For They Shall Be Filled

For They Shall Be Filled

By: Vain (Vainglorious696) 5/31/2001


Disclaimer:  I don't own Digimon.  I am not that fortunate.  Digimon is owned by Fox Kids, Saban (I think), and a bunch of now-wealthy Japanese people.

 Lucky bastards.  Moreover, I am American.  I take French.

 If you want to know French words, names, and spellings, e-mail me.  Do not ask me for Japanese. 

I love Asian culture, but I can't spell anything Asian worth a damn.  

Hell, I can't spell anything in English worth a damn. 

If I have mauled Japanese names (particularly for places and digimon),


Also, this is one of the reasons why I use the American names

 (despite the fact that I prefer the names Osamu, Iori, and Yamato over the English).  

Please don't sue me or steal from me; I'm poor and a real bitch when it comes to my work. 

Feedback is a rose in December--novel, beautiful, and always welcome. 



~You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? 

It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men.

-Matthew 5:13



For every known world, there are a hundred unknown, all existing as silent shadows parallel to our own earth.  These worlds all coincide in the same time and space in a delicate balance.  Therefore, as goes one world, so go them all.  Of all worlds, the digital world and the world called Earth existed together more closely than all others, until it became impossible to determine which world mirrored the other.

It has happened, in times of great trial, that the boundary between the two worlds was weakened and the straining forces, be they darkness or light, fought for dominance over all worlds, destroying the balance.  The first time this occurred a dark force arose from a conflicted world and sought to dominate the other through force and fear.  Nine champions, the human guardians of the Digital World, were called upon to save all worlds and restore the balance between the Digital World and the human Earth.  They did this, but only at a great cost to them.

It became necessary to choose between the lesser of two evils, and the resulting decision lead to the first Seduction of the Digidestined.  For all the Light in a person's soul, there is an equal amount of Darkness.  For all one's Courage, there is an equal amount of Cowardice.  And for all the Kindness in the soul, there is always an equal amount of Cruelty.  This is not only the nature of the Worlds, but also of Life itself.

The original Digidestined were successful.  The darkness that had plagued the Digital and Real Worlds could not be destroyed, but the diseased land was cut away, forever separating from the two worlds that birthed it.   However, the Chosen Children's victory and the circumstances from which it had arisen set a precedent that has been followed to this day.  Only when faced with the utmost danger were the full powers of the Digidestined to be released.  To this end, one of the Three Sacred Crests was locked away and in its place a faux Crest was offered.  It had become obvious that the nature of the Sacred Crests weakened the natural defenses in the human soul and it was deemed best to eliminate one weakness instead of all three.  The Ninth Chosen Child was then hidden away in every generation, kept safely out of the reach of both the powers of Darkness and protected with the Faux Crest.

In this fashion, time passed.  But the Guardians of the Digital World grew lax and complacent.  Errors were made and the Bearers of the Nine Crests suffered for the mistakes of their Guardians.  A great darkness arose in the Digital World, imported from Earth, and at the eleventh hour the Ninth Crest, the Golden Radiance, was released and then replaced by the Faux Crest.  This act resulted in the salvation of the Ninth Child's soul.  But the darkness that had originally corrupted him still existed.  It was an ancient and patient evil.  It knew how to wait and bide its time.  It knew the Laws of Destiny.

And so it waited until its chance came.  And then it seized it.  
