A/N: Here it is! Hope you enjoy! Thanx for the wonderful reveiws everybody! And I'm sorry if some of you didn't like it. This one is funnier.

25 Things that will annoy Gerik

1. Tell him Christine left him for a one-eyed Hobo.

2. Tell him the Hobo had bad breath.

3. Then tell him that Christine still thought the Hobo was better than him.

4. Also tell him the Hobo stole his hair gel.

5. Then tell him you can style his hair.

6. Shave it all off.

7. Laugh at the look on his face when he realizes what you've done.

8. Run away.

9. When he catches you, tell him that Raoul will still love him, even when he is old and ugly

10. When he lets you go in shock, hold your fist up over your head and yell "I've go your nose!".

11. Pee your pants laughing when he tries to get it back.

12. Tell him you'll throw it in the lake unless he gives up music.

13. Laugh at his look of indecision.

14. Laugh even harder at his look of defeat.

15. Stare curiously at his out-stretched hand.

16. Take it in yours.

17. Shout "I do!" and jump on him in joy.

18. When he quickly pushes you away, cry.

19. Say "I thought you loved me!" and turn around.

20. When he asks for his schnoz back, turn to face him.

21. Shout "Well if that's how you're gonna' be!"

22. Frown at him.

23. Turn around and walk away.

24. Shout over your shoulder "I bet there's a one-eyed Hobo somewhere out there waiting for me!"

25. Leave him to wonder what will become of his nose.

A/N: Awwwwwwwwwwwwww. Poor Gerik. And his poor nose. Okay, I'm done. Reveiw, and I'll post another chapter!