When they arrived at the castle in Japan

"Come with me Ino. My room is this way."

She glared at him and finally followed him. He made his way to his quarters. The genius opened the door like a gentleman but she was to busy looking around the room to notice it or even thanked him. A gigantic bed was thronging in the middle of the green piece. A bathroom was related to the room and a living room too. Ino gasped and sat on the bed. She heard a knock on the door and Deify entered the room. She bowed to the 2 princes and smiled merrily at the princess.

"I'm glad, your highness, that I'm still your servant."

Ino smiled softly and stood up. Her servant walked to her and untied her dress. Shikamaru signed and looked away muttering how women were troublesome. His wife sent him a death glare. Shikamaru back off a little and began to remove his clothes. A servant took them to wash after a minute. He lay on the bed looking at ceiling. 'How will I get to know a woman who doesn't want to hear my voice and barely my name?' He signed. 'It will be a troublesome and long night like our 'honeymoon'. Honeymoon my ass. I didn't even sleep with her! Why did God made such troublesome humans: the women?'

The night had fallen a long time ago and lighting was heard. Ino jumped in fear and disappeared under the covertures. Shikamaru cocked an eyebrow. 'Maybe it will be easier than I thought… I was supposed to bring her at the garden since she liked the flowers… So, then, she is scared of the lighting.' She jumped once more and without thinking she was hugging (rapping) her husband.

"Ino, you are rapping me!"

She buried her face on his chest and began to cry while the sound of much lighting was heard. He smiled in his inner self and play along with his fingers in her back. He held her tighter and she stopped to cry after a while. The genius looked down and he signed. Ino was asleep in his arms. Nothing else will happen. Shikamaru cursed under his breath and put his chin on top of her head. 'Sounds like I will have to bring her to the garden after all…' He finally fell asleep.

In the morning, Ino opened her eyes to find that she lying in her husband's arms and against his body. Ino gazed at him. He was looking so peaceful in his sleep she couldn't help but think he was cute. She blushed at the thought and tried to move along. He groaned and opened his eyes sleepily. He mumbled under his breath something she cannot get.

"Shika… Let me go, please."

"I'm fine like that so sleep and let me sleep."

"Shika!" She hissed.

She tried to move but her body refuse to move. She groaned and screamed.

"It's just my shadow imitation jutsu."



She glared at him surprised. He had screamed at her. Somebody had screamed at her. Nobody had ever screamed at her except her father. Moreover, the princess used to think he was a calm (boring) and sleepy man.

"I used it because I just what to be a little more with you. Now can you, please, let me sleep?"

"You wanted to be with me…?"


She peek him on his cheek and held him tighter.

"Thank you."

"Jeez… The next time I will say that in the first place."

She pushed him off the bed with a giggled.

"Every beautiful moment has an end, Shika."

"Next time, I will shut up." He muttered.

She laughed a bit and lie back on the bed. He stood up and looked at her beautiful wife laughing. He leaned down to kiss her but the door slid opened. Sakura and Tenten gasped. They had the face 'what the fuck' on. Yesterday, Ino hated him. What did go wrong in the night for Ino to almost kiss her husband? Shikamaru was hitting his head mentally on an imaginary wall. Under him, Ino was blushing like mad. With a curse he stood up and walked to his closet.

"OH MY GOD! WHAT DID YOU GIVE HER TO DRINK OR TO SMOKE?" Tenten yelled moving her head rapidly not believing it.

"Tenten, calm down! Now, girl, I want all the details." Sakura squealed.

She grabbed her sister's wrist and pulled her out of the room with Tenten following behind. The cherry blossom stopped and looked at Ino giggling.

"What happened?"

"Was it your first?"

"What did you do the night?"

"Don't tell me he touched you!"

"Is he a good kisser?"

"We thought you hate him. What happened to make you change of idea?"

"SHUT UP!" Ino screamed a vein popped on the forehead.

The 2 girls backed off. An angry aura was enveloping Ino dangerously. They cleared their throat and looked at their hands. The blond mind controller inhaled and calmed down.

"So…" she started glaring at them. "Why did you open the door WITHOUT knocking?"

Tenten groaned.

"It was Sakura's idea and we didn't think that you'll be…hum…busy. Moreover, it's always more interesting to enter in a room without knocking." She smirked.

Sakura giggled and clapped her hands happily.

"There's a bal tonight to celebrate the union of the Japan and the China. I thought that you might be interest also that you just have 5 hours left to get ready."

Ino ran to her room and put her husband out. The 2 sisters laughed when they heard Ino screaming and giving orders around.

"Jeez… Women are so troublesome."

Tenten and Sakura laughed even more holding their sides. Finally, they walked calmly to their room to get ready.

Sakura chose a pink dress with white Sakura's blossom. Her pink haired was falling graciously to her shoulders. We could have sworn that the dress was made for her. In fact, in was her mother's. During a second, the young woman gazed at her wedding ring mused. In was in gold and a emerald was shining in the middle of 5 diamonds. She picked up her skirts and exited the room for the ball room.

Lilith had to fight with her mistress to put the splendid red dress on her. A golden dragon was on her back symbol of her homeland, China. Tenten had refused to put make-up but for once her hair wasn't in 2 buns. It was dancing freely around her shoulders. She looked uneasy. In fact, she was annoyed because she wouldn't be able to fight if she has to. She stood up when she heard a soft knock on the door.

Ino and Sakura were standing in the entrance smirking.

"You'll knock them dead!" Ino said triumphantly.

Her hair was in a high tail with a blue flower fixing on it. Her dark blue dress was degraded from the bottom to the top.

The girls giggled at that and make their way to the ball room.

"Why aren't you with Shikamaru, Ino. You were soo close to him this morning." Tenten teased her.

The woman punched her playfully while Sakura laughed. The girls looked around. The room was full of nobles dancing, talking, laughing and of course flirting. They were informed that the Emperor will be absent because of some meeting in Korea so they didn't frown at the empty throne where he was supposed to be sit. Shikamaru encircled his arms around Ino's waist. She blushed furiously.

"Why aren't you with your husbands? It's so troublesome." He asked lazily.

Sakura turned around and watched Sasuke and Neji talking with 2 girls blushing and nodding. Tenten saw it too and stared at Shikamaru and Ino.

"I think they are busy." The young brunette said smirking.

"You won't teach them a lesson?" Ino asked surprised.

"You know us too well, Ino." Sakura grinned.

"Come on Sakura I will explained you the plan. We'll let the little loving birds in peace."

His genius husband put his hand on her mouth before she can say anything. 'It's troublesome and why the hell Sasuke and Neji never listen to me?!? I say it the cliché idea won't work. Okay back to Ino.'

"It's troublesome but we need some lonely time like without your sisters and without anybody." He whispered to her ear.

She smiled brightly and pushed him out the piece full of courtesans.

Sakura and Tenten looked at each other.

"Okay so the plan revenge is so sweet is beginning." Tenten said in her favourite command attitude.

"Yay! What's the plan, general?" Sakura asked cheerfully.

"Do you know what their only weakness is?"

Tenten was smirking evilly but Sakura raised her brow in confusion.

"Their pride… Let's hit full strength!"

She leaned down and whispered the plan on her sister's ear. They marched towards their prey; Tenten towards Neji and Sakura towards Sasuke.

Neji and Sasuke smirked when they saw their wife coming their way. If only they weren't to busy to make them jealous they will have seen the evil glint in their wives' eyes. Too bad! This will be fun… Sakura tapped Sasuke on the shoulders and turned to her.

"Honey! I asked you to take care of the baby! What are you doing here? Oh my god!" She said the eyes full of tears.

Sasuke looked at her eyes widened. 'What is she talking about? The baby? Is she drunk?'

"You are again cheating on me!" She yelled sounding hurt with her face full of tears. "The other time you were naked in our bed with another woman and now you are flirting with another woman right in from of me while you promised to take care of the baby?"

She began to cry even more. The black haired woman slapped 2 times Sasuke in the face who was embarrassed because people were glaring at him outraged. Of course what were doing courtesans in a party if isn't over dropping other conversation? He glared angrily at her wife and took her out of the piece by her wrist.

Tenten sneaked behind of her husband and cleared her throat. She looked pretty angry but it only looks like… Neji turned is head at the direction and stared at her. She slapped him with her full strength.

"Neji! I can believe you! What are you doing here with her? You said you will spend the night with me."

'I did?' He asked his self holding his burning cheek.

"I already have to share you with your wife but now you prefer to handle with courtesans?" She shouted.

Tears began to fall on her cheeks.

"You said that you loved me."

Tenten began to cry more.

"But of course you had said that to the 20 women before me…"

The orange haired young woman slapped him in the face and walked away while the people murmured scandalized around them. Neji gritted his teeth and grabbed Tenten's wrist. They walked out of the room and saw Sasuke driving Sakura out too. In what seemed to be the library, they faced them darkly.

"Why the hell did you do that?"

"I can't believe that you embarrassed us in front of all the people!" Sasuke shouted.

"The next time when you want that we get jealous do something more than talking to girls." Sakura smirked.

"Really you suck at flirting." Tenten added crossing her arms on her chest.

The guys clenched their fists.

"It wasn't a reason to humiliate us!" Neji screamed.

Sakura smirked so did Tenten. She always was the more manipulate one in the family after the Emperor of course. Sakura walked to Sasuke who was glaring at her.

"I'm sorry Sasuke." She said sweetly her arms around her neck.

His expression had softer a bit so she decided to play hard. She brushed her lips against his.

"Do you forgive me?"

Which boy can resist to that trick? None. It was what I was thinking. He closed his eyes to not have to face anymore the emeralds eyes of her wife. He finally he grabbed her waist to show her that he wasn't angry anymore. She pulled away and smiled. He slapped himself mentally. He was tricked by a woman. The apocalypse was near…

The young woman looked at Tenten who rolled her eyes.

"I have a pride."

"Tenten… Will I have to talk about Selena?"

Her sister faced her.

"You wouldn't dare."

"Okay so Selena was the gardener of our park in the China's Palace and one day Tenten…"

"Shut up! I got it!"

"I'm listening."

Neji smirked and stared at her.

"I'm sorry."

"I didn't hear you."

"I. Am. Sorry.

"Did you say something?"


"Good but I want a kiss."

Tenten widened eyes and stared at him in shock. His smirk grew even more. Sakura coughed and Sasuke smirked.


"Sakura, talk about Selena."

"Shut up Sakura or Sasuke will be please to know what I heard you say in your sleep this morning."

There was an eye contest between Tenten and Neji. No one was losing. Finally Neji smirked and kissed Tenten on the lips. She froze while he continued to kiss her. She tried to pull away but her body didn't move. She was kind of -cough- enjoying it -cough-. Her eyes shot without her noticing it. She restrained herself to moan and to kiss him back. 'Damn why does he have to be a good kisser.' He licked her lips to ask for his entrance. That was enough. She grabbed a knife in her corset and applied a pressure in his abdomen. He released his grip.

"Need to go."

She walked away confused. She hated him, right? So why did she have a bad time restraining herself to kiss him back, to pull him closer to her. Normally, she would have beaten the crap out of the boy who will dare to kiss her. She didn't do a scratch on him. Sakura had the strength to stop herself and her. She just froze thinking at him as a good kisser. 'Man this so confusing. At the risk to sound like Shikamaru: this is so troublesome.'

Neji smirked. He read the confusion over all her face and still she doesn't attack him. She will fall soon…

Sakura and Sasuke were gone. He looked around. They must have leave during the glaring contest. He put his hands in his pockets and walked out of the room searching for Sasuke. He finally found him knocking and shouting at the door of his room.

"She locked you out? What did you do Sasuke?" Neji smirked knowing perfectly what his brother was up to.

"I kiss her." He said smirking.

He faced again the door.

"Why are you angry, Sakura? Is it because you enjoyed it? Of course you did the last time I checked you kiss me back!" He shouted.


Sakura and Sasuke entered the room panting. Sasuke sat down on the couch and Sakura sat next to him resting her head on his shoulder. He tensed a little but relaxed after a second. He passed his arm around her waist and pulled her tighter. She didn't pulled away (for once) and didn't try to punch him (for God sakes and for Sasuke's too. LoL!) He planted a gentle kiss on her forehead. She blushed and wanted to pull away but he was faster. His lips collapsed against hers. She was taken back by the romantic kiss he was giving her. She kissed back moving her fingers through his hair. She opened her mouth and let his tongue explored it. She played with her own one in his mouth and then her eyes snapped opened. 'Hello? Earth to Sakura! You hate this jerk so why are you kissing him back?' Her inner self screamed.

She pulled away fuming.

"You… You… You seduce me! Get the hell out of here sick bastard!" She yelled.

She kicked him out of the room and leaned against the door after locking it. 'What in the world is going on?'


"SHUT UP!" Sakura yelled at the top of her lungs from the other side of the door.

Neji smirked and grabbed the black haired prince by the collar before he could teased her even more. He pushed him in the throne room.

"Sasuke, I think it's about time we show them that no ones missed up with us."

He smirked and crossed his arms on his chest.

"Tell me the plan, bro, I'm in. By the way, where the hell is Shikamaru?"

"I didn't see it either at the ball but back to the plan. We'll take care of him later."

"I'm listening."

"Okay. They hurt our pride so let's hit their stronger."

They smirked at each other. Neji handed a bag to Sasuke and kept one for him.

"Don't forget you give it when she wakes up."

"Got it! See you tomorrow."

He disappeared leaving Neji smirking. 'Tomorrow will be fun!' He put his hands in his pocket and walked away.

Tenten turned herself in the other side of the soft bed. She grabbed a pillow and hugged it. She was sleeping peacefully having good dreams when…


She jumped on her feet with a knife in each of her hands. She tried to keep her cool but the idiot was smirking.

"Why the hell did you close the door so loudly?!" She yelled.

"You are right. Next time I will wake you up with the prince charming manners…" He said holding his chin faking a deep thought.

She cursed using the must colourful ones and looked around for her servant.

"Deify is sick so I brought your dress."

He held up a dark blue dress. She raised a brow and eyed him sceptically.

"Come on! I didn't put an explosive tag on it. Just put it on."

With Sakura

"What's the trap?" She asked observing carefully all the stitching of the dress.

"There's none because it's just a dress. Anyways, I need to go."

He turned on his heels and exited the room. She signed and put the dress on. She walked out and saw her sister in the same dress as her.

"What the hell!" Tenten said pointing the dress of Sakura.

"Don't tell me your husband handed it to you!" Sakura exclaimed trying to see what was the trick.

"Oh my god! What's the trap? We better go change before we fell into it."

Before they could made a move a hand strong hand grabbed their shoulders.

"What are you doing here?" A black haired woman yelled glaring at them.


"Be quiet, maids!" She snapped and drove them in a big room.

'What the hell did she just call me maid!' They both thought at the same time.

The strong and tall woman pushed them in a huge room.

"Wash me this floor as punishment. You perfectly know that no one has the right to enter the royal quarters. I'm watching you keep moving."

"Miss, you are mistaken we are Princesses."

The woman burst out of laughter.

"Yeah and me I'm the Empress. No royalty will be dress in a maid uniform. Now keep moving!"

Sakura looked at each other angrily. 'I will kill him.' All the morning they were washing the damn floor cursing against God to have put such evils in Earth and against their husband just so being born. They handed them maid uniform! Maid uniform! They had destroyed their pride without laying a finger. 'They are so gonna get it.' They thought angrily gritting their teeth in a very unlikelady way.

When they were finished they hurry to their room and changed in another dress. Their faces were red of anger. They were princesses and they washed the floor and these stupid men just tricked them. They stopped in front of the bathroom. They heard the voices of Neji and Sasuke and smirked. They were taking their bath. They smirked with an evil glint burning in their eyes. 'Time for pay back!' They both thought and nodded at each other.

"What if we make sure they don't have clothes at all? I think we are generous what do you think Sakura?"

"I think that you are right. Being naked is better than in a maid's uniform. I hope they run fast."

"You are right! They will thanks us later."

They entered the bathroom for men. Neji and Sasuke nearly jumped when they saw them. They tried to grab their towels but Tenten and Sakura were faster. They picked up their nasty clothes and the neat ones and smiled at them.

"I think they weren't washed carefully, ne, Sakura?"

"You are right and it's the maids' job to wash them. Later boys!"

They giggled and walked out. Tenten turned around and stared at them.

"Oh and it's not necessary to call your maids we dismissed them. I hope you run fast."

They laughed even more and walked out. The 2 men were speechless.

"They learn fast."


"Okay the war is over! We would get before tomorrow and that's final! Get ready Sasuke and don't miss your shot."