Here's the final chapter, but don't worry; there will be a sequel (but it'll probably only be a one-shot... so don't kill me).

I've really enjoyed writing this and receiving compliments and feed back. To those who reveiwed: thank you so much! You gave me some good advice and help, and you guys really built up my confidence in my writing ability. I also wanted to thank everyone who added me to their story alerts, favorite stories list and favorite authors list; you guys really gave me a confidence boost.

Be warned... there will be OOC...



"Zetsu's other personality talking"


Now, we start on the path to the finish.


Chapter Ten

Three days had passed since the embarrassing incident in the hall, and every night, images of the heavily flushed and bare chested Hidan flashed through Kakuzu's mind. Sometimes, he thought he could still feel Hidan's warm breath on his face, and the weight on his chest and legs. His subconscious pelted him with situations that involved similar positions, but that were far more erotic.

Hidan's wide, shining eyes and slightly parted lips were forever burned into his mind's eye.

Kakuzu had almost thought that he had felt Hidan leaning closer to him as they had lain on the floor, but he quickly passed it off as a wishful delusion. He knew Hidan wouldn't want to be close to him, and how he now avoided Kakuzu proved it. Kakuzu also knew that the crimson blush that stained Hidan's cheeks whenever they did run into each other was definitely his imagination, or was at least from embarrassment or anger.

His arm must have been over one of my hearts; if he felt my heart rate increase, he must know that I like him, and he probably hates me for it. This is going to make missions so awkward.

Kakuzu let out a long sigh.

Well, maybe I should find him so we can work this out; I don't want this getting in the way of work.

With another sigh, he set out to find Hidan.

When he reached the headquarter's common room, he saw Deidara and walked over to him.

"Deidara, have you seen Hidan today?" Kakuzu asked.

"Oh! Hi, un," Deidara said, looking up from the scroll he was reading. "Yeah, I have. I think he was going to practice, so I'd go and look for him in the training rooms."

"Training rooms? Thanks," Kakuzu said.

"No problem, un," Deidara replied as Kakuzu started walking down one of the halls.

Reaching the first training room, he opened the door, and stepping inside, he looked around. He saw several platforms and hanging targets, but no one was in the room. He stepped back out and closed the door, continuing down the hall to the next door.

The next room was large and had no platforms or targets. Itachi stood over Zetsu in the middle of the room, having apparently just won a sparring match. He turned to Kakuzu.

"Hey," he said in his usual monotone. "Care for a spar?"

"Sounds good," Kakuzu replied, "but maybe later. I'm looking for Hidan right now."

"Hidan?" Zetsu asked.


"He's in the room at the end of the hall," Zetsu said. "The one with the moving targets."((1))


"Good luck," Zetsu called out to Kakuzu as he left. "He seemed pretty mad. He'll probably slash anything that goes into that room!"

He let out a dark laugh.

Kakuzu just shook his head and closed the door.

He walked to the training room Zetsu had said Hidan was in quickly. Opening the door quietly, he walked inside.

Broken targets littered the floor, and to Kakuzu's right, Hidan was cutting more mobile targets cleanly in half with his scythe. Each swing of his weapon was strong, swift, and had deadly accuracy. Hidan was panting lightly and small beads of sweat were running down his face and neck, and over his naked torso.

Kakuzu walked farther into the room, but Hidan didn't seem to notice as he continue to slice the targets.

"Hidan," called out to make his presence known.

Hidan tensed and stopped his weapon mid-ark. He turned to face Kakuzu, and although his expression was blank, his eyes showed nervousness and fear.

"Yeah?" He asked, his voice coming out almost like a squeak.

"You've been avoiding me. Don't argue," he said as Hidan opened his mouth to protest.

"I know you have been, and I want to know why. I can't work with someone who won't talk to me, or even look at me for that matter. W need to work this out and get over it so we can continue with our lives."

The words came out harsher than Kakuzu had intended, and he swore he saw Hidan flinch slightly.

Hidan stared at Kakuzu for a moment before sending him a furious glare.

"Get over it?" Hidan asked, his voice rising with anger. "Getover it?"

His hands balled into fists, clutching his scythe in a vice-grip, and he took a step towards Kakuzu, raising his head so he could look directly into his eyes.

"Well I can't just GET FUCKING OVER IT!"

Kakuzu stared at him, surprised by the amount of emotion in his voice.

"I can't change how I fucking feel, Kakuzu," he continued, putting emphasis on his partner's name and raising his voice higher, adding more venom to his words. "I mean, how could a heartless((2)) bastard like you know what it feels like to like someone who could never love you back?!?"

"WHAT?!?" Kakuzu yelled at Hidan, returning his glare with a murderous glare of his own.

"You don't know how hard it is for me, liking you as much as I do! I know you'll hate me, but Jashin dammit, I don't care! I don't fucking care!"

Kakuzu stopped glaring and stared at Hidan, dumbfounded.

"What did you say?" he asked in a surprised tone.

"I said 'I like you'! A LOT!" Hidan screamed, tears of frustration leaking form the corners of his eyes.

"You like me?" Kakuzu asked, still not believing what he was hearing.

"Yeah, I DO!" Hidan yelled back, throwing his scythe to the side with unnecessary force. "And what, prey tell, do you plan on doing about it?!?"

Hidan closed his eyes, trying to stop more angry tears from falling.

Kakuzu stared at him, rooted to the spot where he stood. The things Hidan had said had thrown him completely off balance, and ore thoughts were ricocheting around his mind than his brain could possibly process. It took him what seemed like forever to regain control of himself.

Taking slow, cautious steps towards Hidan, Kakuzu reached up to roll his mask down so it hung uselessly around his neck.

Standing directly in front of Hidan, Kakuzu moved one of his large hands to gently cradle the base of Hidan's head. Hidan's eyes snapped open, and he caught a short glimpse of Kakuzu's bare face before he bent down to cover Hidan's lips with his own.

Hidan's eyes widened.

The kiss was gentle and chaste, and Kakuzu pulled away after only a few seconds, still keeping his face close to Hidan's. He looked into Hidan's eyes for several moments, taking in the shock and happiness that showed clearly in the magenta depths, before lowering his head to kiss him again.

Though he was still surprised, Hidan allowed his eyes to close and concentrated on the sensations Kakuzu was creating within him. He became light-headed, and he clumsily began to return the kiss; the kiss he had received moments before had been his first((3)), and he was unsure of his actions.

Kakuzu increased the pressure of the kiss and lightly ran his fingers over Hidan's neck, drawing small circles on the stitches; this caused a jolt in both of them((4)).

Hidan leaned up towards Kakuzu and loosely grasped the material of his shirt. His tears started flowing faster, and he was no longer able to keep them at bay; the joy he was feeling had completely overwhelmed him.

When the kiss ended, Hidan laid his head on Kakuzu's chest, tightening his grip on his shirt.

Kakuzu, feeling his shirt becoming saturated with tears, wrapped his arms around Hidan's back and shoulders, pulling him close. He kissed the top of Hidan's silver hair, and then placed his cheek on the same spot. He gently rocked them back and forth.

Both were silent. Nothing needed to be said.


((1)) That is the most I've had this personality say in the entire story!

((2)) Does anyone else think this is funny word choice for describing Kakuzu? 'Cause I do.

((3)) The whole religion thing I mentioned before. But just so you know, Kakuzu has been kissed, and he's not a virgin; way back when he didn't look like a quilt, he had been with people– of course he likes Hidan better than he ever liked one of them.

((4)) The connection... remember?

And now it is done. Thanks for staying with me, and make sure to stick around for the sequel, which I have an idea for right now. I'll try to come up with more story ideas soon, so just be patient, more will com.

I love you all! See you next story!