fascinates the brunette because for her mother to say someone else is richer than them has to be a first. They were one of the wealthiest people in Japan so to be able to beat them then that someone must be filthy rich like hell.

"That's a first, may I know whose party were attending to?" asked Shizuru.

"It's the Kuga's"

Her mother continues on by saying.

"I heard that the Kuga's have a daughter about your age maybe a year younger or so. I want you to go and befriend her" simply states her mother.

This causes the brunette to grimace.

"Mother no I don't want to. Why do I need another silly girl to admire me?"

Shizuru is one of the most beautiful girls in Japan. She has suitors all over coming from wealthy backgrounds asking for her hand, men and women.

At school she was treated like royalty, girls everywhere wanting to become her friend. Wanting to be everywhere she was just to get a fraction of her spot light. They even made a fan club just for her. She's not saying she doesn't appreciate the attention but enough is enough.

Sometimes they just get too obsessive… the Tomoe incident still fresh from her mind.

"You will do as I say Shizuru" her mother says in a commanding voice. She gets up and heads to the door.

"I expect you to be down and ready in half an hour"

The older woman disappears out the door.

In another mansion a similar talk is taking place.

"I don't want to go grandma please" the cobalt haired beauty begs.

"Natsuki we talk about this already you are going whether you like it or not"

Argues the cobalt haired's grandma.

"But why do I need to be there? I'm not going to be doing anything anyway like always."

"Natsuki you are a Kuga which means you are a very important part of the party."

"But its boring all I do is pretend to like those who are always ogling at me and pretend to listen to whatever the hell their always babbling about." complains the blue haired beauty.

"Natsuki I am getting too old pretty soon you have to start taking over the business for me so you have to get used to dealing with this kind of people."

"OHHHHHH" the girl murmurs loudly.

"Natsuki I know you won't let your mother and I down." Her grandma says simply.

Natsuki stiffens at the mention of her mother, her mother that she dearly loves.

Her mother that past away 2 years ago, leaving her in the care of her grandma.

"I will meet you down stairs Natsuki in 10 minutes okay? Don't be late like the last time" says her grandma as she exits the door.

"Yeah, whatever"

Both girls hurrying to get ready for the party, oblivious to the fact that it will change their lives forever.

Some say it was fate, others say it was destiny but they say it was meant to be.


There you have it. I hope you enjoyed that. Please review it so I will know if you like the story so far and I can continue it.

Review please!