
Earth was peaceful; there had been no wars, no genocide of the human race in the last 300 years. The Z Senshi hadn't particularly been remembered at all, and the only thing that seemed to have been left behind were the threats of weird Aliens who had been thwarted by a legendary warrior, Mr. Satan. He was said to have pure power, much of which was rumored to diminish that of sorcery and magic that the invaders possessed. Whilst the populace believed that their hero was indeed Hercule Satan, facts still remained to those individuals who knew the truth; and the truth they would keep to themselves to the grave. Thus, history was written as so.

Holidays were made because of the triumph of the hero; Satan Day, Earth Day and other various irrelevant holidays. However, within the past centuries people forgot what the holidays meant and represented, as well as not honored the celebrations. Any example could be found amongst any city resident. There were few though, that still honored the warrior's sacrifices and battles.

The remnants of the legacies the warriors had left behind had dwindled out; the Saiyan race was relatively nonexistent in combat. All of earth's battles were once more with weapons. The weapons however, had indeed advanced. That was thanks to the Capsule Corporation, whose scientific research had led to the vast enhancement of daily living. No longer was it necessary to do most of the daily chores, the only ones that were left were that of cooking and just moving stuff around. If you were rich enough you needn't worry about either. Life was to say, great.

At least most would say that, there were a few who couldn't help but hate life. One of them was known as Maize, it wasn't that his life was unwell; it just didn't feel right to him. And no matter how hard he tried to make a difference in it, it never improved. So he just gave up, he stopped working hard. What was he doing right now? Almost certainly nothing as to improve his life this moment, that was for sure.

Maize lay in his rack, the covers strewn about the mattress. His pillow was damp with his drool, and his head was yet steadily supplying more. His body was flopped all across the bed, half hanging off in a manner which made one question rather it was possible to sleep in such a position. His legs knocked over some of the rice cups he had consumed within the past month and had not bothered to clean up. Light was basically nonexistent presently, as the shades had been drawn along with a sheet barricading the window from illumination. The place was more than a mess to say the least. It was what could be very well considered a landfill confined to the barriers of an apartment.

He was a bum, and that was to say the least. And he sure did look the part, but not completely. He was about six feet and two inches tall. His hair was short but jagged around certain parts. Tufts coming here and there, tufts of jet black protruding every which way. His eyes blue, a cerulean hue, bright and shining unlike his personality. There was life in them, regardless of the lids slammed over them as of current. His face was young, but matured. He looked under his age in the face, but his well built body said otherwise. Which was a miracle, as he rarely exercised if at all. Sleep was his exercise, and what he did best.

Maize rolled over groggily as he glanced towards the alarm clock. It was currently noon, and any normal person would've arisen at the time being. However, Maize rolled over. He was supposed to be at work two hours ago. The way he figured it, he was late; why even bother in rushing to get up and hurry to work. He pulled his sheet over his head as to shield himself from the miniscule amount of light present within the room. With that, he began to drift into sleep once more, not a care in the world…

It wasn't until two hours later, he woke up fully. He slowly rose out of bed, and stretched. His stomach let out a massive growl, signaling that he was hungry. Had he not been hungry, he probably wouldn't have even woken up. He wriggled his way over to the edge of the bed and sat up, scratching his stomach. As if deciding which was more important, food or sleep, he finally rose up out of bed. Lazily stumbling around and knocking over his garbage he managed to find his work uniform. If one could truly call it that. Picking it up, he drew his grease stained work pants over his body as he stretched. He glanced around for an undershirt to wear, and spotted one. He picked it up and smelled at it as if he pondered the actual cleanliness. Without question it smelt abhorrent, surely even the fiercest of beasts would have been repelled by the reek it emitted.

Maize winced and nearly retched. Hurling it aside, he rummaged through the rubble of his room in hopes of obtaining an appropriate shirt. After awhile he found a wife beater with some pizza sauce blemishes and some sweat. 'Better than nothing I suppose… ', Maize thought to himself as he lifted the shirt, his first actual thought within awaking from his daily coma. Picking up his work shirt, which paled in comparison to the wife beater he headed off to his front door, treading through the waste within the confines of his home. Somehow he manages to escape the cavern of his home, with that, he closed the door and locked it. Cups o' noodles scooted out along with the shutting door; Maize on the other hand paid no attention to this detail.

Fresh air raced against his body as he exited his apartment building. 'What a beautiful day…' Maize noted. If there was one thing Maize could appreciate it was fair weather. If it hadn't been for his confinement to the city, Maize would have eagerly moved out to the country. The downfall of that however was that there weren't really many jobs out in the backwoods area. 'But I guess I got to head to work… damn. ', He mentally cursed. Maize headed down the streets of the famed Satan City to his workplace, Piper's Pizza; the hottest and fastest pizza place in town. Within a few minutes he had managed to mosey his way to work. Mosey was definitely the word to describe his method of travel, there was not a sense of urgency within the young man's body as he headed there.

Maize pushed upon the door to the pizza joint, heading inside to clock in. He sulked towards the door however, trying to keep a low profile so his boss Mr. Chovi wouldn't notice him. However, surely as he reached the door, he was halted with the scream of his manager spotting him.

"Maize, just where the hell have you been?! You're five hours late!!!! "The area shook with the power behind his boss' wail. Maize grimaced before turning around. Surely enough there was Mr. Chovi, in his full terrifying self. It's not that he was intimidating, he just could scream loud enough to shock anyone within the area. He was short, about five and a half feet and hair matted his body everywhere. The easiest way to describe him would to be to think of a dwarf. This is exactly how Maize thought of him to be, the dwarf of Piper's Pizza…

Maize tried to collect himself and ease his nervousness away. "Well Mr. Chovi, Sir. I was on my way to work when my cat ran out my front door… I had to chase it around town. I don't know what I could do without pussy! Hah… "He laughed out, scratching the back of his head. His nervousness wasn't at all concealed, as that was yet another lie he had fed his boss within his employment at Piper's Pizza.

Mr. Chovi shot him a glare judging to see if Maize was telling the truth. Maize managed to keep a straight face, without faltering the least bit. Mr. Chovi just shook his head in disappointment and began to walk away. Before fully out of Maize's sight however, he glanced over his shoulder. "Don't let it happen again, or the pizza will have a hint of a secret ingredient... "Mr. Chovi spat through his teeth. Maize gulped and nodded, not really having the courage to even say anything at the moment.

As his boss left, he let out a sigh... He had actually done it again, foiled the Mr. Chovi into believing him. He almost began to laugh triumphantly in victory before a hand slapped him on his shoulder. He nearly jumped out of skin at the action. Turning around gasping, he took a few steps back.

" Hah! You nearly wet yourself Maize! " It was his cute coworker; Briana. " I can't believe you keep getting away with being late.. You are such a bum Maize… What makes you think you'll go anywhere in life? " She was cute, her brown eyes glinting dangerously and her hair dangling behind her in a pony tail. Maize also knew she had a curvy body for such a young age, only a year younger than Maize which put her a little over 17.

" What I can't believe is you haven't gone out with me on a date yet Briana. " Maize smirked as he said that, trying to be suave. He failed horribly at this however. He thought maybe one day she'd actually accept, however she always rejected him; this wasn't without reason however, Maize was just too much a bum to put up with. Somehow Maize had kept the attempts up however, hoping one day that he might be able to take her into the freezer area alone.

" Me with a total bum in society like you ? No thanks. I can hardly imagine what the others at school would think, let alone talk about… Besides that, you stink. How often do you shower? " She spat back at him in sheer rejection. Maize winced at this, it was harsher than any answer she had given him thus far. Maize just shook his head and turned away, heading to go about work.

He headed back into the kitchen area, to begin his work. He wasn't exactly the hardest of workers, however he didn't slack. The best word to describe him would have to be adequate. He just did enough to get done on time, and get by. His buddy Moz came in, obviously just having used the restroom. " Hey Maize, good to see you didn't get fired… yet. " Maize nodded, and continued his work, preparing pizzas. Just then, his stomach rumbled, he was then reminded why he came to work in the first place, which was the free food. Maize halted his work and glanced to Moz.

" Hey Moz", Maize spoke out of the blue. Moz paused his dicing of onions and glanced to Maize. " I'm going to go on my lunch break. " He laughed a bit, and grabbed an already cooked pizza.

Moz on the other hand, face faulted as he looked at Maize. " But you just came to work! And Lunch was hours ago! " Maize looked at Moz from his shoulder curiously for a moment. Then he just shrugged and walked off. Moz just shook his head " Man, that guys going to amount to nothing down the road…. "Moz sighed and returned to work.

Maize walked out calmly, as if he was authorized to go on a break after three minutes of minimum work. On his way, he grabbed a pizza as he sat down, a large one at that. Briana just gawped at him, she couldn't believe that he was actually still working here. Part of herself however did feel sorry for him, he only seemed to have one other friend other than Moz, Krusty and herself. Krusty wasn't at work today, it was his day off. Otherwise, he would be filling in the gap of work Maize so often managed to make deeper. It was at that moment Mr. Chovi walked out, seeing Maize chomping on a pizza.

Mad wasn't the way to describe the expression on his face. Angry? Negative. Enraged? Closer. Infuriated. Yes, Infuriated was the answer. Mr. Chovi approached Maize, the sizzling expression on his face multiplying in intensity along each pace. Maize just swallowed his last bite. He was pretty sure his meal was over . Was he ever correct. " MAIZE!!! YOU'RE F--- " He choked, and winced slightly. Maize grimaced, but halted as he leaned in.

" I'm… ? " He raised an eyebrow curiously, leaning in.

" YOU'RE… Y…UGH" Mr. Chovi clutched his chest, and slumped down on his knees. " Call… C " Maize looked on in shock, this was actually happening ?! He looked over at Briana who was already on the phone dialing 911. His boss actually had a heart attack because of him. Maize was in disbelief, he couldn't even move, regardless of his Mr. Chovi slumping towards the deck in front of him.

Time seemed to go by in a blur after that, the ambulances came and went, Mr. Chovi stabilizing in the vehicle as it drove away. Maize stood along the other two outside of the restaurant staring as the vehicle sped off. Moz headed back in, to keep working. Maize still stood there in disbelief, Briana however, gave him a death look. He turned to head back, however she jumped in his way.

" Maize, just where do you believe you're going?! " She screamed at him, Maize closed one eye as he shielded himself from the wind she was producing from her vocal cords.

" To… Work.. " He answered hesitantly.

" Work? Work?! You heard him, you're fired you deadbeat!" She exploded back at him.

"… He never actually said I was fired… he kinda got cut off. " He retaliated, in defense, but in a sense it could also seem he was making light of the situation. She then took a resemblance of Mr. Chovi before his heart attack, Maize laughed nervously, a tick more than the hilarity of the current situation.

" You're such an asshole! You slack off at work, you steal pizza, you're rude as hell, you're " She kept going on listing things, Maize didn't really listen, but still felt the impact of her words as she droned on, but at a very loud volume. " … you stink, you … Honestly Maize, people like you should just be pushed off the edge of the world! "

Maize frowned, trying to retaliate, " But the world's round… Ohius proved that thousands of years ago."

He failed horridly. Briana however just shook her head, giving up. " Maize, you're really worthless. " He glanced at Moz who was standing in the doorway. Moz however, shifted uncomfortably, glancing to the side.

" … Well ? "

" She's right you know, you're pretty damn worthless man. Cool guy, just worthless. "

Maize was pretty angry now; not at himself, the other two. He clenched his teeth as he shot a look at them. " You're both wrong! Whatever, fuck you guys, I thought you were my friends! " Briana looked indifferent, Moz looked a little uncomfortable but said nothing. Maize was pretty heated, they were right, part of him knew it, however basic nature told him to blame the other two. " Whatever, I'll show you, I'll show both of you! Just wait 'til I'm basking in glory! Yeah, I'll be famous, just wait! And when you all know me, don't come running back and try to be my buddy! See you losers later, hah! " He pivoted and turned, heading down the street, beaming.

However, his happiness was very short lived, he knew they were right. There was no denying that, and that was for sure. He stuffed his hands in his pockets as he continued on walking. The city looked a little dimmer, it had gotten later into the afternoon. The time was a little past five 'o clock, his only remaining friend was Barry, and he was probably at work right now, at the Rice Boy's Restaurant. He got off at Six, Maize knew this; so by the time he got over there, he would just be getting of work. In fact, it was beginning to look a little on the dark side already. Barry would help cheer him up, he knew he would. Perhaps a trip to the Carousel Club would help him feel better… Maize began to et lost in his thoughts, such perverse ones littering his mind of smut filled fantasies.

Maize was so into his thoughts, he didn't even notice the car coming down the street at him. The driver, an business man, had been going slightly over the speed limit. Sure enough, fate met and the two collided. The screeching of the tires filled the air, and Maize, like a deer in headlights, froze. The car slammed into him, he flew into the windshield and ricocheted off of it in seconds. Slamming onto the ground, Maize let out a cry of pain. The car halted, and the business man raced out of the automobile.

" Oh My…! Are you alright? Kid? " The Business man knelt beside him looking at him in worry. His true concern however was that he not be tried with manslaughter, that was the last thing he needed. Maize however was hurting all over, and his arms and face were a little scratched. He nodded, he felt alright, just in pain however. He tried to scoot onto his feet, and the man helped him to his feet.

" Ugh… that hurt, ouch" Maize commented as he flicked some glass out of his skin. His bearings somewhat recovered, he glanced to the vehicle. " Oh man… you're cars trashed… " He noted out loud. The man glanced over to the car, and nodded.

" You're right, but you're okay…" The man responded. Maize glanced at him, he was almost in his thirties, Maize could tell. He looked very successful, like he had a fat wallet. Maize began to think about this when the man spoke again. " My name is Didas Zapato, I own the Pod Company, " Maize's eyes lit up, this was him, the famous Didas! He knew all about the Pod Company, they rivaled the Capsule Corporation, which had dominated them for years. However, Pod still had some relatively useful products. " If there's anything you need, call me. Anytime. " He held out his business card he had seemingly drawn out of nowhere.

Maize took it without any consideration. He glanced at it blankly for a pause and returned his gaze to Mr. Zapato. " Absolutely. " He stated. Didas smiled, and Maize realized he had been a little rude. " Oh, my name's Maize… Sol Maize. " He extended his hand and Mr. Zapato obliged.

" Well Maize, it's a pleasure to meet you, however, I've got a huge board meeting. Don't be a stranger now. ", Didas said quickly, his car was damaged, however he was still able to drive it where he needed to go. Maize nodded and gave him a slight wave goodbye. Didas was pretty friendly, but Maize still had the idea of suing him later for mental distress or something of the sort. Whatever got him some money. He smiled at the thought of this, but then frowned when he realized it was almost Six in the evening. Barry was almost off work. He turned and sprinted down the street, for some odd reason it looked darker than usual tonight.

Within a couple of minutes he managed to get to Rice Boy's Restaurant. He glanced around, looking for his friend. Barry would probably be sneaking out of the store any time now. Barry was a little over a year older than him. He was just as lazy as Maize was, but had his boundaries. Maize seemingly had none. Whilst Maize seemed to keep his self in shambles, as well as his place; Barry on the other hand refused to let his personal representation go into a sorry state.

Barry was also a lot more active than Maize, that was for sure. Barry was a boxer, not full time completely but good enough to hold his own. He was undefeated, however he was just small time. People rumored him to be one of the strongest fighters in Satan City. Barry knew he was good, but didn't know how much so he was. Barry got a lot more attention than Maize, however he wasn't even jealous of his friend the least bit, he figured it was because he was such a good fighter.

What Maize didn't know was it due to his looks also. While Maize wasn't completely hideous, Barry was just the guy girls drool over. He was ripped, muscle every and had the brightest green eyes that could reel in any lady. His hair was dirty blonde and draped to his back. He wore it in a pony tail often, to keep it from getting in his eyes.

After a couple of minutes, his friend stepped out of the restaurant, in his work uniform. Maize smiled at him as he uncrossed his arms. Barry smirked at him. " Skipping out on work again? Man, you're pretty worthless for working huh? " He laughed at him, jokingly.

Maize didn't smile at that and instead frowned. He decided to let it to his friend. " It's not like that… " Barry arched an eyebrow in question. " I got fired. ", He completed. Barry just shrugged at him, not really making a big deal about it, but trying to make Maize feel better at the same time. Maize shook his head as he breathed out a sigh. " All the same time, it's been a bad day all together.. "

" Don't worry about it too much man, you'll find a new job. I tell you what, we can head out to the mall, we can check out the chicks there and get you some new clothes… yeah, you could use some of those. It'd be nice to see you in something other than work uniforms bro. " He laughed. Maize shrugged and nodded in agreement.

" Yeah, it's not like it could possibly get any worse than this. " He commented with a slight laugh. Almost on cue, a car whizzed by splashing him full on with dirty mud. Maize gritted his teeth, cursing his luck. " I should've known… How could today get any worse… " As if on cue, lightening struck and rain started pouring down, soaking Maize. Barry mysteriously only became slightly dampened. " … Let's just go alright ? " Barry nodded and they made their way towards the mall. Neither of them had enough money for a car. So walking or running was their preferred mode of transportation.

A brief walk and they finally reached the mall. Dozens of teenagers littered the area, and Maize knew hardly any of them. Probably because they were still in school, unlike he on the other hand had dropped out his senior year. He was tired of work, he remembered talking to one teacher, Mr. Bowser right before he left.

" Mr. Sol, you do realize you'll probably be working in fast food the rest of your life if you drop out.. " Maize shrugged really not giving a damn. " You'll be as worthless as you are now. "

Maize shook those thoughts out his head, he would be damned if he remembered a bad memory like that now. He had to get over his recent bout of bad luck. They continued to shop, until they managed to find the lingerie store, where they managed to plant camp in order to spy on the women who shopped there. " Oh crap dude, she just picked up that G-String! " Barry muttered. Maize just nodded, drool slipping out. They just stood there staring as people continued their shopping. The mall was a relatively popping place, people bustling all around them. Maize and Barry usually came to the mall, but rarely purchased anything. The idea of buying new clothes for Maize flew out of the window as soon as duo laid eyes upon the lingerie store.

They almost thought they had heard someone behind them. " Excuse me… " They heard someone this time indeed, however they ignored them. An irritated cough, before they felt a strong grip on their neck. Glancing over their shoulder, they looked at who was ruining their fun. The both grimaced as they realized it was Carly, the butch security guard of the mall. She was always giving them problems. It's not like they were exactly doing anything wrong… " I'm going to have to ask you to leave.", She said with a voice full of tenor, so much it shook them.

" No way, it's not like we're doing anything illegal! ", Barry shot back.

" Yeah, fuck off! " Maize said coldly. Her face transformed from irritated to a visage of rage. They felt her grip tighten, multiplying in intensity. Maize glanced over to Barry and the boxer nodded. Maize slapped her meaty arm off of himself and sprinted away, she snarled as Barry shoved her full force. She toppled over and Barry stepped away and started sprinting through the mall. With a beastly howl she rose up and began to run, full speed at them.

She barreled through the area, people flying aside her as she charged at the duo. Barry and Maize dove into the lingerie store in the midst of their fleeing. Girls yelped as they ran through the area, the dressing room. Carly kept in full pursuit of the two, as they managed to make their way to the sidewalk area of the mall again. People cleared the area, the two kept blindly running, up an escalator, running up the rails while the guard plowed through people. They kept running until at last, they reached a dead end, the only hope of escape was a rail in front of them.

" Oh shit… Damn it! We're trapped! " Barry swore. They could hear Carly barreling towards them, as well as see it. Maize on the other hand breathed hardly, muttering how much he hated exercise. Carly reached them in a matter of seconds, a malicious sneer smeared across her face. Maize stood upright, looking dead at her as he recovered his breath. She charged them once more, in an attempt to cuff the pair. Barry dodge and Maize sidestepped, She leant towards Barry who in response went on the offensive. His fist rose up and slammed right into her face.

She howled, like a demon expelled from the body it possessed. Maize stared at shock, as Barry dropped out of his stance and blinked. He had hit a lady… even if her gender was doubtful. Barry glanced and Maize as she fell down clutching her nose and he just shrugged. Deciding to actually take the imitative, Maize sprinted as fast as he could. Barry followed after a second. They continued to sprint in an attempt to escape the mall and the monstrosity pursuing them. People stared at them as they ran towards the exit, the smells of the shops in the food area in their senses.

Maize glanced ahead as he laid eyes on a hotdog stand. Figuring they had already done ill, he snatched up a frank as he shot past. They felt like they were about to get away clean as they saw an exit right in front of them. They laughed as it came into view, Maize smiled as his luck seemed to change for the better. Of course, it got worse; right when Maize filled of hope; the sentries from all over the mall gathered round. They both skidded in their tracks looking on at the five guards in front of them. Maize glanced behind him, paling as he viewed Carly right behind them.

Her face was red, the color of blood. It actually kind of matched the liquid seeping from her nose. It looked bad for both of them and they knew this. Maize sighed as he shook his head, " I can't believe this man… My days been horrible all around… I dare say it now… " Barry glanced over his shoulder at him in question. Maize met his eyes as he looked at the five sentries ahead. " Yeah… Just how could it possibly get any worse than this? "

Barry kind of let out a laugh at his friends crudeness. " To be honest bro, I don't think it's possible… " He slid into a fighting stance, which confused the hell out of Maize. Barry figured they were going to be rough anyway, so he might as well bust a few of their noses. The guards took out their batons as they closed in on the two. The people throughout the mall slowly backed away from the impending war zone, turning into an on looking crowd.

The Thunder crackled outside, as the rain pelted the glass of the entrance of the mall in full force. Barry glanced back at Maize, who slid into a sloppy stance of his own dropping the hotdog he once held. The tension rose in the air, so tightly as the guards approached. It was suddenly broken by warning sirens going off. The power cut off as the thunder flashed once more. The guards looked at each other, as did Maize and Barry; confusion.

The area grew brighter as a large light crept toward them from the windows of the entrance. " Hey, just whut in tarnations is that thear? " One man screamed. Maize's eyes widened as he was suddenly felt full of dread. Screams filled the air as everyone broke from the formation of a crowd and took off in separate directions. Barry and Maize didn't even have a chance to react as the glass shattered and the light zoomed closer.

Barry opened his mouth to scream but was drowned out by the explosion that followed. Maize tucked his head into his arms to try and protect himself. The two flew back from the force of the sheer impact. Debris race across the area as Maize began to lose consciousness, and was fully knocked out as he slammed into the deck below. He grunted as he skidded, and halted harshly, debris and rubble burying itself upon him. Slowly, he felt himself begin to slip into blackness.