Raphael Isn't the Only One Keeping Secrets

Upon their descent, Donatello explained to his family the history of the large lake behind the castle. There was a giant spring at the bottom of the lake whose waterfall fed into the city. It was the burial place of one of the brothers who were banished to Lae-Nauth by Draconias, the brother who had control over water and air. He also went on to explain to his family how the lake was supposed to have some hidden magic in it but no one really knew what. Now assured that his brothers, father, and human family were settled in and no one saw them, the very tired court advisor made his way back to his room.

With an exhausted sigh, Donatello pushed his door closed and leaned back on it. His eyes shut tight, his eyelids did very little to block the glow from the flames dancing in the fireplace. Trying to push back the stress headache that had been building behind his forehead, he palmed his face for a moment and then let his arms drop with a heavy thud to his sides.

/You're late,/ a female voice softly whispered. /Very late./

Smiling at the sound, Donatello pushed off the back of the door and made his way to the chair sitting by the fireplace, his eyes on the female figure sitting comfortably in the large wingback. /Couldn't be helped,/ he answered as he removed his cape and then his tunic only to toss them onto the bed a few feet away.

With a smile on her face, the young lady who was resting in the large chair stood up and walked towards Donatello, a soft purple blanket was wrapped around her body. /Were you never taught that it is bad manners to keep a lady waiting,/ she giggled.

Donatello gave the girl a sly and playful look as she walked closer to him, the light from the fireplace dancing along her soft green skin and highlighting her soft brown hair. /Correct me if I'm wrong,/ he said as she stood right in front of him. /But isn't that your title?/

Az-Leah smirked and dropped the blanket to reveal that she was wearing nothing but one of Donatello's shirts underneath. /I am the Lady in Waiting to the queen, not the Court Advisor./ She continued the conversation as she help Donatello remove the rest of his clothing, starting with his shirt. /It has been said that you were successful in finding your family,/ Az-Leah took Donatello's sash and weapon along with his shirt as the large turtle went over to the chair and sat down to remove his boots.

/Yes,/ Donatello smiled wide and giving a grunt as he pulled off his footwear and tossed them aside. /I've missed them,/ he admitted. Tired he slouched down in the chair and let out an appreciative groan as the young brunette began to rub at his worn-out feet. /I was so afraid that we would never find them. Raphael and I were almost ready to return without them./

/How long were you gone?/ Az-Leah asked from her position on the stone floor, Donatello looking down at her.

/Three months,/ he leaned on his elbows, his finger holding her chin up so she would look at him. /And I did not return after three months to have you sit on the floor and rub my feet./

Queitly, and without another word, Az-Leah climbed into Donatello's lap and pressed her lips to his.

Raphael and Mee-Lah woke the next morning when a small knock came at their bedroom door. Tired, Raphael pushed himself up and grabbed his robe by the side of the bed and wrapped it around himself. /who is it?/ he managed to yawn from his side of the large piece of wood.

/It is I, my King,/ Dre-Shun spoke from the hall.

With another yawn, Raphael pulled the large door open and let Dre-Shun in, surprised to see the old man carrying a tray of food with him. /My Queen/ he bowed as Mee-Lah walked over. Standing straight, he placed the tray of food on a small table and eyed the king and queen. /You'll forgive my assumptions your highness,/ he bowed once more. /I felt that you and the queen might like to sleep as long as possible so I did not awaken the both of you when breakfast was being served. I had the cooks prepare something for you both instead,/ he waved his hand to the silver platter. Dre-Shun suddenly bowed his head and lowered his voice. /I know I might have overstepped my bounds but I also told the council that you would meet with them in an hour instead of directly after eating./

Smiling, Raphael gave the old man a firm squeeze on the shoulder. /Thank-you./

With a deep bow, Dre-Shun left the room.

Raphael turned to Mee-Lah with a smile still on his face but it quickly faded when he looked at her.

She had left the conversation and walked to the left side of the room and stared at the empty bassinet. Her fingertips brushed over the delicate cloth of her son's bed as a tear landed on the soft blanket.

Raphael sighed as he stared at her. Quietly, he stepped over and slid his arms around Mee-Lah's waist. /He's coming home today,/ he stated with certainty. /I promise./

/How can you be so sure?/ she asked, trying hard not to cry.

/My brother's are here,/ Raphael tried to reassure his wife. /Things will be alright now, I promise./ With a firm but gentle grip, the large turtle turned his wife around so he was looking at her, his gaze caught in her eyes. /you should stay here and get some sleep,/ he told her.

/No,/ Mee-Lah stated firmly as she shook her head. /I will…/

/Mee-Lah,/ Raphael began to scold.

/If I stay here,/ she argued. /I will do nothing but cry,/ Mee-Lah pressed a kiss to her husbands cheek. /I will deal with matters of court while you are meeting with the council. It will keep my mind occupied./ Her mind made up, she walked over to her vanity and began to brush her hair out. /I can't stay here and do nothing./

With that statement, Raphael stood behind his wife and rubbed her shoulders while he let out a sigh. / You are stubborn, you know that don't you,/ he grumbled.

/No more so than you my love,/ Mee-Lah gave his hand a gentle squeeze. /I'll be alright,/ she tried to reassure him once more.

Raphael nodded, not because he agreed to her being up and about but because he knew that it was futile to argue with her. Mee-Lah was right, she could be just as pig headed about things as he could. Fighting her on this issue would get him nowhere.

/shouldn't Az-Leah be here by now?/ he asked as he finished getting dressed and tossed a piece of sweet bread into his mouth.

/You know where she is and why she is late/ Mee-Lah gave her husband a knowing look.

/their relationship is forbidden,/ Raphael grumbled as he looked at the gold band of metal before he placed it on his head. With a small amount of frustration he adjusted it to try and make it more comfortable. /Donatello and Az-Leah know that what they are doing is wrong./

/why is it wrong?/ Mee-Lah turned around and stared at Raphael.

/You know as well as I do Mee-Lah. Donatello is my aide, Az-Leah is yours. For the court advisor and the lady in waiting to the queen to become involved could jeopardize their loyalties to the ones they are committed to serve./

/You have memorized that law well Raphael,/ Mee-Lah moved across the room and began to pull out a dress. /they cannot help that they have fallen in love with one another./

/Mee-Lah,/ Raphael grumbled before he put his hand on the door, ready to leave. /It is the law, what do you want me to do about it?/

/You are the king Raphael,/ the queen laid out her clothing for the day and stepped over to her husband. /change it./

Raphael gave a brief smile and clasped Mee-Lah's hand to his cheek as she rubbed his face. /when all this is over,/ he promised. /I'll fix it then./ with a smile, Raphael wrapped his arms around his wifes waist and pulled her close. He pressed his lips to hers, giving her one more kiss before he left the room. /come to the council room first?/ he asked her as he pulled on the door and placed a foot into the hallway. /My family will already be waiting./ He smiled when she nodded her head yes.

Easing the door open just a crack, Az-Leah peaked through the small space and looked out into the hallway. Donatello had left minutes before to meet with the council and the king. As usual, she waited and watched the hallway, making sure that no one saw her leave the court advisor's room. It had only been a few months that she and Donatello had started their relationship. Before, they had always been good friends but recently decided, even though it was not allowed, to take their relationship further. As a result, Az-Leah and Donatello had to maintain an air of secrecy and it was becoming harder to hide things from those around them. Donatello had promised the Lady in Waiting that he would speak to the king and ask that the law be reconsidered but the ongoing threat from the horde had prevented any opportune moments from presenting themselves. As such, Az-Leah and Donatello simply had to bide their time and keep things a secret.

Assured that no one was in the hall, Az-Leah took a quiet step out and made her way down the hall to the queen's bedroom. With a quick knock she entered the large bedroom.

Mee-Lah was sitting at her vanity, staring blankly ahead. Her thoughts were elsewhere. Grateful for the distraction, she smiled at Az-Leah as she walked in.

/I am sorry for my lateness my queen,/ Az-Leah apologized, her hands nervously smoothed out the imaginary wrinkles in her dark blue dress. /I am afraid that I overslept./

/It is alright Az-Leah,/ Mee-Lah passed off her crown and sat still as her lady in waiting finished fixing her hair around the band of gold and silver.

/Yes my lady,/ the brunette in the dark blue dress answered, her nervousness easing off as she did what always had every morning. Her fingers doing what they always did, she twirled bits of Mee-Lahs hair about the crown and listened as the queen told Az-Leah of the days agenda.

/Did you sleep well?/ Mee-Lah asked as she looked at Az-Leah's reflection in the mirror.

/Yes my lady,/ she answered once more.

/And Donatello?/

/He slept fi…./ Az-Leah had a look of horror on her face and she stepped back realizing her mistake. She was certain she was in trouble now.

Raphael entered the large meeting room where the council had just been seated. The large room was located at the far end of the castle, behind the larger area where the king or queen would receive guests or speak to small groups of people to solve disputes. It was the 'court' area the Mee-Lah had referred to earlier.

Now, the council members were all seated at the large oval table of bright orange wood. The table's legs spiraled as they were cut directly from the twisting tree trunks of the forest outside the castle. The odd part was that the center area of the table was nothing but a bright white pool of sand. The chair at the head of the table was the largest of them all. It's back, arms and legs all ornately carved with images of small dragons climbing about it, acting as if the furniture were their own personal playground. The eyes of the small creatures all jewels of various colors. At the top of the chair rested a dragon larger than than any other depicted, again it's tail was curled around a group of small humans in a protective manner. It's eye's shone a bright red.

The remaining chairs were each quite large and carved to look as if they were covered in dragons skin, the scales looking realistic. Nervously, Michelangelo peeked out from behind a curtain and stole a glance into the large room as it filled with people, each a various color of green. Some old with graying hair, others just beginning to show their age. Only a few were young, Tra-Vonn being one of the small number. Most of the younger lords had obtained their positions only recently, most likely because their parents had died at the hands of the horde. One of which was a boy of seventeen, Ton-Drin. Michelangelo stared at him as he nervously looked around and ran his hand through his short blonde hair. The turtle assumed this was the boys first council meeting.

"Michelangelo," Leonardo hissed at his brother.

Quickly the turtle stepped away from the curtain and rejoined his family. "I was only having a quick look," he explained as he shifted his belt around his deep orange tunic. He once more gave the pocket of his belt a gentle squeeze, reassuring himself that his medallion was indeed with him and safe. "I just wanted to see what was going on."

"Just be patient okay," Leonardo smiled and placed a hand on his brother's shoulder. "Donnie said we were to wait for Raph and walk in with him."

"How much longer do you think that will be?" Casey asked, stepping in to join the conversation.

"I'm here," a voice came from behind. Walking down the spiral staircase into the room where his brother's were waiting, Raphael appeared. His appearance was a little different this time, his clothing seemed a touch more formal. The large turtle had on a red tunic with a golden dragon, much like the one from yesterday but this one was larger than the one he previously wore and the sleeves were longer, golden stripes running up the length of his arm, becoming smaller in width as they got further up until they came to a sharp point. Again, he wore the familiar red cape with his medallion, crown, black pants and boots. His sai were securely tucked into his belt. With a deep breath, Raphael stared at his brothers and raised his eye ridges. "You guys ready?"

With a nod, everyone followed. As they entered the room, trailing behind the king, those who had been sitting at the table stood and stared. Some had looks of curiosity on their faces, others a pleasant smile, while some viewed the newcomers with suspicion. "Please," Raphael indicated to five chairs, two on his left and three on his right. "Be seated."

Doing as they were asked, Leonardo and Splinter took their place at raphael's right while april, Casey and Michelagelo found their seats on his left. Donatello stood behind and to the right of Raphael's chair.

"Members of the council," Raphael began. "I would like to present my family. My father…" he indicated with a gesture of his hand. "Hamato Splinter. My brothers Leonardo, Michelangelo and Casey. My sister April." As they were introduced, each gave a solemn nod to their hosts, with the exception of Michelangelo who decided on a friendly wave. It was received by a few strange stares and some small smiles. Sheepishly, Michelangelo quickly sat still realizing this was not the place for his animated behavior. He turned his attention to his brother who was continuing the introductions.

Politley, Michelagelo followed his brothers' examples and gave a small smile and nod as each person at the table was called upon. "My family is here to help us defeat the Horde," Raphael continued to explain.

"With all due respect your Highness," an older gentleman asked, his silver hair in a long ponytail that dangled over his black tunic. "How is it that you expect only an additional five to defeat an army that has increased by the hundreds? Surely they cannot be expected to replace the large amount of soldiers we have already lost? How do you expect five more to make a difference?" Waiting patiently, the older gentlemen stared at Raphael, awaiting his answer.

"My family," Raphael began his explanation. "…are all experienced fighters and have had to battle with a variety of foes. With them here to help battle the Horde, our chances of victory greatly increase."

"The presence of only five surely cannot make that great a difference," Maul-Vess scoffed as he smugly folded his hands on his large belly. "You cannot expect us to believe that…"

"Have a little faith Lord Vess," came a voice from behind. "My husband has told me of the many battles he and his family have fought and from what I have been told, we are certain to see victory." All eyes turend to see Mee-Lah entering through the doorway and walking over to the table.

Mee-Lah wore a cream dress with a square neckline and red trimming on the cuffs of the sleeves, small red flowers that resembled those growing wild decorated the fabric. Her hair was curled and her crown resting atop her head. Raphael smiled as she came closer. He held his hand out to her and wrapped it around her waist as she stood next to him. Proudly, he introduced her to his family.

"You'll forgive me for not being here to welcome you yesterday," Mee-Lah started as she was introduced to Raphael's family.

"Your absence was understandable," Splinter answered as he smiled at her. "I trust that you are feeling better."

"Yes, thank you," she answered, a somewhat forced smile on her face as she thought about her missing child. "If you'll excuse me, I will be tending to matters of court while all of you are meeting in here." With a quick bow, Mee-Lah and Az-Leah excused themselves.

Raphael watched as his wife left the room and then returned to the business at hand. Silently, he waved his hand over the sand in the center of the table, his medallion beginning to glow a soft crimson. "Here," he stated as the sand took on the formation of the land around the castle, illustrating the lay of the land around them. "…is the castle," he pointed out. "Two miles north is the Med-Shor Valley. The mountains behind them, the ones you saw as we rode in yesterday, are the Paulk-Nee range. That is where we know the Horde are staying. As Donatello told you earlier, they only come out at night because of the cooler temperatures."

"Why do they stay there?" Leonardo asked as he leaned in, studying the three dimensional map infront of him.

"There are a series of caves that start here," Donatello pointed to the south end of the range. "The tunnels are endless and travel at least a mile down into the layers of Lae-Nauth. It's a veritable catacomb. It's quite easy to get lost down in there."

"What do you want us to do?" the leader asked.

"I would like for Donatello and Michelangelo to do a little recognasense and check out the Horde, see how many there are, what kinds of weapons they have and hopefully any news as to where my son might be." Raphael looked up and glanced at his younger brother and then Donatello. "Leave as soon as we are done here. It will be to warm for the Horde to be out and they will all be inside the catacombs so be careful," he stressed. "Be sure that you get an accurate count of their numbers. I want to know as much information about the Horde as you can give me."

"Donnie and I will go," Leonardo suggested as he leaned in further, his eyes trying to memorize the landscape.

"No," Raphael stated firmly. "It will be Donatello and Michelangelo."

Leoanrdo looked up to see his brother's arms folded and a stern look across his face. "Look Raph," he started, his familiarity with the king receiving a few gasps of shock from the council memebers. "you know as well as I do that when it comes to spying and blending in with the shadows, I'm much more skilled at it than anyone else. I can understand why you want to send Donatello but surely you would agree that I would be a better one to send the Michelangelo."

"hey!" Michelangelo sat up, a look of indignance upon his face.

"Sorry Mike," Lenardo apologized. "But you know I'm right on this."

Smiling, Michelangelo nodded in agreement.

"No," Raphael growled, his hands planted firmly on the table's edge as he bared his teeth. "I will send Donatello and Michelangelo."

"And I say it should be Donatello and myself," Leonardo argured. "You seem to forget that I'm the leader of this team," the blue clad turtle leaned in meeting his brother's gaze.

"And you seem to forget that I am king and this is my planet," Raphael responded as he leaned in further staring Leonardo in the eye.

For a moment is seemed as if the two of them were going to fight, everyone tensing up as they waited to see how things were going ot pan out. To their surprise, both Raphael and Leonardo's sneers begin to curl into small smiles and both of them began to chuckle quietly until both were staring each other in the face, laughging.

"Oh man," Leonardo chuckled. "It sounded pitigul when I said it five years ago and it still sounds pitiful now." Shaking his head, he placed a hand on his brothers shoulder and let out one more laugh.

"Just trust me, okay Leo?" Raphael asked. "I have something more important that I need you to do here."

Nodding, Leonardo agreed and happily returned to his seat.

"My King?" Tra-Vonn interrupted the two turtles. "I am curious, why call this meeting if all you are doing at the moment is sending out your brothers to spy on our enemy?"

Quickly, Raphael turned his attention to the rest of the faces surround the table. "What I need from the rest of you is this. Gather up all the metal that you have, good solid steel. Have your people that work your lands pack only the essentials and then bring them back here along with every shovel, pick axe, whatever can be used to dig." He waited a moment until the faces around him nodded that they understood. "I want as large a trench as possible dug around the base of the castle. Fill it with fuel and ignite it. The heat will hopefully keep the Horde away at night. In the meantime, the metal is to be turned into weapons. And any able body that you have that can fight is to be outfitted with armor. I want to be prepared."

With a nod of understanding, the council members stood and left to do as they were told.

"Michelangelo, Donatello," Raphael began as the room was cleared. "Be careful when you go out. Don't try any heroics, just bring me back any usable information.

Nodding in understanding, Donnatello waved to Michelangelo and both left the room.

"Leo," Raphael looked at his brother. "I want you to ride with me to the armory and look at our soldiers and weapons. The safety of the castle is up to you. Casey and April," he turned to look at his human friends. "Organize the efforts of everyone in getting that trench built and see what can be done with what is brought in from the outer lands," his arm pointed to youth Michelangelo had noticed before. "Ton-Drinn?" he asked, the young man nodded. "He will show you around."

"We won't let you down Raph," Casey stood up and gave his friend a pat on the shell as he and April followed the blonde teenager out of the room.

"Master Splinter," the large turtle touched his father on the arm and stared intently at him.

"Of course," the old rat nodded.

"I don't get it Don," Michelangelo asked as he and his brother were outside the city gates. "If Raph wanted us to go now and spy on these guys, why are we just taking our time, why not hurry to get out there?" Quietly, his hands held tightly to the reins of his large dog and he waited on an answer from his brother.

"Because," Donatello started. "If the traitor is one of the council members like we suspect, then they will want to meet with the Horde after we have made it out there. Hopefully by waiting, we will find out whoever it is…"

"And we can catch them in the act," Michelangelo finished his brother's sentence.

"Exactly," Donatello nodded. "We'll make our way through the Med-Shor valley and then wait at the base of the mountains for a little while. This way, whoever it is that is betraying us will be able to get out there with time to spare. I'm sure they will take their time, if they rush to get out here, it will make them look suspicious."

Quietly the two turtles finished the rest of their ride, Michelangelo observing the scenery allowing the bright colors of the landscape to amuse and distract him. As they rode through the valley, he noticed his brother looking with intensity at the bright flowers that bloomed. "What are you looking at bro'?"

"Hmm?" Donatello turned around slight startled. "Oh," he smiled. "The flowers." He reached down and plucked one of the brightly colored blooms as he passed by, it's scent now strong and filling the air around them. "I always wanted to study this particular group of fauna," he explained. "It seems to me that with the strong scent and coloring they have, this particular group of flowers could prove to be very beneficial. Who knows," Donatello continued as turned the bloom about, eyeing it's large petals. "These could hold a secret to curing a disease or be used in some other way."

"So why don't you?" Michelangelo stared at his brother's confused face. "Study it I mean," he shrugged his shoulders. "If anyone could find new uses for something like this, it would be you."

Sighing, Donatello's fingers unfurled and the flower fell to the wayside as they continued on with their ride. "I haven't had any time really. Being a court advisor to the king is a full time job. Sometimes more than just full time," his eyes drifted off to the side as his eyes took on a look of disappointment. "It's just as well," he turned again and smiled at Michelangelo. "I'm doing something important to help the people of this planet. We all have to make sacrifices anyway."

Michelangelo finished the ride in silence as he thought long and hard about his brother's response.

"Tra-Vonn," Raphael called out before the dark haired man left the room. "Would you mind showing my brother to the armory, make everything he needs available to him."

"Of course my King," Tra-Vonn bowed and waited at the door for Leonardo.

Leonardo began to head for the door but stopped and gave one last glance to his brother. Raphael's eyes were tired and his face drawn. His brother suddenly looked much older. "You okay Raph?"

"Yeah," the king forced a fake smile. "I think maybe I just need to meditate or something."