Title: Scallywag
Theme: 1. Code Name
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I don't own anything and no money was made from this.


Out of all the subjects he had taken at the Interstellar Academy, Mechanical Engineering was Jim's most favorite. He had been so eager and diligent that his skill became capable of designing a simple robot on his own, at the end of the first year.

"Morph, can you pass me the solder wick over there?" The ever-cheerful shape shifter chirped blissfully, and brought his current master the braided metal wire. He was very excited to have Jim around again, though Sarah, B.E.N. and the Dopplers kept him good company. One of the brightest freshmen at the Academy--soon to be a sophomore--was back at the Benbow to spend the summer break there. After helping out Sarah at lunchtime, Jim went back to his summer project, which he had been working on since the first day of his break. Intrigued by an intricate structure in Jim's dexterous hands, Morph settled himself on Jim's left shoulder to observe his master's craftsmanship. "Okay…this will do." Jim smiled contently as he set an IC chip on the motherboard he held. There were several mechanical modules he had finished so far, but what exactly those modules will compose once integrated, was still a mystery to the Benbownians. Jim answered Morph's somewhat questioning chirp with a grin. "It's a project, Morph--Project Scallywag." At the mention of a familiar word, Morph mimicked vivaciously. "Scallywag!"


Jim couldn't help a little chuckle as he saw two miniature versions of the cyborg pirate sitting on the ledge of the window in his room. After a while of studying two of them, he started tickling the one on the left with his forefinger. Seemingly complex handicraft was soon turned into a giggling puddle of pink blob. "You like this, Morph?" Jim retrieved a small remote from his pocket and pushed the red button. With a metallic creak, mini-Silver gradually raised its cyborg arm and clenched its mechanical fist. Morph was delighted and flipped in the air.

The organic side of Mini-Silver's body was made of felt and cotton, while its elaborate cyborg side was the assembly of all high-end electrical parts, fruit of Jim's wisdom and dedication. Its outfits were sewn by Sarah, who couldn't bear to watch Jim keep on pricking his finger with a needle. The coat had a pocket, which he had especially requested. Jim carefully placed what he had clasped in his hand into the little pocket. "Perfect." The pocket was just the right size for a doubloon, thanks to Sarah's reliable sewing skill.

"I miss ya, old scallywag." Jim held his handicraft to his chest, affectionately embracing the manifestation of his infatuation for the cyborg, which seemed to never fade.
