My second Fanfic. This one is a good one, its more of a drama, romance than comedy. Im still working on my other fic so I'll be going back and fourth from this one and my other one. Hope you enjoy the Chapter.

I fixed the ring on my left hand, making sure that it wasnt cutting off my circulation. The big diamond in the center shinned bright, making the littl dimonds around it glow a light crystal color. I smiled at the ring remembering just one week ago when steven got on his knee and proposed. Steven and I meet six months ago at Mark and Darrall Law Firm. We ran into each other one day and since then we never left one another side, until now. My mom and dad wanted us to visit for the holidays, but steven got stuck at work so he told me to go on ahead.

I never really liked airplanes, they always made me feel woozy. I looked out the window to see that it was snowing. Well thats bad, I didnt want any delays in my flight. Just then a plane landed and 12 minutes later, the intercome came on saying "we could now board the plane. I streached my arms and legs knowing its probably going to be awhile before I could move around like this. I tired to estimate the time from Hoenn to Kanto, about 5 to 6 hrs max. After handing my ticket to the flight attendent, I took a sit next to the window, relaxing myself as more people settled in.


I got off the airplane to a unfamiliar airport. Following the signs on the walls I made it to the main room. The airport had two floors, I was on the second floor. I looked down off the overview and saw a mass of people running around. Going from left to right, hopping on elevators and escalaters. I walked over to the escalater stepping on one of the moving steps. As it slowly moved down, I placed my hand on the railing, tapping it. Finally I made it down to the first floor. As I pushed my way through the thick crowd of people someone grabbed my bag. I looked to see who it was, I was surprised to see a little girl about the age of five. She had black hair that was really striaght.She was wearing a pink winter coat with matching pants and boots. Her eyes were full of sadness and puffy like she was crying. I figured she had grabbed my bag, so she would'nt get knocked over by the crazy crowd.

I finally saw a clearing over by the main door. I stood to the side and took a sit of one of the benches. The little girl ws still holding on to my bag. She was fundaling with the zipper. I watched her before asking, " Where are your parents?" She looked at me and I could see her eyes changing from curiosity, to sadness than to worry. "Its Ok" I told her "we'll find them." Even though I knew it would be hard to find two people out of the thousand that were in the airport.

I stood up and looked around, I didnt see anyone that looked like they were searching for a child. The girl tugged on my pants legs, looking up at me with tose big brown eyes. I picked her up and looked at her face, She looked like someone I've seen before but wasn't sure. "Do you know what your parents look like?" The little girl just shrugged and leaned her head on my shoulder. By the minute the crowd had thickened. Argh, why does these things always happen to me. I tried to keep my cool, not wanting to frigthen the little girl. I decided to go to the info desk and to my surprise there was a security gaurd standing right by it, he was talking to someone in a trench coat.

I deciede to stand some feet behind the man while he was talking. I couldnt help but over hear the man and what he was saying

"We had just gotten off the plane, she wanted a pretzel but I didnt have any money on me. So I went to the ATM, and when I turned back around she was gone." The man was in such a panic, as the security gaurd was trying to calm him down. I looked over at the girl and found that she had fallen asleep.

The guy had finally cooled down as the security guy asked him "Now, whats her name and what does she look like."

"Her name is Misha, shes about five yrs old. She has straight black hair and is wearing a pink winter coat with matching boots and gloves."

"What?" I studdered out. The police man turned to me. "m'am is there a problem"

"Yes!" I said matter of factly. " I think I found his daughter."

End of chapter. So what do you think. Pretty good or what. Please R&R. The next chapter will be up soon.