Disclaimer: The characters are property of Youko Matsushita.

Foreword: This one's nothing special, just to keep you folks aware that I have not forgotten this story. It's nowhere near end...

Breakfast at Queen Camellia's

Sitting in his chair and staring blankly at the plate before him, Hisoka tried to fight the persistent headache that had bugged him since last night. His vigil had been due to Tsubaki, who had passed out late in the evening and been unable to catch a wink of sleep after a short rest in Abiko's suite. Trying to keep a young girl busy throughout the night sure wears you out.Blushing deeply at the double entendre in his thoughts, the young Shinigami cast a coy look in her direction. She batted her long eyelashes, gave out a quiet giggle and smiled as brightly as the morning sun that had only recently greeted the two of them.

Since neither Kakyoin nor Muraki had been anywhere to be found, it had been Hisoka's own idea to take care of her lest she should have a seizure or something. Little had he known how vigorous the sleep and the medication had made her! Yet I couldn't let myself drift off, because of those horrid dreams that haunt me… So they had spent the whole night in the Princess' suite, discussing everything between heaven and earth, playing cards, listening to music and watching some new box office hit about the famous Titanic. Really, watching one ship sink while we're onboard another... She had cried on his shoulder, laughed at his indifference, not knowing how much even her presence made his heart and head ache. No one else had been there for her, not even her father who had locked himself up into his room after the Wakabayashi incident. Not even Muraki, her precious Sensei. To think she adores that monster, yet he's not here when she is suffering. I only wish she'd see his true colours…

Swoosh. Something silver and glittery appeared at the corner of his eye. It turned out to be a dessert fork Tsuzuki was holding, having impaled Hisoka's brioche in it and now travelling all the way to the older Shinigami's mouth. "Get your hands off my dessert", the boy hissed from between his clenched teeth, even though he was not hungry in the least. "But you're allergic to raisins, aren't you? I'm just trying to save a life here!" Tsuzuki muttered while munching on the treat, his child-like eyes blinking rapidly. Funny how he didn't seem all that happy, even though he had got the extraordinary chance of having a brunch with the VIP. In fact, it had been Hisoka's suggestion that Tsuzuki join them in Wakabayashi's place. The cooks didn't know of the politician's death, and it would be wise to keep the amount of food served the same as it was before the incident. Also, this way Hisoka could keep an eye on his occasionally reckless partner, who was prone to slacking out – and gourmandizing as well. Surely the man was eating like a hungry wolf, but something in his presence betrayed an unwelcome anxiety. It must be him. He must have been harassing him again. Sheesh, Tsuzuki, can't a grown man such as you take something trivial like that?

The other VIPs laughed politely at Tsuzuki's desperate attempt to steal from Hisoka's plate, emitting a heavy sigh from the younger Shinigami. "Ah, I sure am allergic. Thanks for reminding me", he muttered, trying a little harder to read the amethyst-eyed man to establish a connection of some sort. It would be too risky to speak of what Tsuzuki might have found out last night, and he doubted he'd see the man too often during the day. The pain in his head spiked from the attempt, even though all he could sense was the dark harmony of negative emotions such as confusion, shame and anxiety. Had Muraki threatened him? Wincing involuntarily, Hisoka abandoned his psychic activity and took a sip of his orange juice. Tsubaki, who was sitting opposite of him, raised her eyebrows in slight worry. "Are you tired, Azumi? Have some of this coffee, it'll refresh you", she suggested, looking at Muraki as if to seek help. No. Stop it, Tsubaki. I beg of you. The doctor was sitting on Tsubaki's side, a smug sneer on his lips as he turned to her from his cup and plate. "Oh, are you seasick, boy? The sea sure was rough last night. My bed rocked so badly I couldn't sleep at all", he sighed, his leer sweeping over Hisoka's face to linger on Tsuzuki's for a while. Hisoka knew those eyes, knew them ever since the night under the cherry tree. Not only did that look make him want to disgorge, but also it seemed to affect Tsuzuki as well. All colour escaped from the face-stuffing Shinigami's cheeks as his eyes sparkled with agitation. Hisoka craved to find out why Tsuzuki dropped his fork, his hands shaking and blood rushing back to colour his paled cheeks. For a while, the brunette was at a loss of words, unable to look away. "Ah, that's true. I-I think I drank too much, and the storm made it even worse", he finally managed to utter, letting out a laugh that Hisoka immediately recognized as a fake. So you were boozing, eh? Is that all?

Hojo Kanako, the beautiful and heart-broken actress that Hisoka had only seen once or twice during the voyage, giggled flirtatiously and rested her hand on Tsuzuki's arm as if to console him. "You poor man! Seems like you need someone to carry you to bed and take care of you!" she coquetted, almost clinging to the man, her plunging neckline drawing Tsuzuki's errant attention. He laughed again, scratching his head awkwardly and forcing a smile at Hojo. That couldn't fool Hisoka, who knew that Tsuzuki was only trying to avoid Muraki's hungry eyes. The doctor chuckled, resting his chin on the palm of his hand as he watched the fake dalliance with unusual interest. "I presume you're right, Miss", he avowed, sprinkling some sugar in his coffee. Hisoka could hear Tsuzuki swallow hard. There was unmistakably a heavy secret between those two; a secret that probably contained something confidential related to Wakabayashi's murder. Tsuzuki was shivering, his eyes glued to Muraki's. An inner battle of two dark beings, it seemed. Hisoka could sense the darkness overflowing inside Tsuzuki's mind, threatening to make Hisoka give in to his agony…

Fortunately, Tsubaki's sudden 'oh' broke the painful moment of unawareness. The relief was immense when Hisoka could finally let go of involuntary mind reading and concentrate on her. She looked down and around, fidgeting in her chair as if she was looking for something. Adorable, Hisoka thought, she's so adorable. I don't want Muraki to contaminate her with his presence. "I dropped my spoon", she finally sighed, pushing her chair backwards a little to reach under the table, but Muraki's hand stopped her in her tracks. "Allow me, Princess", he feigned sweetness and good will as he left his chair, disappearing under the table in search for the lost spoon. Seeing how a small, proud smile spread on Kakyoin's lips for the very first time in days, Hisoka felt terrible for not being able to bring Muraki's dark side to light. "Can you see it?" Tsubaki wondered, watching the doctor's shoe soles that peeked from behind the tablecloth. "Here it is, Princess. Ahh… now I've got it", Hisoka heard the doctor's voice – accompanied by a sudden agonized moan from Tsuzuki.He threw a sharp look at the Shinigami's direction, seeing that the man was indeed in pain or suffering from spasmodic nausea. "You still don't seem well. You really should rest", Hojo suggested, looking slightly worried at Tsuzuki, who breathed heavily, shuddering slightly. "I'm… fine… ugh", the amethyst-eyed Shinigami heaved, wiping a stray sweatdrop from his forehead. At the same time, Muraki returned from under the table, holding the spoon like a trophy with the smile of a winner. "Here you go, Princess. Though I suggest you take a new one… this one got a tad dirty", the doctor bemoaned as he handed her the spoon… but his eyes were on Tsuzuki. Again.

That must have been the last straw for the Shinigami, for Hisoka could sense a powerful surge of emotion inside Tsuzuki. The brunette stood up abruptly, casting an apologetic, wavering gaze at the worried VIPs. "I'm sorry… but I need to rest a bit before the evening. All the free liquor that comes free has a price after all", he mumbled, flushed to the very extent as he turned on his heels, leaving the brunch room with a thud. What in hell is this, Tsuzuki? Feeling extremely uncomfortable, Hisoka glared at Muraki, who was clearly responsible for all this. The doctor merely laughed, shrugging. "Some individuals just can't hold their liquor. Apparently, it is genetic", he explained, but Hisoka didn't want to hear a word. He would just have to stay until the end of the brunch. If he left now, their cover would be blown anytime. You and I will talk later, Tsuzuki. I do hope you're all right then…

To be continued anytime soon! Reviews are much appreciated!

What's more, please remember to vote on my poll! If I get enough votes soon, I might be able to pull off a nice little Valentine's Day story!