Unexpected friends

One shot.

(For the moment at least)

He found the human outside, stuck in a rut not far from the entrance to the Ark.

The Autobot quirked an optic ridge as he watched the boy for a few minutes before moving with a surprising lack of noise. The golden warrior tilted his head as Chip tried to free himself. Or rather, free his wheelchair.

"Come on. . ." Chip muttered as he leaned to his right, taking most of his weight off the stuck wheel as tried to push down on both wheels. He had long since given up on the little motor FirstAid had been kind enough to install in his new wheelchair since it wasn't helping this time.

Snorting, Chip sat back and though for a minute. He leaned to the right again as well as forward before trying to push free again. Something crumbled behind and under the stuck wheel. Something crumbled that should not have crumbled. . .

"Ahh!" the boy yelped and tried the correct the over-balance.

Quick as lightning a massive, golden hand made of metal reached out and plucked Chip out of his wheelchair. Fingers nearly the size of trees curled around the boy to keep him from falling as the Autobot stood back up.

"Primus kid," a deep voice said, "You ever heard of asking for help?"

Despite hearing a snort, Chip grinned as he recognized the speaker. He twisted around once the Autobot opened his hand to make sure Chip was alright.

"Why ask for help when you can get yourself out of it over half the time?" Chip asked, propping himself up on his elbows on the gold palm, pausing a moment to august his glasses before grinning up at the Autobot.

Sunstreaker raised an optic ridge as his own words from a month ago were echoed back at him.

The boy smiled back at him, seeming to be waiting.

The Lamborghini smirked.

"Now you're getting it." Sunstreaker laughed. He stooped to pick up the wheelchair and sub-spaced it.

"Heyyy!" Chip waved an arm, "I need that."

"No you fragging don't." Sunstreaker bared his insizers in a snarl that would have made Seekers take a step back and Minibots to scatter. Ice blue optics stared down at the boy who stared back with wide eyes.

"Not when you're with me." The warrior finished, his features softening some.

Carefully, Sunstreaker transferred Chip to his shoulder. The human pushed himself up into a sitting position with his back to the missile-like launcher.

"Hey Sunstreaker?" Chip asked before the gold twin returned to the entrance of the Ark.

"Hmm?" Sunstreaker tilted his head so he could see the human.

"Thanks," chips picked at a fuzz bit on his pant leg but didn't flick it away seeing as the Autobot he was getting a lift from wouldn't have liked it if he did so. "You know, for before. I never really thanked you and Sideswipe. . ."

There was a pause of silence. Oh Sunstreaker knew what Chip was talking about. He and his twin had saved the boy from Decepticons last month. That was the first time both twins had seen just how fragile a human was, as well as how determined one could be.

Lifting a hand, the Lamborghini brushed a knuckle joint against Chip's side. In the process revealing that he had marvelous self-control in how light the touch was.

"Come on kid," Sunstreaker said as he walked into the Ark, "Let's go bug Jazz."