Title: Relative

Author: MikeyCam33196

Disclaimer: Danny Phantom and characters used from the show are owned by Butch


Rating: Teen/ PG –TV 7 (FV)

Genre: Adventure/ romance

Spoilers: Many general references to both season 1 and 2 shows.

Pairings: D/S, OC used

Warnings: includes thematic elements, fictional violence, discussions of character deaths.

Story Synopsis: Lilly Fenton must go back to her father's high school days to help

prevent the release of her father's alternative future self and protect her own

future in the process.

Author's Notes: Please keep in mind that this particular story is just one possible future

for our favorite hero.

Relative: Chapter 1: Time Shift

"Fenton, Foley!" a rather angry Lancer hollered from the end of the hallway. The Fenton in question cringed automatically, blue eyes searching for an alternative means of escape as they headed down another corridor.

"Didn't I tell you not to do it?" Foley reprimanded.

"Well, I would have been fine if you hadn't surprised me like that."

"Using a ghost ray to heat up a beaker in the chemistry lab- brilliant. And now we know what happens, don't we?"

"You're being awfully self confident for a guy who's going to be in just as much trouble."

"I didn't cause it. Admit it, you were practicing."

"I wasn't practicing. I was trying to hurry the experiment along so I could be with you." Blue eyes darted to the left and right as they took the stairs two at a time down to the main floor of Casper High.

"I could've waited you know."

"Maybe I didn't want to wait." Blue eyes spotted the exit sign above the side entrance.

"This is why I'm always in trouble."

"No, I'm usually in trouble and you're usually there, so it's just a case of guilt by association."

"And just where do you think you two are going?" Lancer asked from behind them placing one hand on each student's shoulder. They both jumped.

Lilly Fenton brushed her long raven hair back behind one ear as she turned around to face her fate. "To hide?"

"Nice one," TJ Foley said to his girlfriend as he turned around as well.

"Miss Fenton, one can not hide if one blows up half a classroom with her extra credit assignment!" Principal Lancer said as his voice raised to punctuate the ending.

"It was an accident, honest. I didn't realize that the beaker had become so hot so quickly," Lilly said.

TJ muttered under his breath, "Ghost rays tend to do that."

"Shut it," Lilly muttered back.

"Your father is on his way to meet with us. Let's go," Principal Lancer said and took a few steps away from the couple.

"Busted," TJ said loud enough for Lilly to hear.

Lilly shot him The Look then she smiled slyly at TJ as her eyes flashed green. She looked around the hallway to see if anyone was around. Since class had already started, the hallway was clear. Lilly duplicated her phantom form and moved towards the unsuspecting Lancer to overshadow him.

Principal Lancer turned around as his eyes flashed green. "Don't even try it," came the deep voice of her father from Principal Lancer's mouth. Lilly's phantom returned to her body as Danny Fenton walked into the hallway. "TJ, shouldn't you be in class?"

The walk down to Principal Lancer's office was nothing short than walking the plank as Lilly felt her father walking behind her and Principal Lancer leading the way. She knew she was in for it but this time it wasn't her fault! Okay, she did once or twice deliberately use her powers when she shouldn't have. There was the time when she stuck Kenny Baxter's feet to the ground during a home basketball game after he made fun of TJ by calling him a geek (as if!) prior to the game. Dad quietly chuckled over it but mom was furious. Then there was the nasty little comment Suzanna made when she made the cheerleading squad (on her own without the use of her powers). The comment was flaming and maybe if she would have kept her cool, the little witch wouldn't have fallen into the school pool later that day. They weren't exactly good uses of her power, but hey, they helped her feel better.

The threesome sat down with Principal Lancer behind his desk and her dad beside her. Lilly took a deep breath as the charges were read against her. Principal Lancer summed it all up with, "I'm sure you can understand why we felt it necessary to call you in Mr. Fenton."

"Her mother and I will take care of it. It won't happen again, will it Lilly?" her father asked.

Lilly swallowed hard fighting the frustration and embarrassment that she felt. "No, it won't."

"Since that seems to have settled this matter until the bill arrives, I have a class to observe," Principal Lancer said and left the father and daughter alone.

"Didn't you ever mess up once?" Lilly asked clearly upset.

Danny looked down at his daughter. There were times when she reminded him of himself at fifteen. Those were the times when he became worried. "Lilly, you need to remember that having certain powers means having a greater responsibility on using them correctly. You could have seriously hurt someone today and you don't want that on your conscience. Trust me on that." Then Danny smiled at Lilly. "By the way, ectoplasmic rays don't work on glass very well." Lilly looked up at her dad as he grinned. "We're having dinner at Fenton Works tonight. Behave until then." Danny looked around and seeing no one, he phased into ghost form and left.

Lilly shook her head slightly as the bell sounded above her. Having dinner with her grandparents meant that her parents were planning to patrol tonight. For Lilly, that meant a night helping Grandpa Jack build some bigger and better ghost hunting weapon for her parents to use. Lilly sighed loudly and left the office.

The air shifted in the room ever so slightly as the now solid form of Vlad Plasmius stood in the spot where Lilly had just vacated a moment before. He smiled to himself as a medallion of time hung from his neck. "So young Daniel has grown up and has a daughter. Interesting…" With a quick wave of his cape around his body, he was gone.

"They left me here for the weekend?" Lilly asked her grandparents down in their lab.

"They needed to leave town for a few days," Grandma Maddie said as she handed Grandpa Jack a cookie from the fresh batch she made an hour earlier.

"To fight ghosts!" Grandpa Jack added as he started up the blowtorch.

"Why couldn't I stay with Ava?" Lilly asked ignoring her granddad's outburst. Her grandma just looked at her. "Oh yeah right, we're still a menace to society when we're together." Lilly grinned. "But you have to admit it, it was a good one. Alex and Neil didn't see that prank coming." Lilly caught the small smile on her grandpa's face that he wiped away as soon as his wife saw it.

"Your father didn't think it was funny," Maddie added.

Lilly grinned even bigger. "Sure he did. So did Mr. Traliacs. It was the moms who didn't. Speaking of older brothers, where's mine?"

"Neil's staying with the Foleys," Grandma Maddie said as she watched her husband begin to thread wires through the newest weapon. "Now Jack, we don't want the same thing to happen like last time…" She looked back at Lilly. "Besides you can help us around the house."

Lilly was all ready a step ahead as she whispered to her grandpa, "Blue."

"What was that Lilly Anne?"

Lilly smiled at her grandpa. "Use the blue wire, not the red one."

Jack looked down at the wires. "What do you know, there is a blue one."

Lilly chuckled quietly as she faced her grandma. "Will I get to help my dad? Maybe help sight in your new improved Fenton Ghost Bazooka?" Lilly asked smiling as sweet as she could.

"This is not what I had in mind when I asked to help my dad," Lilly said to her grandmother as she stared at all the boxes in the storage room. Each box was labeled with either her father's or her aunt's name on it. "I need to inventory all the boxes?"

"All the boxes. Then we'll talk about sighting in the new improved Fenton Ghost Bazooka," Maddie said and left Lilly in the room.

"That's the last time I walk into that trap," Lilly said to herself as she opened the box nearest her. She pulled out the yellowing newspaper lining the top of the box being careful not to go to fast. Who knew what was actually in inside especially around this place? She pulled out an old space shuttle model. She picked it up and studied it. This wasn't a toy. Someone had actually put each little detail into the model down to the little astronauts sitting in the cockpit. She looked back down at the box for the name. Dad's? She shrugged and set it aside.

A shoebox came next. It contained pieces of another model and a crude sketch of the Ghost Zone. "Okay dad…" she mumbled. She set it aside as well. On the bottom was a photo album. Lilly opened the dusty album and started chuckling. Pictures of her family's glory days in high school nearly had her rolling. Her favorite had to be of her dad and Mr. Foley hugging. "These are classic."

"You don't know the half of it," a voice said from behind her.

Lilly turned around. "Oh, it's you Clockwork. You know I hate it when you do that."

Clockwork smiled. "How would you like to teach your father a thing or two?"

Lilly's smile widened as two separate rings divided from the middle of her body reaching out to her extremities. Floating next to Clockwork was Lilly in full phantom form from the white hair to the green glowing eyes. Lilly had continued the family tradition of a black hazmat suit with a few modifications.

The first modification was using her dad's symbol. To both her older brother and herself, it just wasn't the right thing to do. After all, dad was the real superhero. They were just his kids. Besides, having a DP on her costume was akin to wearing Grandpa Jack's face on her chest- disturbing to say the least. The second modification was the fact that unlike her dad, as a ghost Lilly and her brother had little restrictions on their suits. They weren't made into half-ghosts by the portal, so their suits were made to work with their individual powers. That's how grandparents, a brainy aunt, and techno-savvy family friends came into play.

"Shall we get started?" Clockwork asked. Lilly nodded. With a twirl of his staff, they disappeared from Fenton Works.

They arrived in the center of Clockwork's lair and in the middle of a large mess. Lilly looked around. Figurines, time medallions, keys of unknown origin and other items she couldn't even comprehend were scattered about the room. "What happened here? Your maid quit?" she asked.

"Nox," Clockwork said in the neutralist voice possible.

"Nox is back?" Lilly nearly roared. "What did that ghost do this time? Does dad and mom know? Oh course they know, that's why they left me behind."

"The issue is this," Clockwork said patiently as he started one of his time viewing screens. Lilly watched in silence as the scene played out.

Nox, a ghost that in appearance resembled the human shape but encased in a flaming violet fire, was waiting patiently inside a castle room decorated in green and gold. A gentleman of obvious means appeared. "What is it that you want?" he asked in a tone of utmost disgust for the creature before him.

"I want to give you a present that I think you might be able to use," Nox said and snapped her fingers. A shiny medallion with the initials of CW engraved upon it floated suspended in the air. "It's a handy thing to have when you want answers like the one plaguing you."

"And what would that be?"

"How to make Danny Phantom join you and leave his family and friends behind," Nox said. The gentleman in the black suit looked suspicious but took the medallion from the air. Nox snapped her fingers again and a Fenton thermos fell into the gentleman's hands.

"What is this nonsense?" the gentleman asked. "A Fenton thermos? Whose idiotic idea is this?"

"This is a thermos that contains a lock. Break the lock and all the power you could ever want is inside," Nox said and vanished.

Lilly looked at Clockwork. "That's the thermos isn't?" she asked, although she all ready knew the answer. "Nox gave the thermos to Mr. Masters?"

Clockwork nodded. "Yes."

Lilly's normal go lucky attitude changed somber immediately. "I thought I rounded up all the missing medallions the last time Nox escaped to create chaos."

"There are still six missing medallions. Vlad Plasmius has one and the means to use it. You know that I can not track anyone when they are using the medallions. That is why I sought you out years back," Clockwork said. "It isn't the medallions I want back."

"It's the thermos," Lilly said quietly. "I don't have dad's powers. I can't go back in time and fight Him. I'll be killed."

"Actually, you aren't going to go back to fight Phantom. You are going to go back and teach your father one of your gifts."

"With the exception of three very minor abilities, what can I possibly teach him that he doesn't already have? Besides, I probably got them from mom anyway. Why don't you send them?" Lilly asked.

"The timeline can't be altered anymore than I'm willing to risk now. Your father can't meet his future self nor can your mother. It would cause too much damage that would alter your timeline. Remember, like I told your father once, I can see the parade from above and all the twists and turns it may or may not take. I need you to put the parade back on course."

"What am I suppose to do?" Lilly asked.

"The thermos is a genetic lock that only Danny Fenton DNA can open or keep closed. Vlad Plasmius is cunning enough to use a fifteen year old boy to open the thermos but thanks to Nox, Plasmius can now travel in time. Perhaps he will seek out a certain five-year-old boy playing in a park to ask him to help open the thermos. The possibilities are endless. That's why you must go. You must destroy that medallion while Masters is in his time period, convince your teenage father to help you retrieve that thermos and bring it back to me using the Fenton portal."

"You do realize my parents are two of the most suspicious and stubborn people I know," Lilly pointed out.

Clockwork smiled. "I know."

"Exactly how do I convince my dad to help me?" Lilly asked.

"Tell him you're from another timeline if you must. Just do not answer any questions that will interrupt this one."

Lilly winced slightly. "It was one time and I fixed it, didn't I?" Clockwork crossed his arms. "Okay, you helped." Clockwork continued to stare. "Fine then, I helped."

"Take your medallion and fuse it inside," Clockwork said handing Lilly a time medallion made for her by the Master himself. "Put on this ring. It should mask you from your father's ghost sense."

"This is new. Where did you get this?" Lilly asked as she inspected it closely.

"An old acquaintance," Clockwork said.

Lilly hesitated for a moment before she pulled off the ring TJ had given her this morning. She looked around the lair. "Don't misplace this okay?" she asked as she handed her ring to Clockwork. "Let's get this over. I have a date tonight." Lilly paused for a moment. "You knew he was going to ask me to go steady, didn't you?"

"I am the master of time. I know everything," Clockwork said.

"If that was true, I wouldn't be going back to see my dad, now would I?" Lilly commented as the portal opened. She stepped inside and the portal closed behind her.

Clockwork smiled to himself. "As planned."