Summary: Light's family visits an old shrine. What happens when Light finds out that his cousin Kagome can see Shinigami? And she didn't require a Death Note? An Inuyasha and Death Note crossover.

Chapter 1-

Light stared out of the car's window. Surprisingly, L had given the entire Kira investigation team the weekend off. It was something he usually never did. Light knew the black haired insomniac had something planned up his sleeve. And it was itching him to not know what it was.

Anyway, he and his father had reached home, and sat down to have a family dinner. Something they hadn't done for a long time thanks to Kira -coughLightcough-. And it just so happened that his mom had decided that since they were hardly together these days, they should go and visit some place as a family that weekend.

And it just so happened that she wanted them all to go and visit some of relatives who lived in another part of Japan. It was indeed a long time since they had visited them. They had planned to visit Mrs.Yagami's little sister who lived with her family in a shrine.

Some shrine known as the 'Higurashi Shrine'.

And so here was Raito, sitting with his family in their car and going to Higurashi Shrine. Ryuk was also sitting in the back seat, though a part of his head was outside the car and he was literally sitting through Sayu. Through Light's point of view, beside him sat a strange mixture of his little sister and a Shinigami who's note book was currently with him. The combination was thoroughly amusing but Light hid his every emotion behind a mask of fake happiness.


Here they were. At the Higurashi Shrine. Light's father had parked the car and now they were all climbing the long set of stairs that led to their shrine. Light didn't quite remember the place. He last time he had come to visit his aunt here was years back. They had regularly talked on the phone but due to his father's job, it wasn't easy to even go for a vacation.

He last time they had come here, Light was around 8 when he last came here. Sayu was just a baby. And his cousin, she was 5. Now, Light was 18 and his cousin? She had just turned 16 last week. Oh yes, it was a very long time since they met their relatives.

Light wondered how his cousin, Kagome Higurashi, looked like now.

They had almost reached the top of the steps now. A young boy with black hair appeared into their line of vision. On seeing them, an unbelievably huge smile broke onto his face and he screamed, "Mom!! Aunty Yagami is here!!"

Light's mother went and hugged the boy. "Sora-kun! My my, you look so much taller than in your photos! How are you?" There were all the usual exchanges of happiness, joy and comments on how cute the boy looked and how sweet his smile was and blah blah blah.

Light just stood there, chuckling and going along with his mom, father and sister. In reality, he didn't care about anything but the fact that Ryuk was laughing behind him. He had heard that laugh before. There was something hidden here wasn't it? Never the less, he didn't care much about that either unless it got into the way of Kira.

"Nee-chan!!" A woman with short black hair and brown eyes emerged form the house. She ran to Light's mother and hugged her. "Its been such a long time!"

She repeated the same procedure with Light's father and saturated Sayu with complements, hugs and smiles before she finally noticed Light standing there and observing the scene. "Raito-kun!! Oh my God, you've grown so tall!! You were only this much when I last saw….!

Dejà vu. Only this time, it was the other way around. Instead of his family going all happy hug-everyone-and-keep-flattering-them, the other family was.

He somewhat listened to the conversation in the background while observing the scene in front of him. A shrine. An old tree with absolutely no leaves. Some flowers and bushes here and there.

"Where's father?" "He's inside. He couldn't come out as he sprained his ankle. Kagome should be here, I remember she came out here with me…maybe she's a bit shy…there she is. Kagome! Can you come here please?"

Kagome? Light jerked his head to where his cousin was standing.

And that's when he saw it. Kagome had grown into a very beautiful girl all right. Soft and kind features grazed her skin. She girl had what was called natural beauty. Long black hair and eyes just like her mothers. However, those eyes were at the moment wide open and fixedly staring at something. Horror was written in bold letters in them and to Light, it seemed as if she had suddenly stopped running to stare at something. Her pose said that.

However, she immediately snapped to reality as soon as her mother called out her name. Once again, there were the hugs, kisses and comments. Light kept a soft smile the whole time but somehow, he knew the girl could see right through it. Suddenly, he felt like she knew everything. He remembered her eyes back then. Her eyes when she was standing there, frozen.

They held fear, but a certain type of fear Light couldn't understand why she of all people had shown. They had the fear of being exposed, as if they were scared of a disaster that was about to occur. So this was why Ryuk was laughing. It was this girl wasn't it? There was something about her.

It was a good thing Light paid attention to the matter before it was too late.

Kagome's eyes back then, they were staring straight into Ryuk's. There was no mistake about it. This girl, could somehow, see Shinigami.