Midwinter Gift

Disclaimer: I own nothing

Alanna usually didn't find much goodwill on a warfront, and didn't expect to find much this Midwinter. The day began with a horrid frost. Warming herself with her gift, she pulled on several layers of warm clothing.

'I look like a laundry monster. Only George would recognize me now.' Alanna thought 'George!'

Rummaging in a drawer, she pulled out a silver mirror with red roses painted on the back and scryed her husband. She couldn't see him. The mirror was frosted over. Alanna swore.

The day continued in a likewise manner of cold and misfortune. No Midwinter luck could be found at camp. People spilled buckets of water, making the streets icy. Tents collapsed. Clothes and bedrolls were wet.

Alanna returned to her quarters damp, grumpy, and tired from using her gift all day. She glanced at her mirror : still frozen. Lighting her fire, Alanna started peeling off her layers of clothing.

'I'm lonely and miserable' thought Alanna 'I need to take leave.'

Finally down to her last garment layer, she sat down on bed. Alanna yelled and jumped up in surprise. She had sat on her Midwinter gifts.

Carefully unwrapping each of her presents, Alanna received the following: a new belt knife from Jon and Thayet; a pair of fleece-lined gloves from George; a bouquet of never wilting roses from her mage son; a hand-made spy glass from Aly; a mix of bird and immortal feathers from Diane; six heat giving stones from Numair; an intricate, rainbow bauble from Harialt of Ali; a lioness seal from Gary; a shiny new mess kit from Alan; instant nose-bleed potion from her former squire with a note attached saying "Stolen from a Lady Knight commander at New Hope. Dump it in someone's glass you don't like. I learned about this only after it was only me getting the nose bleeds."; a stress ball from Raoul, and a pair of socks from Buri.

The last gift she opened was from Kel: a black Yamani waving cat figurine with violet eves. The note read "If you ever need someone to talk to, here's this." Alanna hugged the cat and knew she wasn't lonely any more.

How do you like it? Please review. Is it long enough? Is it in Alanna's character? Thanx!