A/N: I do not own Robotboy, including Yumi which belongs to numbuh 007



It's a beutifull day at the Bay Area and in the Turnbull residence our heroes Robotboy and Tommy Turnbull are playing they're new video game of the Human Fist.

"I got you this time Ro!" Tommy said

"Nice try." Robotboy taunted.

"Oh that was close, what the...NOOOOO!!" Tommy scream as Robotboy beat him. "Oh man, I was so close. Nice going Ro."

"Thank you Tommy." Robotboy replied with a smile

"Meh I'm bored, what do you think we should do next?" Tommy asked his robotic friend

They both start thinking.

One minute later...

"Hey that's it! Let's go call our friends for baseball game at the park!" Tommy suggested.

"OK!" Robotboy said excited

Later, they are now in the park in the baseball field in the park. With them are:

Lola, daughter of an african ambassador and Tommy's secret admierer.

Gus, also known as "The G-man" and Tommy's anti-friend.

Booker, an orfan nerd boy who was once saved by Tommy's older brother Donnie from some Orfan bullies until he was adopted.

And last but not least Yumi, who was an evil orfan that didn't have any friends adopted by Dr. Kamikazi to capture Robotboy, but now she is friends with Tommy, Robotboy and all they're friends. She's also Mashimo's niece and lives with him.

While they were playing baseball they had no idea what dangers are aproting them.

Meanwhile in Kaziland, Kamikazi and Constantine were wathing them playing baseball.

"HA, look at them Constantine, does that greedy boy call that a pitch." Kamikazi asked amused by the fat idiot's bad playing.

"Yeah, he fell right on his face boss." Constantine replied, snickering

"Yes, yes, now what do you say we join them on the game huh?" Kamikazi asked sinesterly

"Oh I get it were going to grab Robotboy during the game right?" Constantine guessed

"Yes, were going to give them a baseball match they will never forget!" KAmikazi said as he laughed maniacally "Come Constantine, we have mutch to do."

And they move to the Clone Factory.

Meanwhile in Kurt's house. Kurt was blinded with darkness and growling with anger. He was still mad about losing the after school fight with Tommy. Stu and Mookei, Kurt's henchman just watched him with fear and Bambi was only thinking negative about him.


"Well, it's your own fault. If you had noticed my new hair-style-" Bambi was inturropted by her angered boyfriend


"Then why don't you just throw a pie at him or something?" Bambi asked.

Kurt was about to yell out again when it clicked in his head. "Ya know what? That's just what I am gonna do, while he's distrated, we'll take him by surprise and throw a pie right at his face!" he laughed sinesterly, as he and his henchman and girlfriend left the room.

Back at the park.

"Ok, guys I think I got it!" Gus stands in one foot while spinning his arm to lauche the ball but then fall over like for the thousand time, the others were getting annoyed with this.

Sweat drops on they're head's

"That's it I'm done with you!" Lola shouted irritated as she stomped toward him.

"No, wait I think I got it!" Gus insisted

But Lola pushes him off the field "Ok, so now I make the pitch." Lola said picking up the ball.

"Okei Dokei, Robotboy ready." Robotboy said holding his bat.

"Oh yeah, you go girl!" Yumi cheered

"Huff, fine, if any one needs me, I'll be at the candy store." Gus said as he left the baseball field

While the others are playing, Gus was walking to the candy store until he spots something near the bushes. He get's shoked when he notice that it's a light blue diamond shaped stone.

"Oh It must very priceless!" Gus said admiring it. "I guess it's OK to tell the others."

He picks up the stone and runs back to the baseball camp.

"GUYS, HEY GUYS!" he shouted.

The others hear Gus calling them

"Now what does that screwball want now?" yumi asked irritated.

"He probably saw Kurt and his guys." Tommy guessed

Gus enters the scene cathing breath.

"Hey guys, look what I found!" Gus said huffing and shows the stone to the others. Everyone was shocked including Robotboy.

"GUS! WHERE DID YOU GET THAT STONE??" Tommy couldn't help but shout in shock.

"I found it in some bushes, and it's all mine." Gus said confidently

"Robotboy first time see preacious stone." Robotboy said admiring the stone on Gus' hands

"May I see that stone please." Booker asked kindly


"Cool it Gus he's not going to steal it are you Booker?" Lola asked the adopted orphan

"Ceartanly not m'lady, now please let me see it." Booker asked.

Gus sighs "Fine dude, you can have look at it, a small one." he gives the stone to Booker. Booker looks at the stone and notices that it's no ordinary stone.

"Guys, I have a feeling that this stone isn't from this world at all." Booker told the others

The others were confused.

"What are you talking about?" Tommy asked

"This stone posess, supernatural powers!" Booker said with a misterious tone

"NO WAY!!" Robotboy, Tommy, Lola and Yumi exclaimed

"COOL, I'm the founder of a supernatural stone, I totally rule." Gus said proudly

"Can Robotboy hold stone now?" Robotboy asked

"Oh great now everybody want's to hold my stone." Gus said irritated

"GUS!" Tommy scolded

"Fine, but only a small look OK?" Gus said

"OK, G-man." Robotboy said with a happy face

Booker hands the stone to Robotboy. Robotboy first stears at the stone but then the next thing that happens is realy shoking: the stone starts glowing and sends out energy inside Robotboy who then starts glowing. He jumps the air and stands there flying and glowing.

The others were shoked and worried.

"RO, RO, YOU OK!?" Tommy tried to talk to him

Not too far inside Kamikazi's plane, there was an army of frogman dressed up as baseball players. Kamikazi was giving them orders.

"Allright man, you know what to do, play baseball with Robotboy and when you beat him grab him!" Kamikazi finished explaining the plan with a maniacal laughter

Meanewhile, Constantine looked up the front window.

"Uh boss, I think you should look at this." Constantine said

"What is it?" Kamikazi lookes at the front window and gasps "What is that?"

Another place were is not too far from where the heroes were. Kurt and his guys were carrying a pie. Bambi followed close behind.

"OK guys when I say "now" you throw the pie OK guys? Guys?" Kurt saw the others looking at somthing

"Oh, prety light show!" Stu said admiring whatever it was

Kurt looks behind and sees a glowing coming from behind a hill.

"What the heck is going on." Bambi asked

"You got me." Kurt said

Back to the baseball camp, Robotboy was still in mid-air glowing.

"Ro, please do you hear me, Ro?" Tommy tried to talk to his robotic buddy

Then Robotboy leafts up the stone over his hand, clushed it hard and...

"CHAOS...CONTROL!!" Robotboy shouted and a light explogion comes from the stone and swallows Robotboy, followed by Tommy, Lola, Gus Yumi and Booker. Later the explogion swallowed Kamikazi's Plane along with Kamikazi and his henchmen in it, and then Kurt, Stu, Mookei and Bambi.

When the explogion faded they were all gone.

"Is it me, or is there a lot of exitement today?" an old man sitting on a bench asked randomly after he saw the light explosion fade away.

A/N: And so, a light explogion from a mystirious stone has just swallowed our heroes. And apperantly Kamikazi and Kurt were swallowed by it to. What could have happen to them? Find in the next chapter of ROBOTHEDGEHOG!! Until then R&R please.