Epilogue - Whatever the Wind May Bring

"Back in black, I hit the sack,
I've been too long, I'm glad to be back
Yes I'm let loose from the noose,
That's kept me hangin' about
I been livin like a star 'cause it's gettin' me high,
Forget the hearse, 'cause I never die
I got nine lives, cat's eyes
abusing every one of them and running wild
Back In Black – AC/DC

Two days had passed since the ritual and none of the brother had really spoken about it again. Yeah, old habits really do die hard.
Dean was packing while Sam was finishing the researches he had been on for the past hours. He had found them a ghost to hunt in an old mansion in Indiana.
As he piled the books, Dean couldn't help a shudder to run up his spine as he put away 'The Key of Salomon'.
This last week joined the week after Sam left for Stanford and the week after their father had died in the top three of Dean Winchester's worst moments. He sighed heavily as he closed the bag.

He walked back to where Sam was sitting, standing beside his younger brother, peeking above his shoulder to look at the LCD screen.
Lowering his hand, to rest it on his brother's shoulder he asked.

"Could you stop for a sec'?"

"Sure Dean, what is it?" The youngest replied, closing the laptop and turning over to look at Dean who was dragging a chair.

"What a week," He said vaguely while sitting down.

"Yeah, what a week,"

"Look, I just wanted to say, that I… I'm glad to be alive and that's thanks to you, so-" He paused to make sure that Sam was looking at him. "Thank you," He finished simply.

"Any time Dean," Sam replied with a warm smile.

"We're still no out of the woods yet, huh?"

"No, we're not. … Dean, look I, I have this feeling. I don't-... it's like something big's coming and, I feel like… like we're going to be crushed in the middle of it." Sam confessed sitting up nervously, a little unsure of himself.

"I know," Dean replied, sitting up as well. He smiled softly before placing his hands on his brother's shoulders. "But we'll get through this together, I promise."

Sam smiled and leaned in hoping that his brother wouldn't back away, for he really needed this. Dean let him and closed his arms behind his back, apparently he wasn't the only one who needed this little bit of comfort.

Sam let his head rest on his brother's shoulder, leaning against the curve of his brother's neck, like when they used to be kids and he had just woken up from a nightmare.

Yes, Sam could feel in the air that the war was drawing near. The pawns were set in motion, mindless puppets moving accordingly to their master's comments. Sam knew it wouldn't be long before the final check-mate but as he stood there, sheltered by his brother's warmth, he knew that no-matter what the wind would bring; he wouldn't have to face it alone. Dean would be right by his side all the way. As he relaxed in his brother's embrace, he let a small smile play on his lips. Yes, however faint, hope was still there…


This was by far my longuest fanfic and it really was a hard job for me to get it done. I'm usually better at doing one-shots but this one came out pretty good, I think.
Anyway thanks to everybody who followed/reviewed this story, it means a lot to me.
See you around,