Chapter 3: Unravel the Truth

Three days passed and Sakura noticed that nothing changed from her peaceful life. Sasuke comes to school like a normal average boy, although she doesn't know if the fact that girls swarm over him is normal too. They're seatmates but they never talk at all so she guessed that it's a good sign. But most of all, it really intrigued her the fact that Sasuke never figured out the truth. 'It's really strange…I mean, is it just a coincidence that he picked this place to hide from his parents? Well, I also don't see any reason why that jerk would want to chase me all the way here right? I'm sure he really wanted to get rid of me. Maybe, I'm the only one worrying over such a small matter?' She chuckled quietly. Really, what could Sasuke possibly do to her? She sighed in relief as she walked through the halls of Greenfield Academy.

She opened the door to their classroom and saw that Sasuke already arrived. 'Great, Now we're alone.´ She wanted to take a step back and run for her life but that would be too weird. She took a deep breath as she made her way to her seat.

"G-Good Morning Uchiha-san!" She made it sound as normal as possible and took a seat.

"Hn." Sasuke said without averting his gaze from the window. Silence engulfed them and it made Sakura hard to breath.

'Heck! This is so awkward! I need to start a conversation or something!' She thought as she sweated heavily.

"U-Um…W-Where do you live, Uchiha-san?" She gulped nervously with her head looking down. It took him a minute to answer.

"Near here." She was startled and turned to him. She never expected him to answer in the first place.

"O-Oh that's good then. Uhm…Why did you come here?"

"No reason."

'As if he will tell me that he ran away from home!' Sakura thought and frowned a bit.

"O-Oh, I heard you're from err…Japan, right?"

He just nodded. Sakura felt very awkward.

"M-Me too! I started to live here with my parents when I was 5 but they passed away so now I'm living by myself." She smiled as she told him the biggest lie of her life. She was startled when Sasuke suddenly looked at her intensely, as if he's…searching for something.

"Oh really?" He looked at her darkly. Sakura shivered from his intense stare as if he wanted to eat her alive. She just looked back at him unable to talk, unable to move.

The door opened as two girls entered the classroom. Their eyes turned to hearts when they saw the raven lad.

"Oh! Good Morning Sasuke!" The two glared at the pink-haired girl and immediately went to Sasuke's place and started ranting on how handsome he is. Soon, all the students finally arrived and filled the classroom.

Sakura sighed with relief. What just happened back there? Is that really Sasuke? She asked herself. It's as if she was facing a stranger. 'Scary.' She stopped thinking when Mrs. Smith, their homeroom teacher, finally arrived.

-Lunch Break-

She ate her lunch peacefully while sitting on a bench. She always goes to places where she can be alone. She never had a friend. Most of the students, especially the girls, are too jealous of her because she always gets good grades. For her, it doesn't really matter because the only thing they do is talk behind her back. But they are some who actually appreciate her hard work. 'Well, they are good and bad people in this world.'

She turned back to reality when the door suddenly opened and girls approached her. If she remembered correctly, those are the girls from her class. 'Not again. Are they mad because I got a perfect score on the quiz?' She thought irritatingly and shook her head in defeat.

"You Miyazawa! Why are you alone with Sasuke this morning? I bet you actually planned to go early so that you can keep him all to yourself!" Marie, a girl with blonde hair blurted out to her. Sakura suddenly had a headache. 'Oww…My head. I guess I didn't sleep well last night because of thinking too much and now these girls worsened it!'

"What are you idiots ranting about? Are you nuts? What would I get if I get close to him?" 'Can't you see I have been avoiding him since yesterday?' She screamed inside her mind.

"Ha! I know that you want Sasuke! I caught you staring at him in class! Just because both of you came from the same country doesn't mean you can be close to him already!"


"Reiko, you're such a flirt!"

"Bitch."All the girls glared at her intensely.

"I'm saying this to you ugly girl, Sasuke already has a fiancé in Japan so you don't even stand a chance!"

'Neither do all of you.' Great now she has to deal with all of them.

"Okay. I'll just say this once so listen. I hate him okay? I can't even stand the guy! I don't care if he has a fiancée. I bet she's an idiot for letting herself be fooled by him. He's a cold assho-"

"How well do you know me for you to say that?" A familiar deep voice suddenly from behind interrupted her. She knew exactly who it was and gulped hard. At that moment, she was thinking of "Don't-turn-back-or-else-he'll-kill-you-policy" oh and if she could only disappear forever.

"Sasuke, Reiko's so cruel to us I'm just telling her not to bother you since you already have a fiancée but she became jealous and started insulting yo-"

"Shut up." Sasuke glared at all of them. Then, he looked at Sakura.

"Ermm…I need to pee! Gotta go!" She was about to ran away when he suddenly lifted Sakura up in his arms and tossed her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. All of the girls gasped, including her.

"H-HEY! W-WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING? PUT ME DOWN!" Sakura screamed hysterically. She kept struggling to get free from his tight grasp on her waist.

"You shut up too." He turned around and gave the girls a "Don't-follow-us-or-you'll-all-die" look.

Now she's doomed. 'Goodbye, world.'

Sasuke made his way smoothly through the school's backyard still, carrying Sakura in his right shoulder.

"STOP! YOU BASTARD! PUT ME DOWN OR ELSE I'LL SCREAM!" Sakura shouted at the top of her lungs. She desperately struggled, endlessly punching him in the back.

" You're already screaming to me." He answered coolly.

"YOU'RE A PERVERT!" She almost gasped when he threw her roughly on the thick grass.

"Ow! That hurt! Why did you throw me?" Sakura shouted back while cupping her butt because of the slight pain from the fall.

"You said you want me to put you down." He smirked at her.

"Arghh! Whatever." 'I want to get out of here as soon as possible.' She was about to stand up and walk away when Sasuke successfully pinned her arms with her back lying on the thick, soft grass.

"Where do you think you're going?" Black onyx orbs looked down at her so intensely, making her body paralyzed. It was those same eyes he had when he looked at her at the classroom this morning. She gulped nervously.

"T-To the c-classroom?" She stuttered endlessly. She suddenly felt an immense heat running through her body and Sasuke's breathing on her face isn't helping at all.

"Did you think I'll drag you here for nothing?" He continued to stare her startled face.

A thought suddenly popped up into her mind. Is he angry because of what she said to him a while ago? Or is it because she called him a pervert? 'Or maybe he's just jok-'

"Let's stop this."

'ing.' "H-Huh?" Did he say something?

"I'm tired of playing games..." His eyes became darker and for a moment, the pink-haired girl stopped breathing.


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NEXT CHAPPIE!: Chapter 4: Avoid him at all costs!
